Bulb - New quick rough song idea, and working on a brand new Metal Foundry mix!

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
...that snare destroys :)

thanks dude!
i really love the snare, i actually think its the rest of the kit that needs to "fit" better, and i have a list of ideas on how to fix them, just no time to do so.
Im going to be producing some Born Of Osiris tracks soon, and i wanted to get a brand new mix going for them cuz that would be kinda cool, maybe ill work off of this one if i can get it ready in time!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Austin, TX
thanks dude!
i really love the snare, i actually think its the rest of the kit that needs to "fit" better, and i have a list of ideas on how to fix them, just no time to do so.
Im going to be producing some Born Of Osiris tracks soon, and i wanted to get a brand new mix going for them cuz that would be kinda cool, maybe ill work off of this one if i can get it ready in time!

Which snare on MF is that? I haven't used it enough yet to recognize exactly which one it is. Also thats sick that you're gonna be working with BOO!


Oct 17, 2009
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Washington DC
lookitchoo misha! makin that money! you're gonna be the next Adam D of killswitch engage. writing killer riffs and recording killer bands!

just don't get back problems because you're old.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2009
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Earth, Milky way
As always misha great work!... i wish you would do a demo on how you come up with your axe fx patches.. i have one too and have been working on my tone forever its getting better but your tone is just insane.

anyways again amazing job!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2009
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Austin, TX
Tried PM'ing Bulb about the BOO thing but his inbox is full, don't know if I'm gonna get in trouble for asking about it in here, but I was wondering what the deal with that is because a friend of mine gave me a link from a few months back stating they (BOO) were going to be working with Joey Sturgis for the new stuff. Any details on that? Sorry to be a pest ha I know I asked in my other post.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
Tried PM'ing Bulb about the BOO thing but his inbox is full, don't know if I'm gonna get in trouble for asking about it in here, but I was wondering what the deal with that is because a friend of mine gave me a link from a few months back stating they (BOO) were going to be working with Joey Sturgis for the new stuff. Any details on that? Sorry to be a pest ha I know I asked in my other post.

i think they are goin with him for the album, im just doin 3 songs with them


May 13, 2009
Reaction score
Costa Rica
hi bulb...

First off, great track. The main theme is great!

Anyways, i know you like to recieve feedback, so i hope this post helps.

im listening carefully to the mix with my headphones, and i have a pair of critiques (only listed the pointers, i like everything else!!!!):

Bass drum: hmmm its a tricky one.. i think it should have be a bit more volume. I cant feel any boominess on it, just click... I can hear you compensate this freqs with the bass guitar, which is good to mantain the overall mix...

Cymbals: they feel really fat, which can be a good thing. problem im having is i feel them extremely compressed, at the point i hear them saturated (clearly on 1:20), and im really not digging them.

Bass guitar: Its clear to me you emphasize your mixes and compositions on guitars, and have the bass guitar basically complement the rythm tracks and viceversa. (rythm guitars, bass drum). Your mixes have a really solid and massive boominess on them, and i cant help to really take my hat off on this one... productionwise its a really good practice, buuuut... the bass alone lacks personality. As i said earlier, it compliments the other stuff going on, but nothing more.

Lead guitars: Personally, i think you should consider experimenting a bit more :p I know you have busted your ass getting all of your signature sounds, and you have really been an inspiration for me on tweaking and almost everything else on my playing. What really marked this for me was the solo in Racecar from Jeff Loomis, which you can clearly recognize the difference.

I really try to think a great mix is one which lets all the tracks shine at its best. By this i mean you can really appreciate all the sonic qualities of each instrument, but at the moment im not getting this from yours.

I have always been a fan of your work since like... 2007... i even went to NY from Costa Rica to visit one of your shows! Your an inspiration to a lot of us, and i hope i can keep learning from your great material. So dont get me wrong, i fuckin love your work, and i know i havent made a mix yet where i can measure it by your standards, but i believe i have a pretty good notion of sound.

Keep them coming man!!




Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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Uh, guy above me, note how it says rough song idea in the title. He probably knows everything that's wrong with the track already but does not have time to fix it. "i know i havent made a mix yet where i can measure it by your standards" people in this situation usually don't critique their mixes.

Excellent job with the track bulb, and Periphery played amazing at your Melbourne show!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Washington DC
actually i agree with most of those critiques and already fixed most of if not all of those things to my liking, im probably going to use that version of the mix for the BOO stuff as i wanted to give them something powerful AND natural sounding which i think i can do with this.
strangely enough, the one thing thats weird is that lead tone im using in this song is VERY different from what i normally use...


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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To the anonymous negrep-er, are you serious?

He has every right to post his opinion, i'm aware of this, but pro's should be left to their own methods with regards to their mixes, especially when you are not up to their standard. Would you take amp advice from a person that plays a Gorilla 15w amp?

It's not my intention to get so off-topic in here Bulb, but to neg-rep me straight up for disagreeing with an opinion is just stupid. A mature reply to what i said would have sufficed, but no.


May 13, 2009
Reaction score
Costa Rica
@drenzium: just to clarify, i wasnt the one who neg-repped you, i like to say things up front.

Now that that is out of the way (and sorry bulb to get off topic), a couple of things:

1. The fact that i havent made a mix which can be compared to bulb's mixes doesnt make me untitled to having a respected opinion. There are great food critiques where their opinions are considered gold not because they can cook great (most of them cant), but the way they percieve taste and presentation, among other factors. Aswell as film critics, music critics, etc.

2. These are my opinions. If you dont give a shit about them, i really couldnt care less. These where the things i percieved which, for me, would make the mix better, its all constructive critizism.

3. This is the recording forum, and if you look at all the other topics in it, you could clearly see everyone trys to make an opinion based on their perception.

And if you must know, i have 10 years experience in playing guitar, composing, etc. I've been recording my ideas and for about 4 years with limited time, so i havent had too much time to mix and experiment as i would like to. This past year me and my band recorded an album and i was basically at 90% of the recording/editing/mixing sessions with a professional sound engineer - he really helped me view things from a different perspective.

The Last Void on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads - check it :)

Anyways, my intention on my replys arent to give any heat to any thread, but try to give a constructive comments and defend my ideas. Hope you can live peacefully with my posts :)

Again, sorry for the topic shift!!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2006
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i quite like the snare, its works well with the song.
i think you're right in wondering whether its the rest of the kit that needs to be adjusted to fit the snare, as opposed to the snare being changed to fit the rest of the kit.

cool stuff!


Recording Bro
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Awesome track, and like the others have said, bad ass snare. The bass is a tad boring, but it fills up the low end. Maybe try copying the bass part and making a clanking high end one? One for the lows and one for the tone.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2010
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Melton, VIC, Melbourne
To the anonymous negrep-er, are you serious?

He has every right to post his opinion, i'm aware of this, but pro's should be left to their own methods with regards to their mixes, especially when you are not up to their standard. Would you take amp advice from a person that plays a Gorilla 15w amp?

It's not my intention to get so off-topic in here Bulb, but to neg-rep me straight up for disagreeing with an opinion is just stupid. A mature reply to what i said would have sufficed, but no.

I have nothing to do with the rep thing, I don't even use the system, but I have to say that by your logic, very few people here would be qualified to give advice to pro's like bulb.

While I am surely not at all a professional, what I notice is that the guitar often gets lost between the snare/bass drum, the actual guitar tone seems ok, I think its jsut a volume thing. Though this isn't what I'd generally listen to, the riffs from about 26 seconds onwards are quite awesome.

The lead tone is almost perfect and the solo itself is as well, short but incredibly sweet. I absolutely love that sound and wish I could replicate it.

EDIT: And as the poster above said, though the bass line is doing its job, it doesnt seem to come forward and really add much to the song very often, it seems to contrast oddly with the complexity of the other instruments. The frequency range is very well thought out though it seems, all seems well in that respect.