By The Power of Priapus [Cubase, SoloC]

  • Thread starter aturaya
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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score

Just my attempt at actually repeating riffs instead of writing train of thought style. I think it's pretty shitty, but whatever.. :squint:

The guitars were two tracks 100% L/R: Gate -> TS808 -> SoloC -> KeFir with spres8 and some basic EQing. The 'bass' was two tracks with the dry signal of the guitars. One had a dirty tone in pod farm with a relatively flat EQ, the other one was more clean, pitch shifted down an octave, and heavily EQ'd for bass, the drums were handled by a random VSTi called Grizzly I downloaded from somewhere. I just loaded a couple samples into it and triggered them using Cubase's midi-drum-thing, aaand the bass drop attempts were an 808 sample backed up by a sine wave at 61 Hz, compressed for attack. I don't think they hit hard enough.

I had to export it at mp3 because everything else was too big.

I don't know what else to say, so what do you guys think?

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