

I can haz title?
Oct 14, 2007
Reaction score
North Little Rock, AR
West Virginia's forward-thinking thrashers BYZANTINE have issued the following update:

"As of today, BYZANTINE is no longer a functioning band. Due to various circumstances the band will not be touring or performing together.

"We would like to first thank everyone that has supported this band throughout the years. You are the people that really made everything worthwhile and we are amazed at the wonderful response we have had from all of you. Because of you, we were part of something special and without you none of this would have been possible. Next, we would like to thank all the kick-ass bands that we have played shows with and hung out with. These were good times that we won't soon forget.

"It's with heavy hearts that we move on from this.

"Sincerely, from all of us in BYZANTINE, thank you so very much for the great experience that this was. Stay metal, everyone. Montani Semper Liberi."

This sucks. I was really getting into these guys too. Their new album rocks and I was hoping they might stop by here on much for that.:noplease:

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