Carvin TS100 impedance settings

  • Thread starter blackgecko
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Hi guys.

I have a Carvin TS100 and i am using a Behringer BG412V BEHRINGER: BG412V and got confused about which settings should i use.

Carvin has a stereo / bridged switch, and the cab has also a switch for mono or stereo, the cab operates at 8 ohms per side in stereo and 4 ohms in mono.

The amp´s manual says that the outputs are wired in parallel ( not sure what it means)

"The speaker output jacks are in parallel so if two 8Ω speakers are connected the total impedance would be 4Ω for that channel. Likewise if two 16Ω speakers are used, then move the impedance switch to 8Ω.
Note: when in the bridge mode, the impedance switch for each channel must be set to one half the total load impedance. This means for two 16Ω or one 8Ω speaker, set each channel to 4Ω. If you are using one 16Ω speaker, then set each channel to 8Ω. The minimum impedance for the TS100 in bridged mode is 8Ω."

Does it mean that i cant use this cab with the amp if i want to use bridged mode? if i use it in stereo, should i set the switch to 8 or 4 ohm? from what ive read the cab is wired in series so each speaker is 16 0hm ? can i rewire it so i can use it in mono mode ?


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Seven strings... Yes
Aug 2, 2008
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if you are in Mono bridge you can connect a speaker in each jack which would act in parallel together. If you have two 16 ohm total cabs that means you need to set the mono setting to 8 ohm.

The same applies to stereo.

You can connect 4 speakers (two in each channel). Since each channel in stereo is independent you can use different impedance as long as everything matches.

An example can be:

two 16 ohm cabs in each of the 1st channels speaker output jacks were the setting will be for 8 ohm for the first channel.

Two 8 ohm cabs for the second channel were the setting will be for 4 ohms for the second channel.


Seven strings... Yes
Aug 2, 2008
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Oh! and yes. If you are using one cab and only one of the two speaker out jacks you use the ohm setting of you cab. If your cab is 4 ohm in mono switch, the mono setting for the use of one speaker out jack on the poweramp will be 4 ohm, were the first channel controls everything.

There are two other things you can do.

You can set the cab switch to stereo and connect both jacks to the speaker out's of one of the poweramp's channels. In your case being each out 8 ohm of the speaker cab in stereo you get 4 ohms total using mono in your poweramp using two speaker cables. I would use this case since I dont know if the speakers sets are connected in serial or parallel. Since it says that its 8ohm each side in stereo this method will be safe.

You can also run each side of the cab independently using the stereo mode of your cab and of the power amp. In this case each channel would be set to 8 ohm and connect one speaker cable to each poweramp channel.

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