Crate GX212 posessed by satan help!

  • Thread starter GoreNotCore
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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston, TX
I have an oold Crate GX212 and i have to use domestic violence to get it to work temporarily before it cuts out within a couple minutes and i have to abuse it again until it works. literally all the knobs create afwul noises when you turn them, but i can handle that. I can leave the knobs alone and use pedals to adjust anything. i just run effects through the clean channel, but if someone has a good idea to fix it, it would be mucho appreciated.

THE MAIN ISSUE is that it has power and makes noise, but it cuts out. the lights that indicate selected channel turn off and it goes dead silent. If i smack the top of the amp right above the channel select switch, the channel indicator light flickers and it crackles and the speakers make that poof sound like when you turn an amp on. then it works again for anywhere from .5 seconds to 5 minutes, then it dies again. the light that indicates power never goes off through this process, just the light that indicates the channel. I took it apart and nothing looks fried or corroded, so im really confused at this point.

i suspect it might have been modified at some point, because there are a couple things that dont look like they came from the factory, if anyone has detailed pics of one that hasnt been modified (particularly the actual circuit board) , i would also appreciate that.

i like the speakers in it, and it sounds pretty good when it works. i gave up on it for a couple years and left it sitting but i would like it to work again. Hopefully somebody knows something about these old guys.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
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Hello! GoreNotCore

Sounds like the typical old Crate "cold solder" problem. It can be fixed! I have the same problem with my old Crate 65 watt, and intend to get it fixed (one day).


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston, TX
Hello! GoreNotCore

Sounds like the typical old Crate "cold solder" problem. It can be fixed! I have the same problem with my old Crate 65 watt, and intend to get it fixed (one day).

i actually didnt look at that side of the board.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Madison, WI
I used to have a GX 212. What you do is, take the speakers out, remove the transformer.....and throw that fvckin' thing down some stairs, sell the parts, and buy another one off craigslist for $60.

Nah, I did have one, and it started doing the exact same thing. Give it a good whack and get another 5-20 minutes of play time...I got it "fixed" I think three times before I gave up.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston, TX
I used to have a GX 212. What you do is, take the speakers out, remove the transformer.....and throw that fvckin' thing down some stairs, sell the parts, and buy another one off craigslist for $60.

Nah, I did have one, and it started doing the exact same thing. Give it a good whack and get another 5-20 minutes of play time...I got it "fixed" I think three times before I gave up.

ive got it figured out. just needs a new DPDT switch, a couple logarithmic pots, and 2 capacitors. boom. did yours have spring reverb? mine does and idk if it came like that from crate


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2008
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Frisco, TX
It seems as though every crate (at least semi-recent) amp eventually has this problem. I've only personally seen it happen on the solid state lines so I can't say the same for their valve lines. I just recently dismantled my favorite one so i'll dig in soon. Can you post pics of the components you replaced? My guess is that they started cutting corners toward the end of the stl music years so it's likely small pieces needing upgrades to cope with all the business they pack into those things.

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