Crowdfunding my Ethno-Fusion Album - Teasers and Mockups inside!

  • Thread starter rahul_mukerji
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rockville, Maryland, USA
Hello Fellow Forum Friends (a little alliteration there!) :wavey:

You may remember me as
“That guy who made a whole bunch of album covers for his album but never settled on any” I made 145 different covers incidentally! (see this thread ) OR
“That guy who makes weird fractal animations” (see this thread )

Well my "Chinese Democracy" album is finally here (well … kinda. It’s close to finally here) :rolleyes:

Like most others here, it’s been a dream of mine to someday release my own album. Back in 2011, I started working on it and was hoping to have it out by 2013. Life got in the way, but a few years later, it’s almost here.

The music on this album is instrumental and ethno-fusion / indo-fusion. I have Tablas, Middle Eastern percussions, Indian flutes and guitars. There’s definitely some heavy guitars on this album and they offset by some quieter acoustic and laid back pieces and some solo Stanley Jordan type tapping pieces. It’s different from what I’ve generally heard on the local radio and other instrumental music out there and I’m hoping it’s different enough to be interesting!

I got lucky and found a great bass player from Spain, who has great fusion chops and melody sense, for the album. I had my friend / ex-band mate from Germany do the drums and help Co-Produce the album.

The mixing has just been completed and I was able to have the phenomenal Tower Studio, in France (Cynic, Pain of Salvation, BTBAM,Freak Kitchen, Ayreon among countless others) to mix my album. And I’m in the process of getting my bassist’s contact in Madrid to master it. This album was recorded and is being mixed and mastered in all different countries and cities. Gotta love technology and that internet!:agreed:

I went ahead and did my own artwork and layout and I used a lot of my Fractal stuff and other images and sketches. I also tried to make this album an artwork in its own right, and on some of the panels, the fractal image actually has a pop out feeling when you wear polarized glasses (gets distributed with the CD and Vinyl). This works even better on the Vinyl labels and the gatefold image!

So, with all that in the cauldron, I figured it’s best to crowdfund the album and see how many people are actually interested in this kind of music. Since my drummer and I are big on physical media, we are also doing a short-run Vinyl. We put up a few choice rewards that we thought people would enjoy; everything from Digital to Vinyl and more.

Anyhow, if you enjoy the music below and are so inclined, please back my project by clicking on my INDIEGOGO CAMPAIGN LINK

I’ve listed the album teaser and some mockups of the CD and Vinyl here.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the music!

Disclaimer: Sorry Admin, I wasn't sure where to post this, but if it's in the wrong section, please move it to the appropriate one. Thanks!

This was my third teaser and it was made when the album originally had 15 tracks. I had to eventually cut it down to 12 since I wasn't happy with 3 of them.

And here is my original teaser, with my "coming 2013" which never made it. Also the track featured in this video sadly never made the cut :lol:









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