Culture Killer: A Fun Hardcore Band.


Like a Lion.
Nov 7, 2012
Reaction score
Indiana, USA
Yesterday I was browsing YouTube, listening to bands, trying to find something good. Most bands I find are fine, yeah. But the music sounds stale, and just kind of Already-Done, and Already-Done-Better. I have been having a hard time finding new, upcoming bands that really spark something inside my brain that says "WOW. THIS IS GOOD. THIS IS COOL."

Well, I came across this song. The album cover struck me differently, because.. it's not all spacey, or ethereal like every djent cover, or modern Metalcore band. It was pretty plain, and strangely interesting. I MEAN IT'S A SKULL. JUST A SKULL. The name seemed interesting to me as well... as it wasn't "THE DEAD UNDER ME." \M/ or a pluralization of a word... CULTURE KILLER. Seems cool.

So, I clicked on the song. And this is what I got.

The two vocalists pack a punch, and that banshee wail made me laugh in a very good way. The instrumentals are unrelenting and intense. Everything seems to fit. It's awesome to see that Hardcore can still sound fresh and cool. I liked it a lot, and that's why I posted all this. Not that you care about everything above the link.

What'd you think of the song?
It's free on their bandcamp. White Plague | Culture Killer

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