
  • Thread starter Stuck_in_a_dream
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Dec 23, 2010
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St. Augustine Beach, Florida
Dear engage757,
You make it sound like it's a crime to criticize Carvin. Well, I obviously am not one of the highly regarded customers as yourself (it was my first order), so I got ZERO phone calls. Since you have read the thread, and as was suggested by another member, Carvin changed the default body routing option on the DC700 to make straight instead of round. They may have updated that on the new issue of the catalog, but they never updated their web page, even till now, while the change was apparently done last May/June.

If you're saying that a company X is the best, but a customer is a dummy if he completely trusts their ordering web page which has misleading information, then I think this is a fairly biased argument you have there. It's not fair. And in my case, what would have been the solution? Send it back?!!!! What if I don't want to send it back and be without a 7-string guitar for another 8 weeks, don't you think that avoiding mistakes at first place is the way to go? Specially if they are really simple to correct on their part?

I may have come across as a little harsh. Maybe Carvin needs to fix some things, but the reality is, with such a massive company, it could be a minor oversight, it would suck to have to send it back and be without one, but then you would have what you ordered.

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noise in my mind

Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2012
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San Francisco
looks awesome too me! I know that disappointment though when you order something and you don't get it to the exact specs. It's kinda pathetic a large company like carvin can't make simple up to date changes on their website. I have owned a couple of carvin guitars, and for the money, their quality can't be beat! They really are exceptional instruments.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Alright, I love Carvin. I do. I also ordered a DC700 about three months ago and in fact it was this thread that got me researching, and I finally figured out that they had in fact changed the edges and I was not getting the edges which I thought I was getting when I ordered the guitar (I don't care either way though unlike the OP). I am on the Carvin boards for at least 60 minutes a day and I had no idea they had changed anything.

In fact, I even emailed Bart to ask about the BBE binding option and asked him if the guitar had been CNC'd because I might want to add the binding and I knew the edge was different. He replied he could still add it to the order if I wanted but never once mentioned the edge was in fact, not any different.

I work in online sales. If my website was not updated within a day or two of these changes, I would be on my programmers ass. It STILL hasn't been updated after like five or six months. It's a couple pictures and a few sentences of text, in other words it's TEN MINUTES of work. Totally inexcusible. I know Kevio (the programmer) would have done it by now if he was instructed to. That guy has helped me a lot a couple times and he wastes no time.


Active Member
May 18, 2011
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Philadelphia, PA
This is good to know. I'm looking into another DC700. My first one has the beveled edges. I haven't decided yet if I want the flat or beveled edges, but I'll definitely make sure about what I'm getting now that I know the issue is in question. Thanks for the info.

7 Strings of Hate

Mid-Level Asshole
Jan 10, 2007
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St.Louis USA
As per your vote of confidence for Carvin, I actually (if you read any of my posts in this thread or otherwise) happen to agree with you. But you can't be a great company and have an online system that sucks, what's the point of having it if it is far from being accurate. Maybe that was fine long ago, but at this day and age people just submit orders online if it's an option, I did that and did not get what I wanted but the guitar grew on me and I love it now.

It just doesn't have to be this way, Carvin could hire a high school or college kid to do this stuff for them. This is not rocket science web programming or anything. They just need to update the pics they have and MAKE IT CLEAR on the web site what are the DEFAULT options for each model. Seriously it can be fixed in a couple of days.

Considering there isnt really anything like carvin where you can have a gazillion options at the click of a button, and they are willing to fix anything your not happy with, it seems like your complaining about the .01% issue that is a pain in the butt to deal with and ignoring the 99.9% of how awesome they are and how they are better than any other production guitar company on their revolutionary system of ordering guitars with personal specs at great prices and great wait times whilst retaining great quality.

Please also ignore my run on sentance. AND my mispelling of sentance.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2011
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Austin, TX
I have a few tings to say here, but first, let me make one thing clear as it seems that a few members who replied here don't seem to get it.

Disclaimer: I :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown: Carvin and I absolutely LOVE the DC700 you see in this thread. Carvin is a great and a unique company that I respect a lot. Given the prices they offer and the craftsmanship, it's a no brainer for the >$1000 category and I have always mentioned this on several forum posts.

Now, here are my final thoughts on this matter:

- The web site of the DC700 is indeed misleading. It's not that I just didn't get what I wanted, NO, it is misleading because it does not tell you what kind of edge routing is default. The pictures on the DC700 + the BBE option in the builder app imply that the RB is the default option.

- There are a lot of people and I am (was) one of them that will prefer submitting an online order if it is available. Because I was under a lot of stress last summer (death in the family) + my order was straight forward, I didn't feel the need to call anyone. Still for a company in Carvin's stature, in 2012, that has an online business, it's unheard of to have such discrepancies.

- Fixing the issue, as duly noted by potatohead above, it takes a few mins. I know that a lot of web developers use Dreamweaver and a kid can make these changes with this software.

- I learned my lesson, but my point is that it doesn't have to be this way. Carvin can be a great online order company as well as a great phone order company. That's all.

- Just FYI, I am saving for my next year build(s), I was simply blown away by the craftsmanship and the quality that it will be really really hard for me to get anything other than Carvin from now on.


Sep 22, 2012
Reaction score
This is good to know. I'm looking into another DC700. My first one has the beveled edges. I haven't decided yet if I want the flat or beveled edges, but I'll definitely make sure about what I'm getting now that I know the issue is in question. Thanks for the info.

According to Keith the sales guy, you can't get the beveled edges at all anymore, whether you want them or not. So that choice may have already been made for you.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2008
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Urbana, IL
Funny thing was I was just doing a pretend Carvin build and they had a rounded edges option. Like, just now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
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Funny thing was I was just doing a pretend Carvin build and they had a rounded edges option. Like, just now.

I'm guessing you weren't building a DC600/700/800. Rounded edges are not the same as beveled and are available on a few guitars, DC727/747/127/135 etc etc.

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