Data Cattle?

  • Thread starter slim231990
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Life is like a box of chocolates
Nov 13, 2018
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The unemployment office
Can you imagine how someone would react 100 or even 50 years ago if you told them every single person will have a small portable device that will allow them to communicate by text, voice or video with anyone no matter how far across the world they are, buy anything, take photos, videos, etc 🤯🤯


\m/ (゚Д゚) \m/
Sep 26, 2010
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Windsor, ON
I have my phone lock me out of reddit after 35 minutes/day for this reason. Sometimes on weekends if I don't have anything going on and increase it to 1 hr 35 min and it always reminds me how easy it is to fall into that void while doom scrolling.

I don't bother doing the same with instagram because I only really go on there to see what memes my partner sends me every few days, though I know she spends a ton of time on instagram.

Facebook is a joke and my feed seems to be over 90% ads, so I rarely ever log on.


Extended Ranger
Dec 28, 2008
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I looked at my screen time inadvertently earlier today, so this thread really hits home. I use my phone a lot for looking stuff up - and for that I am super thankful, as I learn a crap ton of actual stuff during the day. BUT, my guitar shopping, etc. has turned a lot to FB, because that's where people have moved. Which I hate, because it's SO much better on here, or other forums. FB is just atrocious for actual communication. The issue is that on FB I find myself doom scrolling, rather than engaging or learning. I really need to get off the damn thing. AND get the rest of the fam off, too.


Sep 12, 2008
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Yeah my wife is the one constantly nagging that I'm on the phone too much playing useless games that bring absolutely nothing to our life and I never put it down. Every time there is some TV commercial about it she's like OMG it's just like you. I don't even have any games on my phone.

Yet she is the one with her face buried in the phone while we're supposed to be watching a movie or show together. She's the one laying in bed playing candy crush and scrolling Facebook and temu until 0100 in the morning.

The only thing I even use my phone for is to constantly check what's up here in the forum whenever I have down time or endlessly scroll through the monotonous porn of reddit. Even the joy of that is gone since the days of genuine chicks just being horny and wanting to show off was replaced with armies of cookie cutter OF girls doing the same things with the same stupid titles.

Are millennials killing the porn industry?


Lifelong Learner
Jan 30, 2015
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Charlotte, NC
... That's what social media said.

Not type, talk. With your mouth. In person, on a phone, at a meet-up, or via a virtual meeting platform. Big difference. I regularly see teenagers and young adults hanging out, neck deep in their phones instead of engaging in conversation. I'm not suggesting we should become Luddites; rather, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the world and all that it has to offer because of an addiction to technology.
Dec 2, 2014
Reaction score
... over there...
Not type, talk. With your mouth. In person, on a phone, at a meet-up, or via a virtual meeting platform. Big difference. I regularly see teenagers and young adults hanging out, neck deep in their phones instead of engaging in conversation. I'm not suggesting we should become Luddites; rather, don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the world and all that it has to offer because of an addiction to technology.
I know what you meant and I got your point. please read my previous post as a joke. Do note that the "Delete Social Media" sentence was crossed over...

I do agree with you. One should find an activity to do with other folks that has no internet activity involved...


Life is like a box of chocolates
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
The unemployment office
I regularly see teenagers and young adults hanging out, neck deep in their phones instead of engaging in conversation
Man I'm 26 and I've never seen this happen, maybe I'm lucky 🤣
Like phones are unavoidable, they are part of the thing but I've never seen a group of friends who are actually detached from eachother because they are focused on their phone 🤷
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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Gatineau, Quebec
I regularly see teenagers and young adults hanging out, neck deep in their phones instead of engaging in conversation.
Ya know, whenever I see a comment like this I kinda wonder, why are you paying that close attention to what teenagers and young adults are doing? I remember being a young adult just as texting started to be a big thing, and I was glued to my phone at the time. It completely ruined my life. All my friends abandoned me. I fell in with a rough crowd. Now I'm a homeless drug-addicted single mother of 8 to an abusive baby daddy with no ambitions or -

Wait, no- I'm actually a reasonably successful tech bro with a social life and hobbies and mostly healthy habits and two active bands and a dozen guitars and enough free time to shitpost on forums.
Dec 2, 2014
Reaction score
... over there...
Ya know, whenever I see a comment like this I kinda wonder, why are you paying that close attention to what teenagers and young adults are doing? I remember being a young adult just as texting started to be a big thing, and I was glued to my phone at the time. It completely ruined my life. All my friends abandoned me. I fell in with a rough crowd. Now I'm a homeless drug-addicted single mother of 8 to an abusive baby daddy with no ambitions or -

Wait, no- I'm actually a reasonably successful tech bro with a social life and hobbies and mostly healthy habits and two active bands and a dozen guitars and enough free time to shitpost on forums.
in order to reply to your question, but on my behalf, I father 2 teens (12 and 15 going to 13 and 16 in March), uncle 2 kids in the same age bracket and am a teacher to 15-16 teens in arts and Descriptive Geometry (the alphabet of tech drawing)... it's terrifying the amount of time kids these days spend with their phones and not looking at the sky, but they share postcard pictures of sunsets... go figure...


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
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Planet Claire
in order to reply to your question, but on my behalf, I father 2 teens (12 and 15 going to 13 and 16 in March), uncle 2 kids in the same age bracket and am a teacher to 15-16 teens in arts and Descriptive Geometry (the alphabet of tech drawing)... it's terrifying the amount of time kids these days spend with their phones and not looking at the sky, but they share postcard pictures of sunsets... go figure...
I'm not a parent (see above), but I also work with kids and yeah, it's real. At the high school level, most schools I've been in give lip service to "no phone" policies, but most staff seem to feel there is absolutely no point in trying to enforce them. Schools are as overcrowded and understaffed as ever, and to put it bluntly, ain't nobody got time for that.

At the elementary and middle school level, kids aren't quite as brazen with their phones yet, but they're absolutely glued to whatever screen is available. Between ever-growing class sizes and an overall increase in challenging behaviors, most teachers rely heavily on screen-based instruction. Even with screen-monitoring software on all student computers, it's a panopticon of absurdity where no person has the time to actually check on every student's usage at all times. Most kids are taking every opportunity to tab back and forth between youtube or whatever. In the arms race of blocking websites, the workarounds are always coming out ahead.

We are all going to find out in real-time what the long-term fallout is of an entire generation being exposed from very early childhood to intentionally addictive software.