Deciding to buy a 7-string

  • Thread starter Jamallica
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Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2013
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Las Vegas
Believe it or not, my first guitar was a 7421 and I did upgrade the pickups to a JB/Jazz. The difference in pickups was not as night and day as you might think. The main thing is they are usable and musical, but slightly muddy. Perhaps you could find a 7421 or similar that has already had aftermarket pickups dropped in. To me, Ibanez is one of the best budget guitars out there for seven strings, especially in Europe and Asia. Don't get hung up on the pickups, buy the guitar that speaks to you aesthetically then save for a pickup upgrade. That is part of the fun. Often times, this is actually more rewarding than trying to find the perfect guitar out of the box. Make it your own.

P.S. the RGA is a great guitar as well.

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