Desperately need a hand folks! PLEASE READ!

Aug 25, 2011
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Hey folks what's up? :metal:

I'll keep it short and snappy so you don't get bored
then go more in depth later on so you guys know how big a deal this is to us!

In short:
We have our first ever tour coming up (5 years in the making) and we have just 15 days left to raise as much cash as possible to pay for the following; Physical CD's, T-Shirts, Fuel for the 500+ mile tour and a plane ticket for one of our band members!

Why should you donate?

Come check us out and see what you think for yourself!

B-vera by Karhu on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

More music:
The Karhu Groove

Karhu Supermen Campaign! -- Indiegogo

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have a serious think about this guys and gals a mere Dollar, Euro, Pound etc will help us so much!

We are reaching out to you all for the last 2 weeks before we finally get to tour after 5 years of finding members, writing, networking, relocating, designing etc.

This means so much for us that it really does feel ridiculous trying to convey it on a forum in a single post.

Just please! Check us out and if you feel the cause is worthy, please please please share this around and see if you can help us out!

Many many thanks brothers and sisters!

Karhu :hbang:

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