Dime core

  • Thread starter Zamm Bell
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Sep 13, 2009
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Charlotte, NC
There are bands like this in my area... I fucking hate it....
Its allright to have your idols... but truly have more than one...
As a musician i cant get TOO into any band.. I dont want to sound like Dime or any other guitar player.... I try to have as many influences as possable to prevent my sound from being a copycat sound.. Its so hard to even do this!!!! When you Idolize one player too much.. You will only be a second rate copy of the FIRST! There is a point where its even offensive. Like when you start dressing like your idol and Playing their same style riffage on their signature guitars? How does anyone in their right mind think they will go anywhere in music like this.... ?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston, TX
Im not a dime-worshipper, but including the word "core" in reference to him is totally wrong. Dont lump him in with scene kids and their sisters' pants. Find something better please.
Aug 7, 2008
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I'm a BIG Pantera fan and Dime was one of my main influences when I started playing guitar. I still love listening to all of his old stuff...
but I still do not understand the amount of Pantera copies and Dime wannabes out there. They all wanna sound like Pantera, dress like Pantera, and play the shitty corpse-raping Dean guitars...
Where the fuck is the originality these days? I guess originality went out the window, along with Dean's moral decency.

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
Im not a dime-worshipper, but including the word "core" in reference to him is totally wrong. Dont lump him in with scene kids and their sisters' pants. Find something better please.

Ok so it may not be kind to the old D-bag, but like it or not, a core has developed around playing Dean Dimes, playing bluesy pentatonic solos with random trem squeals thrown and playing pentatonic riffs. I bet these kids even dye their bum fluff beards. It's a core if I ever saw one.


Talk To DeWalt
Jul 27, 2008
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sinsi ohio
Ok so it may not be kind to the old D-bag, but like it or not, a core has developed around playing Dean Dimes, playing bluesy pentatonic solos with random trem squeals thrown and playing pentatonic riffs. I bet these kids even dye their bum fluff beards. It's a core if I ever saw one.



Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
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i find it iridculous, that everyone and his neighbour complains about dimebag/pantera-copiing and copiing his tone, and "core" and the stereotypes around it,and what have you.... and at the same time - we're here on sevenstring.org, where the olympic gold can be won by the one whos copiing best the generic "djent"-tone, buys an Engl Invader+Orange 412 (or Axe FX, or what is it at the moment?), and an 8-string guitar, and wanking his salami to bulbs facebook-profile-picture.

just because its 3 times as expensive as the dime-copy-gear, doesnt make your "movement" or behaviour more "unique". its the same-scene-faggottry as everything else.

seriously, i hate dimebags tone, and think that Pantera is the most overhyped band in metal...but dudes, PLEASE grow up, just a bit! Its almost HCAF here.

EDIT: oh, and for the recurring "core"-bash (which seems to go hand-in-hand with the dime-kids-bash) - please inform yourself first, as "core" does not exist as a genre.

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
i find it iridculous, that everyone and his neighbour complains about dimebag/pantera-copiing and copiing his tone, and "core" and the stereotypes around it,and what have you.... and at the same time - we're here on sevenstring.org, where the olympic gold can be won by the one whos copiing best the generic "djent"-tone, buys an Engl Invader+Orange 412 (or Axe FX, or what is it at the moment?), and an 8-string guitar, and wanking his salami to bulbs facebook-profile-picture.

just because its 3 times as expensive as the dime-copy-gear, doesnt make your "movement" more "unique".

seriously, i hate dimebags tone, and think that Pantera is the most overhyped band in metal...but dudes, PLEASE grow up, just a bit! Its almost HCAF here.

What the hell are you on about? I could count on one hand the number of "Djentists" posting music here. Get off the moral high horse, this isn't about berating SS.org, it's about voicing opinions on an overblown core that arose from a dead rockstar.


Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
i find it iridculous, that everyone and his neighbour complains about dimebag/pantera-copiing and copiing his tone, and "core" and the stereotypes around it,and what have you.... and at the same time - we're here on sevenstring.org, where the olympic gold can be won by the one whos copiing best the generic "djent"-tone, buys an Engl Invader+Orange 412 (or Axe FX, or what is it at the moment?), and an 8-string guitar, and wanking his salami to bulbs facebook-profile-picture.

just because its 3 times as expensive as the dime-copy-gear, doesnt make your "movement" more "unique".

seriously, i hate dimebags tone, and think that Pantera is the most overhyped band in metal...but dudes, PLEASE grow up, just a bit! Its almost HCAF here.
You have to admit that some people take it too far! Try to look like dime. Playing a Dime Dean. All the songs of (input southern metal band name here) sound like pantera then at the end of the set there is a dime bag tribute song cover. And these bands think they are badass because they worship panteraish southern metal.... Down , Black label....blah ect..
Taking a little dash of dime bag as an influence in your playing is acceptable and tastfull... Riping off a band is another thing..... These bands I speak of Feel they write their own songs... and they do... but from a life time of worshiping dime these guitar players are anoying copys.
This does not sound like taking it to far? These guys bedrooms consist of wall to wall pantera/down/damageplan/superjoint ritual/blacklabel posters! Rofl. Why not call it "DimeCore" as a joke to get the point across that its gay to copy that intensely..Im sure the last thing they want to be called is any kind of "core" they detest it because they are set in their "southern metal roots". This means their metal god dimebag.. Ive noticed this in black metal with Cradle of Filth.............................. I like panteras music. :shrug:


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
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i just think that the whole "my scene/music/style is more awesome than your scene/music/style" belongs to kindergarten, and not into a forum which is/was known for a more serious nature of discussions.

seriously, this shit pops up every 2 pages, its getting boring.


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
You have to admit that some people take it too far! Try to look like dime. Playing a Dime Dean.

of course i admit that - no one can deny it. again, its just that i dont see the sense in threads bitching about this issue every 2 weeks - especcially if you could vice versa start a thread about the bulb/AAL-djent-copy guys twice as often. and interestingly enough - its mostly some of those guys starting this kind of threads (i'm not talking about this thread specifically, as i do not know the topic-starter).


Professional doofus.
Apr 22, 2008
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Chicago, IL
The worst part is, all of these kids in bands that sound just like Pantera legitimately believe that what they're playing is still remotely interesting to the heavy music listening public.

I can appreciate what these bands like Pantera, Slayer, dozens of other classic, influential heavy bands have done for their respective genre offshoots, but anybody who thinks that sounding just like them today will bring any kind of success is a fucking joke.

Even in massive genres like pop and rock, only a few dozen bands live on in peoples' memory once the genre progresses over time to something different, so in the niche of heavy music, where there's much fewer fans in general, you get a very small group of bands that will 'make it out' of a genre alive before it collapses around them in its aging process.

Groove metal as we knew it in the early 90s is dead. Pantera, Sepultura, Machine Head, they got out of it. They will be remembered. There will never be another band that finds any kind of tangible success playing music just like theirs. It just can't, and won't happen.

Oh, and GoreNotCore, you've clearly got a warped concept of what "core" derives from. It isn't a pejorative term, it's a descriptive term explaining subgenres that contain hardcore punk influences, and the fact that image among young musicians in ANY genre today seems to be trending toward tighter fitting clothes (which really is just congruent with the rest of the world's fashion ALWAYS having leaned toward clothes fitting appropriately, because baggy looks like shit) has nothing to do with their music, nor the ignorant use of calling music 'core simply because you don't like it, as opposed to it actually containing elements of hardcore. Fuck.

EDIT: And before anybody mistakes my post for bashing old groove metal, it's one of my favorite genres, and Machine Head are my favorite heavy band by a long shot. You'd still never find me playing music like theirs, because as much influence as bands like them have had on what we play today, there is simply no room to continue playing it without progressing with the times. It's not just groove metal, either, for those who have brought up djent. Progressive metalcore is going to die out eventually too, and there's going to be a small group of bands that were central to the growth of the movement, and they will be remembered, even as the years go on and more kids start trying to play it just like bands like Veil of Maya and Periphery and the rest of the original bands in the genre do now, and nobody is going to remember them, because it's just going to be derivative.

We're seeing this happen right now with deathcore, in fact. Mark my words, the last true deathcore band to make it out of the genre alive before it croaks are going to be Oceano, if their sophomore album is a success. Bands like them, Whitechapel, Suicide Silence, TTEOTD (as much as they've fallen off the map, they did help start the show) and others will be remembered as having pioneered the genre and everybody else will just be a footnote. The only way to get any kind of lasting success is to change up your style, or combine genre elements until you come up with a sound that works best for you without pigeonholing yourself into a popular subgenre.

Zamm Bell

My name is Sam Bell
Oct 12, 2009
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Chichester, England
WHOA guys,

I was just having a laugh with the name. I dont like making genras for music, music should just be MUSIC.

Music should be unquie to yourself, and full of passion. A representation of what YOU the writer and performer has to express.

I seriously diddnt mean this to turn into such a hard"Core" topic. Just me and a few mates down the pub thought "haha dime-core" that is all, see if it would catch on as a funny phrase. Oh well.


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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Northern Maine
First. off there are so many bands that copy other bands that it isn't even funny, EVERYONE copies someone else in that respect try to prove me wrong, it's just the way it is. whereas this whole "core" thing what the hell does this mean anyway.

Second, I happen to like Dime , I don't like the shameless exploitation of Dimes name to make a dollar but , until people quite buying them Dean will continue to do so and sadly enough that doesn't seem like thats gonna change anytime soon. I also find I don't like fans or should I say "analyzers "of any band in general, what happened to just being able to enjoy listening to music?

Third I really think most of the bands out today with the exception of a most I can count on one hand are quite boring.


Apr 8, 2010
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I'm not a hugae pantera fan, and I don't much like pantera influinced music. but listen to Upon A Burning Body's Pantera cover. It's sick. I watched them play it last night.


Being confused on SS.org since 2008
Nov 18, 2008
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Chimaera SD
That video was absolute shit. Half of the riffs are wrong or harmonized to sound like shit. I hope I never hear that again. Don't even get me started on the solo.


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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Seattle, WA
It's bands like that which make me hate "metalcore"

Pantera was one of those bands that, whether or not you like them, found their sound/style and honed in on it, so much so that no one has really been able to reproduce it to the same effect. Same with Slayer, Metallica, etc.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2010
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Houston, TX
Oh, and GoreNotCore, you've clearly got a warped concept of what "core" derives from. It isn't a pejorative term, it's a descriptive term explaining subgenres that contain hardcore punk influences, and the fact that image among young musicians in ANY genre today seems to be trending toward tighter fitting clothes (which really is just congruent with the rest of the world's fashion ALWAYS having leaned toward clothes fitting appropriately, because baggy looks like shit) has nothing to do with their music, nor the ignorant use of calling music 'core simply because you don't like it, as opposed to it actually containing elements of hardcore. Fuck.

Thats funny, by your own definition, you just proved that dimecore makes no sense.

i dont call music core because i dont like it. i call it core if IT IS FUCKING CORE.

and about scene jeans, if you buy them in the fucking womens section, they dont fit appropriately. i dont even wear baggy pants you defensive little prick, but i dont fucking wear em skin tight either. Why? because i have these 2 things called testicles that dont like being compressed into pants that are made for people without them: WOMEN. now go cry to your little group of friends that consist of women with dike hair and boys with bitch hair and listen to bring me the hairspray.


Sep 1, 2005
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That video, had it's moments but overall the main thing that's so good about that song got lost in favour of the usual boring 'beatdown' drum beat.


Ironically enough, now in Jesus Land
Oct 26, 2007
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Wellington, New Zealand
I like Pantera, but I do not like Pantera fans. So I agreee.

Me too, they're complete idiots most of the time but they are always grateful when you school them on Dime's rig or the difference between the import washburns/deans he practically never used and the US ones he always sported. :lol: