Don't have a bass to track with.... but will this idea work???

  • Thread starter GatherTheArsenal
  • Start date
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SF2 > Everything
Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Apologies to the mods if this is in the wrong section, i didn't know whether to post it in Recording, Bass guitars, or ERG.

So I have a bit of a dilemma here dudes... In about 2 weeks the song I'm working on will be ready for bass tracking, but i don't have a bass, and all my money is being spent on bills so buying/renting is not an option:noplease:

And if i'm going to borrow one, in my circle of friends I know 4 bassists: 1 moved, 1 needs his for his band, 1 is selling his, and the other is on tour. Shitty luck for me.

But I have one of these at home


that I'm not using in this song, and i'm using Amplitube 3 for guitar effects which also has Bass emulators that sound like the real deal. Question is, has anyone here who's stone broke like me tried this approach to bass tracking?? :scratch:
Is it feasible?
Would the frequencies of an RGA8 w/ bass emulator match a real bass guitar's low end frequencies, in regards to mixing and eq'ing down the road?

Any advice would be very appreciated! Otherwise I'll give it a shot and let you guys know how it works out in a couple of weeks.:hbang:

A bit of info that might be relevant:
- I'm recording direct into Logic Pro 9, Amplitube, Waves, EzDrummer for plugins
- I know my way around EQs, frequencies, mixing, i have never mixed bass before but I think I know what to do/expect
- playing in standard D tuning with an extra A string
- stock Ibanez rg827z
- listening through a pair of Tannoy Reveal 501A's

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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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It works but it kind of sucks.

Coincidentally I just made this, which uses Guitar Pro 6 as bass. I just tabbed it out and got a bass tone within GP6 that was okay, then exported it as a wav. The MIDI bass will sound more like a bass than a guitar into a bass amp does, even if you're technically at the same notes as the bass.

Your RGA8 won't really SOUND like a bass but you can use it to fill in the low end. It will suck though because the high end and mids won't have any bass like click and won't fill in the parts of the guitar tone that don't sound good.