EDD (Evil Day of Death) - EP 1


New Member
Nov 2, 2015
Reaction score
Philadelphia, PA
Hey all,

Over the past couple years, two incredibly talented friends of mine, Chris and Jon, have compiled a bounty of envelope-pushing instrumental prog metal. Just recently they posted up an EP with five newly completed tracks. I'm not aware of sevenstring's policies on promotion, but I have to share this with those who I know will appreciate it immensely; the overall style will immediately remind many of Periphery, Monuments, Tesseract, etc.



It's groovy, it's tasteful, it's cinematic, and it will leave you dehydrated reaching for a fresh pair of undies. These guys are next-level musicians and the production value is as mind-blowing as the musicianship. It's hard to believe that it's coming only from two people. Frustratingly, they are even more humble than they are skilled and refuse to consider what they create as worthy of more than maybe a like or two every other week on Soundcloud. If they're not going to hype it, by God, I will. I don't know where else to turn to get this music the exposure it deserves. If at least one person out here is as moved by this EP as me, this post won't have been in vain. Any feedback received will be promptly forwarded to the boys.

Thank you all and enjoy Evil Day of Death.

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