Enlighten me about cabs.

  • Thread starter will_shred
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Wannabe audio engineer
Sep 18, 2012
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I'm going to be getting a new head soon, (EVH 5150III) and I was wondering what you guys would suggest I pair it with for a cab? Right now I've got a blackstar HT 4x12, and eventually i'd like to get a nice 2x12 (I have zero need for a 4x12). Of course the EVH comes to mind, ENGL, DV mark, orange, Mesa, Zilla or even building my own (a friend built his, it sounds like sex). How the hell do I know which one is right for me? There are so many options, and I really know nothing about cabs. So can one of you enlighten me and help me pick one that would work?

From what I understand, the EVH is a super raw and aggressive amp, which is awesome and what i'm looking for. But I would like a cab to really emphasize on a huge low end, obviously without sacrificing clarity or attack. Help is much appreciated :yesway:

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Previously CYBERSYN
Sep 7, 2008
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Sunny Coast, Australia
The best option is to try as many out as you can.

Mesa, Orange, marshall, etc. are all great quality cabs with slightly different characteristics.

I would suggest looking into Avatar Cabs and loading in some Celestion G12-K100's.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2012
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Atlanta, Ga
I have an Orange 412 that I absolutely love. It has low end for days, and is rather tight as well. I also have an Avatar 212 that I like as a compliment to the Orange, but less so stand alone. It sound's good, but just not defined enough for me as a primary sound. A lot of it is the speakers though. A Bogner 212 is always a great option too.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2012
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Boston, MA
The best advice has already been given. "Try as many as you can". I definitely beat that drum. I jammed with a 5153. As a V30 advocate, I preferred a relation to a cab loaded w/ a greenback type speaker with that amp, hands down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
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I'm going to be getting a new head soon, (EVH 5150III) and I was wondering what you guys would suggest I pair it with for a cab? Right now I've got a blackstar HT 4x12, and eventually i'd like to get a nice 2x12 (I have zero need for a 4x12). Of course the EVH comes to mind, ENGL, DV mark, orange, Mesa, Zilla or even building my own (a friend built his, it sounds like sex). How the hell do I know which one is right for me? There are so many options, and I really know nothing about cabs. So can one of you enlighten me and help me pick one that would work?

From what I understand, the EVH is a super raw and aggressive amp, which is awesome and what i'm looking for. But I would like a cab to really emphasize on a huge low end, obviously without sacrificing clarity or attack. Help is much appreciated :yesway:

Well for one the Blackstar HT412 won't emphasise the aggressiveness, since the stock speakers are fairly flat. It is an ok cab, and does pair well with the HT amps, but I don't think it will be right with the EVH for what you want.

It is unclear if you want a 2x12 or a 4x12? Zero need for a 4x12 doesn't mean you shouldn't get one anyway! I have four 4x12s, and one 2x12, and zero 1x12s, which tells you my opinion on the subject.

For most metalheads, v30s are the most common choice in speaker, especially if you record or play live with a band. If you do neither then maybe something with less mids would be more pleasing, but for now I'll focus on v30 cabs. V30s are a common pairing with all versions of the 5150, which I'm sure you're aware of.

If you want a 2x12, the best two off the shelf big name options I'm familiar with are the Mesa Rectifier 2x12 and Orange PPC212. Both have V30s, and both will sound tight, aggressive and have good low end (for a 2x12). Both are as deep as a 4x12 - which is a big key component of the tone. Biggest differences are the Orange is a bit taller (technically should mean better sound throw/dispersion) but the Orange is designed to couple with the ground. Now this is a big one - by design this means more bass however more bass isn't always what you want. Too much bass can sound muddy with a band, so you might want to put the cab on trolley/something else to raise it off the floor to decouple it. Sometimes, Orange cabs can be too boomy when resting on a hollow wooden floor. By contrast the Mesa cabs castors will decouple it from the floor, meaning the bass response is much more controllable. Mesa castors are also massive and way better than the castors on most other cabs I've seen. One other difference is the handle design - the Mesa's single top handle is arguably a worse design than the Orange which has two side handles. Being able to lift the Orange cab with a hand on each side makes it much easier to get up stairs. All IMO, and my 2x12 is the Recto 2x12 :)

For 4x12s I'd recommend V30s again, and you want to decide between an OS and a Standard sized 4x12, and then pick high end cab from a brand such as Mesa, Orange, Engl or Blackstar where the cab is made from ply and is good quality. Marshalls are OK, but the other brands I've mentioned are better quality. I live in the UK so can't comment on Avatar cabs, along with many other brands that we don't find regularly here. IMO a 4x12 is worth it over a 2x12, it sounds bigger at all volume levels and has been the standard in rock and metal music for decades. If you can lift it, store it, transport it and afford it - 4x12 is the best option whether you gig or not. They still sound huge at low volume levels and when you crank them nothing kicks like a good 4x12.

This is a Mesa Rectifier amp, however it will help you decide between the tone and responses of standard vs oversize cabs. Stiletto is standard size, Rectifier is Oversize.

I have a Blackstar S1 oversize 4x12 with V30s and I really think it is fantastic. However if you are in the US I'd suggest a used Mesa OS 4x12 would probably be easy to find. I also have a standard sized Laney TT4x12 with v30/seventy 80 v pattern, but I bought that used and am looking to replace the seventy 80s with more v30s or t75s.

If you are interested in a comparison of three cabs I did with my Laney Ironheart 120h here are two clips. Guitars only Guitars in mix. Order both times is Blackstar S1412B (v30s) Marshall 1960B (t75s) and EVH412 (greenbacks).

My opinion of the EVH cab is that it is good, but for tight chugging I prefer v30s. Here is a clip with an EVH cab on the left, Blackstar S1 cab on the right - Ironheart chugging (isolated guitars). The level is a bit low on the track so you might want to turn up. My band mate massively prefers the EVH cab though and it is a good quality cab so would still make a good choice.

Whichever way you decide, we want clips! Hope this post is helpful :shred:


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Have a look at the mills acoustics afterburner cabs... definitely worth a look. :metal:


Wannabe audio engineer
Sep 18, 2012
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G Flex that shit, yo! Nice OS 2x12 that will push some air.

when I saw the g-flex 2x12 oversized/ported cabs I really wanted one, but they're no longer made and I've never seen one used.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2013
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It's really all personal preference. My old set up(I play in drop tunings) that I played over 100 gigs with was a 5150 head and Mesa 4x12 cab. It was my favorite setup ever for gear on the somewhat cheaper side compared to an amp like Engl.


Wannabe audio engineer
Sep 18, 2012
Reaction score
Whichever way you decide, we want clips! Hope this post is helpful :shred:

very helpful! Though I'm really thinking about going the route of building my own. Like I said, I friend of mine built his own cab and builds his own pedals so hopefully he can assist me. Also seems like it would be less expensive...

also I much prefered the stiletto, so that's also very helpful. I've heard that for good low end Eminence speakers are also killer, also they're got super high power handeling ratings.


The Uniballer
Aug 25, 2012
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Beech Grove, IN
Avatar 2x12 with one V30 and one G12T75's. I had this setup in a 4x12 (just two of each) and it knocked my dick in the dirt the first time I plugged it into my 6505+. EXTREMELY ballsy.