Extended range new guy from Glasgow


New Member
Mar 29, 2017
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Alrighty folks, hope everyone's well, I just got my first proper taste of extended range, and since I've come here most times for things regarding Ibanez or metal guitars in general, I figured now was as good a time as any to sign up.
So I've been playing six strings for just about 11 years seriously, mostly either chuggy metalcore type stuff or power chord based skate punk, occasionally some cleaner stuff, Frusciante type stuff. With that over the years I've gone through the usual suspects when it comes to sixers, Les Pauls, Strats, SG's (the best playing guitar I ever owned was modded Epi SG, and my current six string is an Ibanez RG I bought used after a dry spell. Anyway, I never really took the idea of an extended range guitar seriously, I figured I might own a 7 string at some point for fun but it would never be something I could see myself properly using. Weirdly though, recently I saw a few Rob Scallon videos of him playing 8 strings and thought "Hmmm, I bet I could do some interesting stuff with one of them" which surprised me, as admittedly I'm ham fisted on six strings and a thin neck. Anyway I just treated it as a far off "yeah I'll get one at some point" type deal, then the other day my girlfriend surprises me with this, she somehow found a Schecter omen 8 in mint condition with EMG 808's for £150, I know it's not the fanciest 8 stringer ever made but it's more than solid, was dirt cheap and all it needed was a new battery and a new set of strings. I'll admit, it was a bit intimidating at first, the extra strings and the sheer size of the neck was kind of a learning curve that I'm still not fully over, but playing it constantly every night I'm slowly figuring out my way around it all, so yeah, I'm new here, I'm new to this type of instrument and I'm looking forward to exploring it further, hope to speak to you all soon, greetings fae Scotland!


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New Member
Mar 29, 2017
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Also, any advice any if you have to offer I'll be all ears, I'm pretty much a blank canvas with anything other than 6 strings so any tips you could offer with anything would be greatly appreciated