Featured in Vintage Guitar Magazine

  • Thread starter rahul_mukerji
  • Start date
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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rockville, Maryland, USA
Hello all you musicians out there!

I've been a member here since 06 and I pretty much made my album from all the feedback off this forum. Right from the music and my musical-direction to the 100+ artwork covers I posted in the Art section while soliciting feedback and asking about Record Labels, CD and Vinyl printing, shipping, PR etc. And I read, I think, every possible post on recording, mixing and mastering and the DIY ethic.

Finally, I released my solo album last year and I've got some great feedback on it. The album is instrumental Indo-Fusion. So heavy Guitars and Tablas :)

I've had the wonderful opportunity to be featured in the current Vintage Guitar Magazine, May 2018 issue both on their Youtube Channel and in the magazine as a full page feature.

I wanted to take the time to Thank all the wonderful forum members who have contributed to all the articles I ended up reading and to the honest and sometimes brutal(!!!) feedback I got that really played a key part in the albums making.

And to anyone out there who is making an album in a DIY effort at their home with little direction, I can't stress enough how much this forum has helped me out!

Cheers and thank you again!

Album Links:


In case you're interested here is the article and Video

You can read the article on their website here, if you choose to :



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