Frequency spacing for IEM and wireless guitar/mic

  • Thread starter Dommak89
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
Reaction score
Ruhrpott, Germany
Hi folks,

this may be a dumb question, but I need to understand this and educate myself: How do you make sure that the frequencies you are using are not interfering with your band mates equipment (IEM, wireless Instrument)?

In my band we are now using IEM, which is the first time for me. In the bands before I was the only one with a wireless instrument, so I never had to worry about frequencies. When we are practicing, everything seems to work out. Neverthless, I would like to understand this, rather than just live with the fact that it works. We all come from different bands and have bought our equipment individually rather than having the same stuff. We are all in different frequency bands and I would like to udnerstand what optimal spacing you need between certain frequencies.

For instance my wireless system for my guitar is a Shure PG 14 which covers frequencies of 855 - 865 MHz. Our vocalist is using an LD Systems 508 IEM which, if I'm not mistaken, is emitting in the ranges of 823 - 832 and 863 - 865 MHz. If my PG 14 sends at 860 MHz and he receives at 865 MHz, is this going to affect each other? How far apart do these frequencies need to be?
Same for IEM: Both the other guitarist and I are using a Sennheiser G4 B-Band (626 - 668 MHz). How much do we need to be apart to not have any interference? Is 1 MHz enough? Does it need to be 4? or even more?

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