Frustrations with your music (Complain here)

  • Thread starter DrakkarTyrannis
  • Start date
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Motion Designer
Jun 15, 2013
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-When I compose music, it rarely matches with the idea in my head, tracks might even end up in a different genre.

-I tend to find certain production/composition flaws only when I re-listen my music some time after the release. Doesn't happen often, but still irks me.

That being said, I'm generally very pleased with my music, and think that every track I've released so far ranges from 'nice' to 'perfect from start to finish'. And that's what really matters to me.
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Colorless green ideas sleep furiously
Feb 24, 2010
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Yeah where to begin.

I have good gear. There are days where my tone sounds incredible. Then there are days where those same settings sound terrible. There are days when nothing sounds good to me. As an example the Kingtone Duellist is one of my fav pedals. But I used it a couple days ago and I couldn’t get any tones that didn’t sound like garbage.

Similarly, there are days when I feel good about my playing... and then days when I hate my playing and I get genuinely angry at how bad it is.

I switched to mostly fingerpicking a year ago and there are times when it’s coordinated and decent speed. But the last couple times it hasn’t been great. Which has me worrying that as I get older I’m slowing down and losing coordination.

Lastly, because I mostly fingerpick my flatpicking has taken a hit. I’m trying to make sure I spend a certain amount of time each time I play using a pick. I don’t know if anyone else has this problem but it seems like my pick slips in my grip and I end up with less and less pick exposed, so I have to constantly adjust my grip.

So all of this has me angsty and not looking forward to playing lately. I don’t want to “waste” the time setting up to play just to be disappointed.

High Plains Drifter

... drifting...
Aug 29, 2015
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Austin, Texas
- I have issues with consistancy now that I'm in my mid 40's. I have some physical issues that are just deflating me like arthritis, carpal tunnel, sciatica, heart failure. If I take a break for even a day or two when I go back to playing my hands are all jacked up. I use to be so much better and now I can't play stuff I use to.- Even on "good" days where everything is feeling ok and I'm playing well my stamina isn't there. I can only go an hour or so where I use to go all day no problem. Don't abuse yourself with drugs and alcohol kids. Moderation is key. One day you literally wake up and can't get over it. Just like that.

This really hits home with me as over the past couple months I'm experiencing more and more pain and tingling in my right hand... sometimes going up my arm a ways. And fuck, it not only sucks but it's scary too. It's been affecting not only basic tasks ( washing dishes, automotive projects, home remodel jobs) but also my guitar playing. I'm getting to a point where my passion has really taken a hit because my physical limitations and discomfort is more frequently and aggressively taking hold. Fortunately I'm still learning and playing somewhat regularly but I have less enthusiasm and am simply having a harder time with everything, mind memory, muscle memory, etc. And that's resulting in shorter and more uncomfortable jam-sessions. I used to try to play at least once every day and I always looked fwd to it. But over the last couple weeks I've reached that point where due to the physical discomfort, I'm losing the enthusiasm, and subsequently not even feeling like playing every day anymore. Over the time that I've been a member of SSO, I've seen these kinds of topics come up and always felt horrible for the people affected.... thinking "I sure hate to think that I'd ever be in that situation". But now... here I am and it just feels sad as fuck.

And with all that... I hate that this is just another thing that sort of disconnects me from this beloved forum. I mean... I get that I'm not one of 'you' because I've never been a great player and I'm not tech-savvy or even into a lot of the same music as most of the people here but I love this community cause it was like the popular dudes allowing me to sit and eat lunch at their table. That was pretty cool cause this place has been a great release for me at times when I didn't want to burden my RL friends, family, or wife with things like anxiety, depression, music-related stuff, silly stuff, etc. Even though I've never had much to contribute, I always found my interactions here quite therapeutic and supportive. It all just seems to be slipping away.

So that's my complaint regarding music these days. Thanks @DrakkarTyrannis for creating this thread. It's a great idea and I guess that it does help knowing that we all have our own music-related woes.
Dec 2, 2014
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... over there...
My complain is I find playing boring, like I feel I'm doing always the same thing...

... and I also feel I spend too much time on music/instruments related social media and web forums, this one included :D...


BlackendCrust Metal™
Mar 29, 2010
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My frustration is i wish i could program drums :lol: i have absolutely no motivation whatsoever. I would have eps released already if i was patient enough.

My drummer instance dabbles with guitars and has 45 full songs he made himself :wallbash:


Brutal yet soulful
Mar 28, 2014
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Chester, UK
I share many frustrations with you guys.

I don't have time for writing music. I have lost my creativity and the job I started a year ago just kills my brain cells. Turning 40 and being playing for 25+ years, I think I am done.

But when I write music, I am very happy with it. I gave up on mixing and mastering (I mix a rough demo, but I outsource the whole process) and this frees me from some pressure. However...

As many have said, visibility is an issue. I have recorded and released some covers of pop songs that granted my duo almost 10k+ plays on Soundcloud, 2k+ views on Youtube, and a few hundreds subscribers. I released an original, it struggles to get 50 plays on Soundlcoud. I tried to push it using adds on Facebook and other social media, invested £20 to get 4 likes on our FB page. I have spoken to a guy who is in the business, and told me that, to get"popular", you need to invest hundreds if not thousands. Screw that.

Finally, I hate the philosophy of my band mates who refuse to play gigs because "we are not ready yet"; we have been playing together for 3 years now. They also refuse to record demos/EPs for the very same reason. That's frustrating.


Dec 7, 2005
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St. Johnsbury, VT USA
Finally, I hate the philosophy of my band mates who refuse to play gigs because "we are not ready yet"; we have been playing together for 3 years now. They also refuse to record demos/EPs for the very same reason. That's frustrating.
I think maybe the majority of us have been there. Ask what needs to happen to signify that you are ready. I bet someone will say that you aren't tight enough. Under normal circumstances, you might then want to propose that if you book a gig, that'll be the only way you commit to getting tight enough. Once you're over that hurdle, everybody will probably want to play every weekend. Unfortunately right now is a terrible time for gigging bands.
Dec 2, 2014
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... over there...

Finally, I hate the philosophy of my band mates who refuse to play gigs because "we are not ready yet"; we have been playing together for 3 years now. They also refuse to record demos/EPs for the very same reason. That's frustrating.

Take note, "NEVER" is the correct timing to play gigs because it's when anyone will be ready. This means that no one is ever ready to do whatever.

Hint, record a rehearsal with a handheld recorder or similar device. Listen to it at home and analise it critically, share it with your band mates. Many times, most are just "scared" or "uncertain" of their own performance and NEED a listen as a 3rd person. Maybe do this recording stealthy with your phone eventually, so they won't be nervous about being recorded?

Also, express your feelings about and after each song played in rehearsals, like "hey, this one sounded nice, it could have been played in a gig and wouldn't shame anyone" and complement your band mates "I liked what you did there, good job"...

Just a few ideas...?
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Dec 19, 2007
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Oh..and I REALLY wish I had the budget to release an album with Sean Beavan, Howie Weinberg, and Michael Beinhorn as my production/mixing/mastering team.

One of the things I love about music is the way things used to be. You went into a kick ass studio and had time and a budget to experiment and work with great producers to make a great album. These days there's no budget and music is made to be disposable.

I really feel like the music world I want to be a part of no longer exists and I'm a relic of a lost time. Even my music sounds like stuff from the 90s


digidun digidun wakka wakka skree
May 14, 2011
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Brewster, OH
Unmedicated ADHD and depression
Having your attention split between guitar and drawing (drawing has some start up costs like a decent pc and the tablet but it’s way better than guitar gearwhoredom)

most of all not believing you can instead of just putting your ego in a box and doing it regardless of how shitty you are in the moment

All I really want is to cover some of my fav death metal songs on YouTube and have at least a couple of people go “woah sick”

TheBolivianSniper Regular
May 25, 2020
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Honestly, I have no idea how to write the music I want to play. I love Death, Revocation, Children of Bodom, Death Angel, shit like that, and I'm close to having the technique for it but I can't ever learn how to pull off crazy solos or write technical heavy riffs like that. I guess it comes from being a classical and jazz player first but there's just a mental block when it comes to advanced metal.

I can thrash like a motherfucker and I'm pretty proud of some of the metalcore stuff I've been coming up with but that's not what I want to sound like at all.


Probably diddling an Oni
Aug 17, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
I’m frustrated with the state of the business. Label focused. I don’t hate pop music. There’s a fair amount that I actually like. I just have a distaste for artists getting screwed so hard on contracts.

As far as my own content? I’m way too much of a perfectionist about my own writing. And I understand that not every song my band writes will be a banger, and not every guitar solo is going to be a jawdropper. I hate admitting it, but I’m super competitive, but have ADHD and PTSD. So attention limitations and anxiety kill it for me.

If I focused on electronic music and industrial stuff, I’d probably find some success. Not as cold to hear a DJ playing your songs when you could be in a band and play them. Clubs aren’t looking for that though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
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Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
At least once a week I get a hair up my ass about a mix or a guitar tone and instead of recording anything, I’ll tweak for hours. Usually it provides good results, but I prefer tweaking on the fly rather than spending hours doing it. It’s so easy to go down an IR rabbit hole or looking at the advanced options in the AxeFX.

Occasionally I feel silly repeating that I’m working on an album as it’s been over 4 years now and I thought I’d bang it out in one. Once I finally found the direction I was going in, I just kept writing and writing better stuff. I really need to focus on wrapping up the tunes I picked for the album. I started with 10 songs that I knew I was going to record and put on an album. Now I’m up to 30 and can’t seem to stop writing new stuff.

This really hits home with me as over the past couple months I'm experiencing more and more pain and tingling in my right hand... sometimes going up my arm a ways. And fuck, it not only sucks but it's scary too.

That’s carpel tunnel, my friend. I dealt with it for years. I worked in the restaurant industry for over 20 years and between carrying heavy trays, multiple plates, carrying plates out of dish, cooking, twisting tongs, mixing large bowls of prep items, typing on computers, guitar playing, mountain biking, my wrists were wrecked.

I went 100% plant based/whole food 4 years ago, almost to the day. Within 2-3 months the wrist pain was gone. All my aches and pains were gone. I had horrible neck issues before that, my neck would be stiff 3-4 days out of the week, to the point I had to turn my body to talk to people next to me. All that shit went away after I changed my diet.


Probably diddling an Oni
Aug 17, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio, TX
At least once a week I get a hair up my ass about a mix or a guitar tone and instead of recording anything, I’ll tweak for hours. Usually it provides good results, but I prefer tweaking on the fly rather than spending hours doing it. It’s so easy to go down an IR rabbit hole or looking at the advanced options in the AxeFX.

Occasionally I feel silly repeating that I’m working on an album as it’s been over 4 years now and I thought I’d bang it out in one. Once I finally found the direction I was going in, I just kept writing and writing better stuff. I really need to focus on wrapping up the tunes I picked for the album. I started with 10 songs that I knew I was going to record and put on an album. Now I’m up to 30 and can’t seem to stop writing new stuff.

That’s carpel tunnel, my friend. I dealt with it for years. I worked in the restaurant industry for over 20 years and between carrying heavy trays, multiple plates, carrying plates out of dish, cooking, twisting tongs, mixing large bowls of prep items, typing on computers, guitar playing, mountain biking, my wrists were wrecked.

I went 100% plant based/whole food 4 years ago, almost to the day. Within 2-3 months the wrist pain was gone. All my aches and pains were gone. I had horrible neck issues before that, my neck would be stiff 3-4 days out of the week, to the point I had to turn my body to talk to people next to me. All that shit went away after I changed my diet.

I can verify that going even primarily plant based you’ll get really good results with your body. It’s like a reset.