Full song mix...minus bass :(...comments please

  • Thread starter schecter4life
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Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Clinton, TN
this is for those of you who asked me to re-record my original with drums....so i did, i changed the ending a little bit and changed around the opening distortion riff...

this was the first mix i put any significant amount of effort into

the only sounds used in this video are clean, and destorion, no reverb..no delay....

trust me...the last minute seconds of the song is worth the whole listen

The Siege of Casterly rock by schecter4life on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

the best part: This was recorded with a squier strat...stock pups wired in series

recorded in Drop B

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Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
Posted today at 10:30AM and you're already banned? Fuck...

Definitely needs a bass or something in the beginning. That arpeggiated guitar part sounds like it needs some kind of supporting progression behind it. Just kind of gets stale for as long as you played it. Even if it's just something subtle it needs some kind of support behind it.

Funny how often you don't notice bass til it's gone. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
Reaction score
balance the cymbals better, please. and your drums sound like a box, and on the single note part, really dont fit well. id say less gain for the rhythm, keep it up for the sweeps. and please record that clean intro,CLEANLY. :lol:

EDIT: single note drum part try quad bass hit right next to snare (32nd note away from snare) and then maybe a single bass hit in between the next snare,repeat. honestly i dont hear drummers play that beat ever.
or its not in time with the guitar or something. IDK!

turn down the bleed on your bass drum/snare microphones.. will help the kick.


String Theory
Feb 29, 2012
Reaction score
Djecnt the masses... thats a bit uncalled for is it not? (1 poster.. TROLL!)

just ignore him dude

Sounds quite alright to my ears, although the eq could be tweaked some i think.

Care to take a listen to my song? its in the thread that starts with Metalaxxe11, il bump it since its hidden away a page or 2 back

Paimon Apotheosis

Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Chicago, Il
Good riffs, bad drum mix, but all good in theory. Need a good presence of a bass and maybe keys/synth.
Good attempt, just take your time next time when you mix down.
Do not let anyone tell you something doesn't fit. Music is supposed to be a raw art, not a pop culture vice. Ihsahn's last few albums are an amazing example of what happens when you do what you want.:evil:


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2007
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Denver, CO
Yea, the guitars sound cool and I enjoy the riffs. The drums need some work, but the ideas are there. You just need to cut the junk out of the drums. Also, are you using S2.0 and if so, are you running a bunch of the room mics? If so, that is the likely culprit for the boxy sound from the kick and snare. But for your first serious-ish mix ever, that is a pretty good start.


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Djecnt the masses... thats a bit uncalled for is it not? (1 poster.. TROLL!)

just ignore him dude

Sounds quite alright to my ears, although the eq could be tweaked some i think.

Care to take a listen to my song? its in the thread that starts with Metalaxxe11, il bump it since its hidden away a page or 2 back
im a troll, for trying to help someone, right buddy......:scratch:
and musicians dont like to hear guitar parts sloppily played, maybe its JUST ME...
but i hear the mistakes in the clean part and it ruins the vibe.:nono:

and the drums need work im not the only one that said this. the cymbals are all over the place.:ugh:

Metttalaxe: i listened to your mix and the cymbals are balanced how they should be....:yesway: reminded me of rush. NICE!


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
this is really good. sorry about the ban. also: hilarious that it was a squier strat.


Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Clinton, TN
im so confused

why is shecter4life banned? :scratch:

IM BACK YALL, THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS, It was a temporary Ban, just 2 days, tanks for the kind words, and the not so kind *djent the masses", ill make sure it sounds less shit next time ;)

as for the drum thing...never have i played a drum set, nor have i jammed with a drummer more than 10 mins at a given time, so i think i did alright...
i just programmed them with the stock ez drummer set with piano roll in mixcraft, didnt even think about mixing the drum and cymbal volumes individually, most definately should have. but im installing Drumkit From Hell as im typing this :D

fpr my next mix im hoping you guys can hear the Ride cymbal, and the kick dont sound like the beater is hitting a textbook
im a troll, for trying to help someone, right buddy......:scratch:
and musicians dont like to hear guitar parts sloppily played, maybe its JUST ME...
but i hear the mistakes in the clean part and it ruins the vibe.:nono:

and the drums need work im not the only one that said this. the cymbals are all over the place.:ugh:

Metttalaxe: i listened to your mix and the cymbals are balanced how they should be....:yesway: reminded me of rush. NICE!
xD xD still not reading the full posts are we?
That clean part is FAR more of a bitch than it sounds, im having the oposite effect as most people, im finding some pretty killer high-gain tones with little effort, but it is KILLING me trying to find a good clean tone, PLus it was 4 am and the clean intro was recorded after the i think 3 hour process of programming drums, and tracking and mixing the guitars, so i was in a hurry by then and didn't take my time, so it came out badly, the recording was mainly just to show my progress since the last clip i posted...and asilayamazing...your right, without eveng realizing it i have pretty much emulated Parkway's tone, but hey, i fuckin love their tone so im not complaining :D After all, They have been Produced by Adam D, and Joe Barresi, so im perfectly happy my tone resmbles their's


Dec 21, 2010
Reaction score
Clinton, TN
Posted today at 10:30AM and you're already banned? Fuck...

Definitely needs a bass or something in the beginning. That arpeggiated guitar part sounds like it needs some kind of supporting progression behind it. Just kind of gets stale for as long as you played it. Even if it's just something subtle it needs some kind of support behind it.

Funny how often you don't notice bass til it's gone. :lol:
which one is the arepeggiated guitar part...i know nothing of the instrument i play:lol: for real, never practice or nothing either...good things just come from my hands when i get "into" it, from the time i started playing (4 years ago) ive just been able to pick up a guitar and sound "good" for the most part, never had lessons, never leaned ANY theory, nor any chords, i just kinda rapidly learned it myself, and alot faster than i thought was possible for me, its just something that comes natural to me...and the funny part is im better than my brother, who has put years of study into it, and my dad who has spent a lifetime playing (i just kinda "know" what notes sound good where and with what other notes, i guess my brain just functions musically xD)

balance the cymbals better, please. and your drums sound like a box, and on the single note part, really dont fit well. id say less gain for the rhythm, keep it up for the sweeps. and please record that clean intro,CLEANLY. :lol:

EDIT: single note drum part try quad bass hit right next to snare (32nd note away from snare) and then maybe a single bass hit in between the next snare,repeat. honestly i dont hear drummers play that beat ever.
or its not in time with the guitar or something. IDK!

turn down the bleed on your bass drum/snare microphones.. will help the kick.
my song has sweeps in it????:scratch: BADASS!!!!:shred: