Getting a good guitar sound - HELP

  • Thread starter jackmcdonnell
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Jan 18, 2011
Reaction score
Kent, United Kingdom
I've put together an intentionally generic sounding piece of music to practice my mixing and to see what sounds i can achieve with my Ibanez RG7620, POD 2.0 and Superior 2.0. I'm becoming really frustrated because I'm not getting the tight, defined, full sounding guitar tone i'm looking for when instead to my ears i'm ending up with something fizzy and undefined. This recording uses the POD 2 on the soldando-esque "modern hi-gain" setting. with parameters as such:

Drive: 4
Bass: 7/8
Mids: 7
Treble: 7

I've tried this before with the Bass around 4 and the mids/highs around 6/7. it sounded thin and weak, but at that stage i hadn't thought of copying the guitar regions multiple times, as i have here. There is no EQ-ing in Logic, but i have added a noise gate with 1ms attack and release times and a -15dB threshold.

I'm really looking for what you think of the sound and hints or suggestions as to how i could go about improving it to get it more towards the sound i'm looking for.

heres the recording:

Tone test by Jack McDonnell on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free


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Ill-Gotten James

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2011
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Washington, DC
That is a tough call Jack. I am not familiar with Logic, nor am I familiar with pods. Based on your tone settings, my first suggestion is what you have already tried. Decrease the bass and mids. What you could do is double track with two different eq settings. In the end you may be able to take two differently EQ'ed guitar tracks and mix them into one track that you like. However, in my experience, you want the best tone possible to be recorded, before altering it with Eqs. Try using compression if Logic has it. Utilize a high attack, with a ratio of around 7-8:1. That might help you get a tighter sound. I am aware that you are using a limiter as well to help you get the tone you are looking for. Sorry I could not be more helpful. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2010
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San Francisco, CA
I don't know much about the Pod 2.0. I do use pod farm which I've been able to get a pretty decent sounding tone with the Big Bottom amp mod. I do think with superior if you haven't already, get metal foundry, and load up one of the presets and fool with it from there. With the guitar tracks, double tracking is in my opinion what makes the difference like James just said. Hope this helps. :shred:


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
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Reading, UK
Focus mainly on mids when recording guitars, it depends on what sound your looking for overall, but with my tracks I keep the gain at mid day, bass at 10, mids about 4, treble and presence between 1-3 depending on the song. Also try turning off the cab modelling on the pod on i am sure its possible if you read the manual and use impulses there is a great thread about using them