Giving recording a new try (new oni involved yaay me?)

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Active Member
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
Cool song, but the mastering is a bit much on the compression. Very maximized. Other than that theres a lot of potential. Very jelly of the Oni!


Paranormal Entity
Apr 26, 2010
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Song has potential, but the mix is very distracting for me honestly. I'm listening on ear buds right now so take these comments with a grain of salt. The guitars seem to suffer from some mud in the low-mid region (or maybe even lower). Do you have a high pass / low pass filter on the guitar bus? I'd focus on sucking some of that low end mud out of the guitar and keeping as much of the high end clarity of your guitar as possible without it being too harsh. Futhermore, as someone else mentioned it sounds like something on the master buss is taking away from the mix - likely the compression is not allowing the elements of your mix to gel / glue together because of EQ conflicts among those elements. Just another quick note - I can't tell if there is bass in this mix but get some bass in there and let it occupy most of the low region which will seem to add body to the guitars. The guitars are often SLIGHTLY thin sounding by themselves but when accompanied with bass really come to life in the mix. I don't claim to be a professional, but these are just some of my thoughts. Good luck!


May 9, 2010
Reaction score
the metro, sc
thanks for the comments they are always helpful, i can never seem to see the mix from all angles and it helps of course to have several ears in the kitchen so to speak, i think i didn't shelf properly for the guitars, i wanted more bass than is probably necessary, as for bass, it's there but very very far in the background, but that's because i feel i suck so bad at it i would rather not hear myself play it, plus i have no good preamp for my bass just whatever plugins in digital performer 8 and that's not a whole lot really, as for the compression there is a newer mix with less compression and less reliance on the maximizer for loudness, it sounds less pumpy or whatever idk, and more natural with a bit more dynamic range added, i don't believe that mix is even uploaded

i really do appreciate the criticizes and such, thanks!


May 13, 2008
Reaction score
Central FL
That is a thick ass guitar tone, is the bass the same octave then? I don't particularily care for the delay or reverb on the guitars? It sounds like some sort of modulation effect or something possibly out of phase.

As for as limiting on the master goes, make sure the master is low before sending it to the limiter so you don't get wierd pumping from transients if you have fast attack on your limiter.

I dig the song man.