Good Death and Melodeath albums

  • Thread starter mindsmoothieoby
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The Decepticon
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
I see you don't know metal. Slaughter of the Soul is their sell out album. It sound sthin and sterle. The songs are boring and emotionless. "The Red in the Sky..." is a musican masterpiece. "With Fear I Kiss..." is probably one of the greatest melodic death metal albums of all time. By melodic death metal, I mean melodic death metal, not Swedish metalcore called melodeath.

The fact is that this is all our opinions, none of which are fact. It is your opinion that they sold out with "Slaughter Of The Soul", just as it is my opinion that "Slaughter Of The Soul" and "Terminal Spirit Disease" are good "melodeath" albums. I personally like all of their albums for different reasons, but the reason I recommended those two were because of the examples that he listed. With that being said we should just agree on the fact that At The Gates are awesome.:hbang:

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Metal Ken

Hates the Air
Jun 27, 2004
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The fact is that this is all our opinions, none of which are fact. It is your opinion that they sold out with "Slaughter Of The Soul", just as it is my opinion that "Slaughter Of The Soul" and "Terminal Spirit Disease" are good "melodeath" albums. I personally like all of their albums for different reasons, but the reason I recommended those two were because of the examples that he listed. With that being said we should just agree on the fact that At The Gates are awesome.:hbang:

I'll agree that "Slaughter of the Soul" Is the sell out album. Problem is, unlike metallica, who's sellout album sucked, At The Gates had a pretty solid disc for a sellout album.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
Let's stay away from the words "sell out," please, as they have absolutely no place when considering death metal of any kind. Even all of these metalcore bands that the kiddies like, although following a trend, aren't sell outs because they're still dirt poor.


Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
The idea of a band like At the Gates "selling out" is pretty hilarious. Even after the supposed sell-out, they continued to be pretty underground. If they'd continued recording and touring after Slaughter (also the only album of theirs I've been able to get into), they MIGHT have achieved some modicum of mainstream success, but even the most well-known Gothenburg bands aren't exactly rolling on 20s.
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
Although I agree that their other albums kick ass, I can see that YOU don't realize that metalcore is a bland ripoff of the stuff that At The Gates came out with. Also, this ripoff occurred a long time after 'Slaughter of the Soul', and it was called metalcore.
It's still pretty bland music. No soul, no passion.
Slaughter of the Soul was the only one i got into. All the other ones before that didn't do it for it me. Then again, i was never really into at the gates that much anyway.
Give them another listen. If you like Slaughter, then you'll either love the first two, or you just have horrible taste. :D
The idea of a band like At the Gates "selling out" is pretty hilarious. Even after the supposed sell-out, they continued to be pretty underground. If they'd continued recording and touring after Slaughter (also the only album of theirs I've been able to get into), they MIGHT have achieved some modicum of mainstream success, but even the most well-known Gothenburg bands aren't exactly rolling on 20s.
Selling out doesn't always mean commercial success. It is a concept. ATG dumbed their sound down to appeal to more people. Just like what Soilwork (although never were really true) and In Flames have done.
The fact is that this is all our opinions, none of which are fact. It is your opinion that they sold out with "Slaughter Of The Soul", just as it is my opinion that "Slaughter Of The Soul" and "Terminal Spirit Disease" are good "melodeath" albums. I personally like all of their albums for different reasons, but the reason I recommended those two were because of the examples that he listed. With that being said we should just agree on the fact that At The Gates are awesome.:hbang:
What is the point of this post? Seems like a feel good post to avoid conflict, or conflicting views that could poke holes in your image of reality. Protip: Stick by your opinions until someone shows you that you were wrong. Don't apologize.


The Decepticon
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
It's still pretty bland music. No soul, no passion. Give them another listen. If you like Slaughter, then you'll either love the first two, or you just have horrible taste. :D Selling out doesn't always mean commercial success. It is a concept. ATG dumbed their sound down to appeal to more people. Just like what Soilwork (although never were really true) and In Flames have done. What is the point of this post? Seems like a feel good post to avoid conflict, or conflicting views that could poke holes in your image of reality. Protip: Stick by your opinions until someone shows you that you were wrong. Don't apologize.

I wouldn't consider what I said an apology, and I'm not really clear on what conflict you are referring to, but the point of the post was pretty clear. Protip: Maybe if you didn't come off as such an elitist, you wouldn't get so much negative rep. Haha.. distort my image of Reality that's a good one.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
some of my favourites:

Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery
Decapitated - Nihility
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Insomnium - Since The Day It All Came Down
Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception

check 'em out.


Doom man of Doom.
Sep 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Aus
I feel like I'm one of the few people that thinks that fairly recent Soilwork is not bad stuff. I don't particularly mind it was more commercial sounding.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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I feel like I'm one of the few people that thinks that fairly recent Soilwork is not bad stuff. I don't particularly mind it was more commercial sounding.

Well heres another one of those few people :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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some of my favourites:

Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery
Decapitated - Nihility
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Insomnium - Since The Day It All Came Down
Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception

check 'em out.

really? above the weeping world is far better imo, one of the best melodic death albums ever

have you heard their new one?

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
really? above the weeping world is far better imo, one of the best melodic death albums ever

have you heard their new one?

yeah really. heard a few tracks off ATWW, wasn't fussed on them. I really rate STDIACD, probably my favourite melodeath album... not hard considering I don't like melodeath in general.

don't like the new one either.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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yeah really. heard a few tracks off ATWW, wasn't fussed on them. I really rate STDIACD, probably my favourite melodeath album... not hard considering I don't like melodeath in general.

don't like the new one either.

ahh wel i'm not a fan of the genre either, but i always loved ATTW. tbh i thought you were a big fan of the genre (from your username :lol:)

my favorite melodic death band is intestine baalism. its melodic death witha brutal death voacalist (which is probably why i prefer it)


Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
I feel like I'm one of the few people that thinks that fairly recent Soilwork is not bad stuff. I don't particularly mind it was more commercial sounding.

I think that every single one of their albums is genius - even the new one that lacks Peter Wichers. I only recently found out that Speed has some chops on guitar.

really? above the weeping world is far better imo, one of the best melodic death albums ever

have you heard their new one?

All of Insomnium's stuff is fantastic - they're one of my favorite bands. 'Above the Weeping World' is just breathtakingly awesome. To anybody who wasn't too impressed by this album, give it a few more listens - it WILL grow on you.

The new one, 'Across the Dark' is growing on me in a strong way. So far I love it - the melodic structures are far more mature and dramatic than anything they've written thus far. This one needs some time too, though.

The dark, doomy atmospheres they blend with their very mature melodeath is so cool.

What is the point of this post? Seems like a feel good post to avoid conflict, or conflicting views that could poke holes in your image of reality. Protip: Stick by your opinions until someone shows you that you were wrong. Don't apologize.

Are you retarded? I don't mean to be harsh, but what is wrong with being even the slightest bit pacific? If you're suggesting that he shouldn't try to be friendly and pacific, you shouldn't be on this board at all.

some of my favourites:

Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery
Decapitated - Nihility
At The Gates - Slaughter of the Soul
Insomnium - Since The Day It All Came Down
Hour of Penance - The Vile Conception

check 'em out.

I must say, man, you and I have very similar taste.
Apr 20, 2009
Reaction score
Washington DC
I wouldn't consider what I said an apology, and I'm not really clear on what conflict you are referring to, but the point of the post was pretty clear. Protip: Maybe if you didn't come off as such an elitist, you wouldn't get so much negative rep. Haha.. distort my image of Reality that's a good one.
I'm not an elitist to metal heads, but I'm an elietist to people who don't know anything about metal. Go on the Metal Archives and you will see. Negative rep? Why would I care? Most of this board likes Meshuggah and nu metal. Their opinion means nothing.
Are you retarded? I don't mean to be harsh, but what is wrong with being even the slightest bit pacific? If you're suggesting that he shouldn't try to be friendly and pacific, you shouldn't be on this board at all.
I'm suggesting that if you have an opinion you stick to it, not half taking it back to avoid recourse. Just found the comment section, saw this little jem:
people have different tastes, and slaughter of the sould is better
Typically people who have this opinion are younger kids who just found metal, and think somehow that their taste trumps that of the general metal community. These are typically the kids that would rock out to the Jonas Brothers if someone told them that they were cool.


Guitar Comrade
Apr 5, 2008
Reaction score
Baltimore, MD
You've just got a very inflammatory tone, dude. There's no way to read your posts without this sarcastic, holier-than-thou (or is it unholier?) attitude to them that pisses people off.

News flash! Metal is simply a collection of standards by which music is created. It is a genre. It is not your life's goal, the most important thing in the universe, what is "true", a standard by which values are judged, a podium to insult and decry from, or some elite country-club of those that are "true". It does not give you free reign to judge, impose, and insult. Who's the sellout here, the band that "commercializes" their music, or the fan who drives others away to further his image?

At it's core metal is about acceptance. Acceptance of different styles, tones, tonalities, and approaches to songwriting. Acceptance of the "underground", if you will; it does NOT stand for rejection of the mainstream and oppression of anyone. But you've got this attitude that "metal" is about being as tough and dogmatic as you can get. And, to be quite frank, I think I'm in the majority in saying that if you're going to act arrogant and elitist you should just get the fuck out.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
Typically people who have this opinion are younger kids who just found metal, and think somehow that their taste trumps that of the general metal community. These are typically the kids that would rock out to the Jonas Brothers if someone told them that they were cool.

Typically, metalheads who claim elitism on the basis of not understanding the difference between an opinion and a fact are a laughing stalk amongst people who don't share the same problem.

You have an opinion, not "the truth", when talking about what is good metal and what isn't. Its music, man - chill out. So what if some young kids just got into metal and think that At The Gates is awesome because they heard 'Slaughter of the Soul.' Who the fuck cares? If it matters to you, you need to either get help or pick up a hobby. I've been listening to metal for a long time and 'Slaughter of the Soul' is one of my favorite albums. I dare you to call me a "noob" or whatever else it is you'd use to belittle somebody with your false sense of superiority.

Although music means a lot to me, its a personal thing, not fucking politics.