Good Death and Melodeath albums

  • Thread starter mindsmoothieoby
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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^ That, again.

Also, going back to the Opeth comments - yes there has been a lot of progressive/prog metal/prog death, but nobody really SOUNDS like Opeth. If you hear an Opeth song, you know precisely who it is. What you're saying is like saying that Steve Vai doesn't sound unique because there's been many insane shredders.

alley sound like opeth, and theres lots of opeth clones

and vai isn't that unique tbh. i'm a big fan but none of his stuff is that different

Gorod's new album is also some awesome melodeath, leaning closer to death then melo though.

did you just call gorod melodic death? WTF

they're technical death metal, theres not a bit of melodic death in them, some melodic riffs in a few songs =/= melodeath

i dont know to which kind of "hardcore" you refer - but nothing of this list is characteristic for hardcore.

let me show you some different styles:







NOT hardcore: (and also not death metal, i agree)

i highly doubt it is possible to listen to MORE death metal than i already do. :cool:

i would recommend you to do a research about "hardcore". :yesway:

a lot of mainstream and modern hardcore bands share those characteristics, attack attack and harebreed for example.
and i dont want to research any more into the genre, its piss poor imo (besides some post-hardcore like refused)

regardless BMTH aren't metal and certainly not death metal

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Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
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Mount Pleasant, PA
alley sound like opeth, and theres lots of opeth clones

and vai isn't that unique tbh. i'm a big fan but none of his stuff is that different

This would mean that Opeth is quite original and that people copy them.

...and as for the bit about Vai, I think that your ears must not work correctly... no offense, man, but Vai has a crazy unique style. Sure, he's influenced lots of plays over the years at this point, but he has an pretty unmistakable sound.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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This would mean that Opeth is quite original and that people copy them.

...and as for the bit about Vai, I think that your ears must not work correctly... no offense, man, but Vai has a crazy unique style. Sure, he's influenced lots of plays over the years at this point, but he has an pretty unmistakable sound.

opeth are original, but not extremely original and not ground breaking as most people that haven't heard any other prog death would like to think. and nothing they did was exactly new either. blues and acoustic had been implemented to death metal before them just not as well, and keys have been used in death for a long time.

i haven't heard much vai, 2 albums, so this opinion isn't cemented but he's not extremely different to others


Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
a lot of mainstream and modern hardcore bands share those characteristics, attack attack and harebreed for example.
Using Attack Attack as an example of hardcore is like using Slipknot as an example of technical death metal.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
My point is, though, that Opeth SOUND original. The elements they use are by no means original, and even the most creative artist would have a hard time using never before used elements in music. Mikael Akerfelt just has a certain style when he writes and he makes it sound very unique when its all put together.

I'm more so referring to Vai's phrasing than his compositional skills - he writes some strange stuff, but his chops are what make him so out there... sometimes its difficult to listen to him for more than a few minutes because of this, actually.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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My point is, though, that Opeth SOUND original. The elements they use are by no means original, and even the most creative artist would have a hard time using never before used elements in music. Mikael Akerfelt just has a certain style when he writes and he makes it sound very unique when its all put together.

ok i would agree with that, opeth are original, i just gett annoyed when people say they're one of the most original bands in metal, they're the most famous band that are original

btw i do LOVE opeth, easily in my top 10 bands, i'm not trying to say they're bad in any way just in case you're saying that.

I'm more so referring to Vai's phrasing than his compositional skills - he writes some strange stuff, but his chops are what make him so out there... sometimes its difficult to listen to him for more than a few minutes because of this, actually.

ahh i see, well i'd agree there too

Google Protip

can we then permaban him? not because of his behaviour, but i think i'm not the only one who will not tolerate any Nazi-assholes here.

google "black sun" or "wewelsburg sun wheel":
PROTIP: The Wewelsburg sun was around before Nazism. Also, I believe if Fascist symbols are to be banned, communist ones should too. Both sand for repressive governments, both hate Jews, etc. Fascists at least have culture. Also:


Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
Reaction score
Tacoma, WA
PROTIP: The Wewelsburg sun was around before Nazism. Also, I believe if Fascist symbols are to be banned, communist ones should too. Both sand for repressive governments, both hate Jews, etc. Fascists at least have culture. Also:

PROTIP: putting "protip" in your post not only doesn't make you look smarter, it actually makes you look like a pretentious, condescending wafflecunt.

Also, swastikas predated Nazism by several thousand years, but that doesn't mean that someone who uses one should not be viewed with some suspicion.


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
PROTIP: The Wewelsburg sun was around before Nazism. Also, I believe if Fascist symbols are to be banned, communist ones should too. Both sand for repressive governments, both hate Jews, etc. Fascists at least have culture. Also:

i know youre banned now, but i know you still read that, therefor:

PROTIP: the pic in your avatar was the BLACK SUN which was BASED on the Wewlsburg Sunwheel, and the Black Sun was designed by Nazis (with the sunwheel beeing kinda of a "model" for it) and first and only used as a Nazi symbol, EVER.

but i'm sure you know that, so fuck off fellow wannabe nazi - because in the real third reich, lowlifes as you would be the first to go. :yesway:

a lot of mainstream and modern hardcore bands share those characteristics, attack attack and harebreed for example.
and i dont want to research any more into the genre, its piss poor imo (besides some post-hardcore like refused)

attack attack is not a hardcore band, hatebreed is already a hybrid of metal and hardcore. and thats what i meant - the common metalcore band refers to "hatebreed" and their likes as the hardcore-reference, but the only thing they have in common is the breakdown, which is one of the METAL-aspects of hatebreed...and they pair that with melodic death metal (dont matter if "poorly" written/copied/played - if a band is good or not does not affect the genre). so "metal + death metal = hardcore"? does not compute. fact is: 99,99% of metalcore (and deathcore) bands have nothing, absolutely NOTHING in common with hardcore. these ARE subgenres of metal, if you (or I) like that or not.

and well, you dont have to research into hardcore, but then - and i dont want to sound like a dick - dont talk like you know it all.

regardless BMTH aren't metal and certainly not death metal

BMTH is propably one of the worst examples possible, you know that. is it absolute scene-shit? yes it is, no doubt. but if you like it or not, their music is based on metal, and partly based on death metal. me, being a death metal fan for over 15 years now, absolutely HATE that, but that doesnt change anything.


Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
i know youre banned now, but i know you still read that, therefor:

PROTIP: the pic in your avatar was the BLACK SUN which was BASED on the Wewlsburg Sunwheel, and the Black Sun was designed by Nazis (with the sunwheel beeing kinda of a "model" for it) and first and only used as a Nazi symbol, EVER.

but i'm sure you know that, so fuck off fellow wannabe nazi - because in the real third reich, lowlifes as you would be the first to go. :yesway:

He even thought that you're a communist because of your avatar!!! :lol:
Stupid Nazi-pricks. Brave behind 7 proxies but pissing in the pants when confronted on the street.

But back to topic
I would also like to recommend Anata

They are somehow in between tech-death and melodeath from my point ov view


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
An Occult symbol, that happened to gain the interest of Nazis. The Nazis invented the jet engine, assault rifle, modern rocket, and a whole host of other things. So I take it we shouldn't use those either? Now, what did the commies ever produce? Nothing. Everything they ever invented was stolen from either Germany or the USA. I do not endorse the Nazis. My point (which went well over your head it seems) is that they are both the same, and it is an obvious hypocrisy for a communist to call out fascism. Protip: A bit of studying or paying attention in class and you would learn that the Nazis killed communists when they first conquered a city/village.

again a new account?

dude, you seriously must be the dumbest piece of shit i've ever met. i mean, i met a big bunch of total retarted right wings in my life, but you sir, are the cherry on the faltulencia-icecream-cup.

if you just are too dumb to understand that the black sun is NOT an "occult" symbol, but just a Nazi symbol without any other background, than just admit it. and even symbols as the swastika, or the Odal-rune, etc. which really HAD a totally different meaning before: use it on your own risk, and dont wonder that you get offended for it. how dumb must one be? "ooooh, i'm such a poor boy, nobody likes me bcause i have a swastika tattooed on my forehead and i hate jwes, boohooo".

your supercool "point" about communism didnt not went over my head - it just does not make sense, as i'm not a ocmmunist nor have i anything to do with communism. i just look like fidel castro, that is all.

but please, keep on educating me about Nazis - this topic is way to unknown in my country, thanks! :yesway:

Esp Griffyn

Play more music
Nov 8, 2005
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Gradually going Tornado
alley sound like opeth, and theres lots of opeth clones

and vai isn't that unique tbh. i'm a big fan but none of his stuff is that different

did you just call gorod melodic death? WTF

they're technical death metal, theres not a bit of melodic death in them, some melodic riffs in a few songs =/= melodeath

a lot of mainstream and modern hardcore bands share those characteristics, attack attack and harebreed for example.
and i dont want to research any more into the genre, its piss poor imo (besides some post-hardcore like refused)

regardless BMTH aren't metal and certainly not death metal

metal_head666 strikes again!


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
representing yourself with the black sun can only be seen as a representation of your mentality, therefor - if you dont sympathize with the nazi-mentality - the fail is on your side, because why would someone choose this as his avatar if not because this person thinks he is "oh so superclever because---tihihihi...noone will notice that it is only a 12- wheeled-swastika hihi".

and why shouldnt i attack you personal? i cant tolerate nazi-scum and will clearly show "NOT WELCOME".

and if you havent noticed yet: i'm not a native speaker of the english language, so please excuse my typos or grammatically unperfect sentences. if you want we can discuss further in my mother-language- german. good old german, as you all-time-history-allstars used to speak. interested?


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
so please tell me what exactly is communism-related at my avatar. its a picture of me.

by the way: Austria =|= Germany.


Br00tal Bubbly Mofo
Mar 11, 2008
Reaction score
It looks like Fidel Castro. The styling is communist. If you speak German, and live in Germanic-Austria, you're German.

there is no such thing as "Germanic-Austria". There are 2 countries, pretty close together i admit, one is Austria, the other one is Germany. I was born in Austria, therefor I am Austrian. Like Apfelstrudel. Like Wiener Schnitzel. Like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Like Adolf Hitler.

Not like Kangaroos. Thats Australia.

i guess you meant the "Ostmark", but that does not exist anymore. for almost 65 years now.

So because i have a beard and like cigars i am a communist? Interesting. totally retarded, but interesting.

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Ah personal attacks at the start. You have no argument so you resort to name calling, how childish of you. When you grow up, and take a few history classes in high school, you will understand the error of your ways. When did I ever say anything about being a nazi? You fabricated that. Also: communists hate Jews too. Go read up on USSR history from 1947-1956. Also, please sign up for some typing classes.
