Good Death and Melodeath albums

  • Thread starter mindsmoothieoby
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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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"Only strong personalities can endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it." You're not true. Why bother complain than just come to terms that you are no better than those listening to Britney Spears or whatever you kids are into these days. If everything is just merely an opinion, than everything is metal. By making it everything, it is also nothing, for it lacks attributes. Your logic is flawed. Heh, banned from the metal forum that thinks nu metal and metalcore is metal, yet despises the real metal, and those that shed light on the truth. Very representative of our society as a whole. We gladly exclude such people.

You're an absolute tit, can you not see you're acting like a bellend?

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Mantis Toboggan, M.D
Super Moderator
Jun 11, 2006
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Middle of nowhere, Australia
metal_head666, I agree with everything you said - right up until that "shedding light on the truth" bullshit. What the hell is that? Do you honestly think you can denigrate (insert band here) in the service of (insert other band here) and claim some sort of objectivity? What a load of bullshit. I mean, you were arguing the merits of old At The Gates over slightly-less-old At The Gates, for fuck's sake, so you hardly have champagne tastes as it is. Having entry-level tastes is one thing, but someone who acts so patronising towards the "kids" here should have realised a long time ago that it's all terrible and defending your tastes so vehemently even as you enter the hallowed inner circle of the metal bourgeois is far, far worse.

Anyway, you've been warned about this shit before. Nap time.

Marv Attaxx

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Heh, banned from the metal forum that thinks nu metal and metalcore is metal, yet despises the real metal, and those that shed light on the truth. Very representative of our society as a whole. We gladly exclude such people.
What the fuck is this?
Slightly off-topic but this made my day

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
from the metal forum that thinks nu metal and metalcore is metal.

to quote this again, I know he can't reply but I think it's an interesting point of discussion.

both nu-metal and metalcore typically down-tuned, heavy guitars, screamed vocals, double bass pedal etc... if they are not metal then what are they?

I hate 95% of nu-metal and metalcore bands equally, but I couldn't say with a straight face that they didn't have the characteristics of metal.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
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to quote this again, I know he can't reply but I think it's an interesting point of discussion.

both nu-metal and metalcore typically down-tuned, heavy guitars, screamed vocals, double bass pedal etc... if they are not metal then what are they?

I hate 95% of nu-metal and metalcore bands equally, but I couldn't say with a straight face that they didn't have the characteristics of metal.

I agree with you there, its still metal. Its just metal that has evolved from what some call "real metal".

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
"Only strong personalities can endure history, the weak ones are extinguished by it." You're not true. Why bother complain than just come to terms that you are no better than those listening to Britney Spears or whatever you kids are into these days. If everything is just merely an opinion, than everything is metal. By making it everything, it is also nothing, for it lacks attributes. Your logic is flawed.

You're a joke, man. Get out of here.


The Decepticon
Oct 16, 2008
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Typically, metalheads who claim elitism on the basis of not understanding the difference between an opinion and a fact are a laughing stalk amongst people who don't share the same problem.

You have an opinion, not "the truth", when talking about what is good metal and what isn't. Its music, man - chill out. So what if some young kids just got into metal and think that At The Gates is awesome because they heard 'Slaughter of the Soul.' Who the fuck cares? If it matters to you, you need to either get help or pick up a hobby. I've been listening to metal for a long time and 'Slaughter of the Soul' is one of my favorite albums. I dare you to call me a "noob" or whatever else it is you'd use to belittle somebody with your false sense of superiority.

Although music means a lot to me, its a personal thing, not fucking politics.

:agreed: we are definitely on the same page brother.

I really don't understand why people like that would even bother to join a forum. clearly the only opinion they care about are their own.

He clearly must not read too many of the threads on this forum saying that most of us like only like Meshuggah and Nu-Metal. I like both Meshuggah and Nu-Metal, as well as many other bands/sub-genres, and one of the reasons that I love this forum is because there are plenty of other people on it who listen to a wide variety of metal/music.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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to quote this again, I know he can't reply but I think it's an interesting point of discussion.

both nu-metal and metalcore typically down-tuned, heavy guitars, screamed vocals, double bass pedal etc... if they are not metal then what are they?

I hate 95% of nu-metal and metalcore bands equally, but I couldn't say with a straight face that they didn't have the characteristics of metal.

this is where i disagree, i do think that the guy was being an ass but i don't think any nu "metal" can be considered metal. its typically hard rock down-tuned, song structures,styles, everything. just some harder vocals and slightly down-tuned guitars don't change what it is IMO

Metalcore is different, there are some metalcore bands that would call metal. but the vast majority are far more hardcore than they are metal, its hardcore with metal influences
band like between the buried and me and converge are definitely metal though cause they have all the metal characteristics but with some hardcore thrown in.

most of the typical metalcore bands only appear metal cause a lot rip off melodeath riffs

that is just my 2 cents


F'king ............
Forum MVP
May 2, 2005
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Melnibone (duh!)
Honestly, a lot of this comes down to semantics. The same thing happenned in jazz when fusion appeared and the purists devoted a lot of their time to explaining why it wasn't proper jazz (including quite a few pompous, pretentious morons like Metalhead666 who acted like they had some sort of pseudo-intellectual justification for it). It's inevitable whenever there's cross-pollination between genres, as some bands will err slightly more to one side of the spectrum (continuing with the fusion parellel, John McLaughlin's a jazzer who's into rock, whereas Brett Garsed's a rock guitarist who likes his jazz).
It's the price we pay for having the freedom to blend genres; for all it can lead to some pretty horriffic results, at least it occasionally produces something genuinely decent.
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
Honestly, a lot of this comes down to semantics. The same thing happenned in jazz when fusion appeared and the purists devoted a lot of their time to explaining why it wasn't proper jazz (including quite a few pompous, pretentious morons like Metalhead666 who acted like they had some sort of pseudo-intellectual justification for it). It's inevitable whenever there's cross-pollination between genres, as some bands will err slightly more to one side of the spectrum (continuing with the fusion parellel, John McLaughlin's a jazzer who's into rock, whereas Brett Garsed's a rock guitarist who likes his jazz).
It's the price we pay for having the freedom to blend genres; for all it can lead to some pretty horriffic results, at least it occasionally produces something genuinely decent.

Aren't those all jazz musicians? :lol:

Black Light

metal_head666, I agree with everything you said - right up until that "shedding light on the truth" bullshit. What the hell is that? Do you honestly think you can denigrate (insert band here) in the service of (insert other band here) and claim some sort of objectivity? What a load of bullshit. I mean, you were arguing the merits of old At The Gates over slightly-less-old At The Gates, for fuck's sake, so you hardly have champagne tastes as it is. Having entry-level tastes is one thing, but someone who acts so patronising towards the "kids" here should have realised a long time ago that it's all terrible and defending your tastes so vehemently even as you enter the hallowed inner circle of the metal bourgeois is far, far worse. Anyway, you've been warned about this shit before. Nap time.
I see you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Old ATG is considered true, so whatever opinion you have of "champagne tastes" is irrelevant. Furthermore, early ATG is considered groundbreaking for inventing the Göteborg sound, which unfortunately later became an abortion. I'm afraid your part about it being all terrible does not make any sense. If one does not defend his own opinion, what is the sense in him having an opinion in the first place? TheWickerMan is correct on nu metal and metalcore.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
I think we've all been wrong - elitism is another form of retardation. Some people simply can't fathom that no description of any form of music is objective... not that I'm an advocate of such behavior, but this attitude is why people kill other people.


Parker über alles
Jan 27, 2009
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Tacoma, WA
I see you clearly have no clue what you are talking about. Old ATG is considered true, so whatever opinion you have of "champagne tastes" is irrelevant. Furthermore, early ATG is considered groundbreaking for inventing the Göteborg sound, which unfortunately later became an abortion. I'm afraid your part about it being all terrible does not make any sense. If one does not defend his own opinion, what is the sense in him having an opinion in the first place? TheWickerMan is correct on nu metal and metalcore.
Because you're not "defending your own opinions"; you're claiming them as fact. You won't be swayed by what any of us have to say because you disregard opinions different from your own as having no merit, so there's no incentive for us to argue with you. For the rest of us, metal is a form of music, and whatever significance it might have to our lives, it's basically just a form of entertainment. To you, it's an identity. Your conception of yourself revolves around what you define as "true" metal. You don't simply enjoy metal, it defines who you are. With that being the case, we could never say anything that could change your "opinions", because they aren't really "opinions" - they are the fundamental assumptions on which you base your life.

And on the off-chance that, despite all appearances, you aren't just an alternate account for metal_head666 (by the way, nice circa 1997 AOL screen name), then you're welcome to defend yourself, but I don't suspect I'd be wrong about you, either.


The Decepticon
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
And on the off-chance that, despite all appearances, you aren't just an alternate account for metal_head666 (by the way, nice circa 1997 AOL screen name), then you're welcome to defend yourself, but I don't suspect I'd be wrong about you, either.

I was thinking the same thing:lol:

I really like Brett Garsed. This thread also got pretty far off topic.

Sorry about that dude, I hope you got some helpful suggestions:metal:

Black Light

Because you're not "defending your own opinions"; you're claiming them as fact. You won't be swayed by what any of us have to say because you disregard opinions different from your own as having no merit, so there's no incentive for us to argue with you. For the rest of us, metal is a form of music, and whatever significance it might have to our lives, it's basically just a form of entertainment. To you, it's an identity. Your conception of yourself revolves around what you define as "true" metal. You don't simply enjoy metal, it defines who you are. With that being the case, we could never say anything that could change your "opinions", because they aren't really "opinions" - they are the fundamental assumptions on which you base your life.
If you would spend time learning what true metal is, you would understand. As for one basing their life on metal, it seems ridiculous, although some do. However, the music one listens to for some time in essence becomes who they are. This is why there is a backlash from those "fagging" up metal".
And on the off-chance that, despite all appearances, you aren't just an alternate account for metal_head666 (by the way, nice circa 1997 AOL screen name), then you're welcome to defend yourself, but I don't suspect I'd be wrong about you, either.
He was a troll, hence the username. This site is a source of humor for the greater metal community, hence why I am here posting.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
Are you serious? True metal? Get the fuck out of here, that's nonsense. If you don't understand what MUSIC is, then you may say something as absurd as what you said regarding "true metal", but for those of us that appreciate MUSIC as well as the MUSICAL GENRE CALLED METAL, metal can be discussed subjectively and openly. Now do us all a favor and leave.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2009
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I think we've all been wrong - elitism is another form of retardation. Some people simply can't fathom that no description of any form of music is objective... not that I'm an advocate of such behavior, but this attitude is why people kill other people.

absolutely nothing wrong with metal elitism, i get called one all the time, i take it as a compliment. after all, elitists are the people that really know a lot about the genre they love.
yes, some jackasses take it too far and mindlessly insult people that don't like what they like but a lot aren't like that.

i'm not an elitist though as i listen to far too many genres.

Adam Of Angels

The GAS Man
Nov 15, 2008
Reaction score
Mount Pleasant, PA
And elitist is somebody who knows more than the general population about a given topic, but a person who preaches their opinion as fact is not an elitist. I know a lot about the genre as well, but me saying that In Flames is the best metal band in the world without question is not an example of me knowing something about the genre, its an opinion stated as a fact.

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