Got a band you like (or are in) but can't stand another member?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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I was recently kicked from a band. They used to be a 5 piece until their second guitarist left for university, they struggled on just the four of them but it got to a point where they weren't happy, the creative juices dried up and they sort of stagnated and nearly broke up. They decided to get another guitarist with 6 weeks to a gig and asked me to join up. Stuff was going pretty well until download then the bassist cracked a rib. I'd known him a long time and cracked a few jokes about it and he got really uptight and was pretty abusive so my girlfriend privately picked him up on it and it spread out into a massive slagging match before practice one day. I didn't feel comfortable and skipped the practice not really knowing what to do with myself and 'they all got together' and kicked me out.

Honestly i never really felt part of the group anyway so i'm not that bothered. I've got another project thats more my thing on the go at the minute.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2009
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I just hate when band members show up late to practice, in every single band I've ever been in. :squint:

Which is the reason why I resent certain band members.


Thinks Jazz = Metal
Apr 10, 2011
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Louisville, KY
I don't really hate the kid but there are a few things that kind of pissed me off about the guitar player in my old band. One time he was like "why learn how to re-string your guitar when you can just pay someone else to do it?" My reply: Why fuck your girlfriend when you can pay someone else to do that too.


Anyway, I've never been in a full band where everyone could actually play their instruments (working on that now though. Just me and a drummer so far :yesway:) but I used to be in this "band" with my best friend at the time and he was the guitar player at first and I was the vocalist. I would always be bugging him to write songs but no songs ever came out of that band until we switched things around and I was playing guitar and he was doing vocals. He sucked too. But he claimed he was awesome. We tried to demo a song once that I wrote and he spent like 2 hours trying to track the same line. SITTING DOWN. And it sounded like shit. He couldn't even time it right. At all. :noplease:


Bringer of Storms
Jun 7, 2011
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Vancouver Island, BC.
This one dude I used to jam with bugs the hell out of me. Every riff he comes up with is either a direct rip off of a Lamb of God song or a shitty riff that he made up that vaguely rips off Lamb of God. On top of that, he thinks he's versatile because he plays funk and blues but what he doesn't know is that anyone with a couple months of guitar lessons under there belt can play minor pentatonic with a clean tone and a wah pedal. Funk and blues are more than than A Minor Pentatonic dildoing.

I used to think it was just the guitarist in me that was getting angry with him, even though I'm not an egotistical type of guy, but I soon realized it was just that he was so cocky in his generic guitar playing that it was bugging me.

I remember once we were in a public spot and openly, rather randomly, says that "he can sweep". Busts out his epiphone explorer, warms up by playing metallica songs, then he says "watch this" and attempts to sweep. The most un-clean garbled mess comes out and he looks at me with this big smile on his face like "beat that, dude"

I don't mean to make it sound like I'm hating on him for being a beginner or anything(even though he's been playing almost as long as I have), I'm hating on him for his cocky, shitty attitude.

The guitarist of my last band couldn't tune his own fucking guitar :wallbash:

And all he ever did was play Children Of Bodom riffs :wallbash: :wallbash:

All of the riffs that he "wrote" were just Bodom riffs on a different fret :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
^ That sums it up. Just replace CoB with LoG


Set up us the bomb
Apr 21, 2007
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Kopervik, Norway
Well I've never been able to take a band past the first jam session. I think that says everything. :lol: I am extremely particular and somewhat fickle. I am probably going to start a band that is essentially a solo project with a band. That way I get control aha.

I was in several bands and projects with the guy who was my best friend for several years. Then he started to dislike what i wanted in life, and thought i was settling for mediocrity. He had grandiose ideas, and thought he could reach the stars in months, and he went crazy pissed whenever that didn't happen. So most projects lasted a few months. The most successful projects had like 4-5 songs at most before he decided to burn it down and start again.

There were so many things he did that i found disgusting after a while, as he grew more and more egomaniacal and aggressive. He wanted others to like what he liked, and if someone disagreed with him OR did something similar to him, then he hated them like they were his enemies.

So long story short, after he tried forcing me apart from my fiancee, i had a "last drop" moment, and threw him out of my life. It's been tough since, because i still haven't had a friend as close as he and i were before his mind went to other places.

However, whenever i've been in other projects with people since then, i've suddenly been put in charge of all things creative and technical. People seem to want to be my puppets. Which is weird for me, because i don't know how to do that :lol:


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
I feel like my drummer has a much more strict interpretation of all things musical than both myself and my keyboardist. It can get a little annoying at times and when it appears we don't necessarily see things eye to eye, he begins defining musical terms and concepts as if I was previously unaware. That's about the only thing about him that drives me nuts. He's a damn good drummer and they seem to be hard to come by in my area so I'll just learn to love him for the pendantic fuck he is. :lol:

Luckily he's equally pendantic with keeping time.


a very bad old bear
Jan 26, 2012
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Orlando, FL
This straight-edge metalcore band literally begged me to join them, then after a couple practices, they kicked me out by simply not speaking to me anymore. I saw them at a club the night of one of their shows and asked the guitar player what the deal was, and he told me he didn't want anyone "taking his crown."

I wasn't bummed about being kicked out of the band, just about not being approached with it like a decent person would do.


Return of the Dread-I
Jan 29, 2009
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Seattle, WA
Did he actually wear a crown? Bc that's the only time that might be a valid concern. But still offensive he'd assume you might take it. Otherwise I thought you leave your ego at home when you go to band practice (even if your home is the setting for said practice).


not quite a shredder
Jan 18, 2012
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Hampton Roads
I thought you'd never ask!!!! Not so much personality-wise but musically, i definitely get that way. We've recently kicked out two members for Apathy, and Bad Voice/stage presence type issues. I'm getting to the point in my life now where i can't tolerate poor musicianship anymore.

Our drummer is not the best, but he knows it and works hard to get better, and it's me and him running the show basically, he's a good guy to work with so that's the exception right now.

Otherwise, step the fuck up or GTFO.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2012
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Martinsburg, WV
Kissy face ground stop....that is the 4 words that described my old bass player. He would do this weird duck/kissy face, and stomp around like he was fucking godzilla. He would constantly pull peoples cables out of their amps, knock over pedals, even knocked over a cymbal stand into the drummers kit. Not to mention he was a terrible bass player, and he had one of the most obnoxiously loud bass rigs. Who needs an 8 x 10 cab AND a 15 inch woofer cab when you are playing shitty pubs? That guy does. He would also try to add "backup vocals" to every song, and his vocals were terrible. Awesome guy to have as a friend...bad guy to have in your band.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
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Cape Town - South Africa
The biggest problem my band has is just simply communication. I can't tell you how frustrating it is listening to two people arguing when neither seems to understand what the other is saying.

kinda like (totally extreme example):

Person A: "The pencil is sharp! Way too sharp!"
Person B: "But the grass is green, how can the grass not be green?!"

...repeated for 30 minutes, until after someones been pointing out the miss communication for 29 minutes, and then its: "oh, you're talking about the TIME SIGNATURE CHANGE ..."

Jam again, get past that hurdle, hit the next change up 10 seconds later, and start the process again.

:nuts: :wallbash:

I think i started smoking just so i have an excuse to leave the room for five minutes once in a while.


Bass Player.
Jun 13, 2012
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Dallas, TX
I'm cool with everyone in the band at the moment, but I've certainly been there in numerous bands...

Singers... it's always the lousy, no work ethic, late to rehearsal, need a ride to rehearsal, bringing their wife/kids/girlfriends to rehearsal and being distracted the entire time, in jail and can't make rehearsal, don't want to rehearse so they make shit up and cancel it, smoke/drink/eat poorly and cancel rehearsal because their voice is F'd, out of key, out of time, shit vibrato having, no mic technique toting, shaking like a heroin addict and calling it "stage presence", stupid sparkly shirt wearing, stupid lyric writing, Maynard Keenan wannabe with a redneck accent, pathological liar sonofabitch, selfish, no business sense having, taking everything too personally, getting kicked out of the gig before it starts for giving his underage girlfriend beer, OUT OF KEY SINGING, dancing like a male stripper, hitting people with a mic stand, slamming the mic on the stage and pissing off the soundguy, spilling beer in the band van, spilling beer in the monitors, can't get himself ready to go without spending 15 minutes getting high first, always too broke to pitch in on rehearsal room rent (yet never short on weed!), thinking he knows everything, can't play an instrument but acts like he knows theory, talking too long between songs on stage about shit nobody cares about, *constantly* trying to screw bandmates & club employees' girlfriends/wives, did I mention Out Of Key?!?! Argh... I've had a long string of worthless, worthless motherpusbuckets since I started playing. :scream::realmad::wallbash::realmad::noplease: :hungus::guns::facepalm: :scream:

I swear.. this "he sends us killer vocal sessions, we wire him money" arrangement we've had with Tompkins has been the best experience with a singer *ever*. He's been a complete, consummate professional in each and every way imaginable. I'll gladly trade not being able to gig for not having to deal with any/all of that bunk in the previous paragraph..


Urwało mi dupę
Jun 10, 2011
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West Yorkshire, Uk
I just hate when band members show up late to practice, in every single band I've ever been in. :squint:

Which is the reason why I resent certain band members.

I've been in that band. A band I was in we rehearsed in the Drummer's basement. And he'd use me getting there as a cue to get a shower and eat some breakfast.

He couldn't be on time at his own house..... :wallbash:

And he was still 2 hours earlier than everyone else in the band :scream:


a very bad old bear
Jan 26, 2012
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Orlando, FL
Did he actually wear a crown? Bc that's the only time that might be a valid concern. But still offensive he'd assume you might take it. Otherwise I thought you leave your ego at home when you go to band practice (even if your home is the setting for said practice).

Haha, I wish. That would make them more entertaining. Truth be told, they are better off as a one guitar band for what they do, but it's not that hard to just tell someone it's not working out, especially when they've only had a couple of practices with you.


Apr 6, 2010
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Singer - wants us to be a popular cover band, that plays radio "metal". He thinks we should play songs by popular bands, that no other cover band plays. An example, since most cover bands that would do "Schism" or "Sober" from Tool, we should do "Parabola" or "The Pot" because they are more obscure. But also thinks that if he can tap his foot to it, people will get up and dance! I mean, come on, don't be a fucker. Nobody is going to dance to Before I Forget, or Not Again. Use some common fucking sense. He also has an issue with paying band rent on time. Wants us to give him the money, then when its time to pay, its always late because "he didn't get down to the place in time". Douche! Hes 44 years old and has this idea that hes going to be a rock star. He can't hold down a manual labor job, then complains he never has money....

sorry bout that. Just needed to be out


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2012
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I had a singer (&rhythm guitarist) in a band years ago whose ego and attitude off-stage grew and grew, leading to frequent tantrums- particularly if you disagreed with a chord change. He would yell at people as though they were his minions at the magazine he edited.

Onstage, he was a non-entity.

Good to be away from that sort of thing now...

A shame, as it all started and went well for the first 5/6 years. At year 8 I bailed. Couldn't do the writing struggle and battles any more- plus it got to writing about 2.5 songs and playing 1 gig a year. Not good enough. Bye!
WOW! Were you in my band? I was in the same shoes, playing and writing was at an all time low and the singer/rhythm guitarist kept yelling at us if we disagreed. He contradicted himself constantly and if you called him on it all hell broke loose. Example: He kept switching between saying we needed a more decisive direction for the band and saying that he hated how we'd decided on a direction rather than keeping the flow going. Then he kept whining about the technical/progressive influences I was bringing in but kept saying he wanted to create music similar to Protest the Hero and Animals as Leaders. So glad that's over with.

Since forming my new band there hasn't been drama and it's comprised of my closest friends...and a drummer.

Just joking though. The drummer is the new guy but he's working out amazingly. There are six of us so it's pretty easy for practice to get lead astray by conversations but we do our best to utilize the time allotted to practice.

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