Guitarist looking to start fresh

  • Thread starter dimebagfan01
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Crunch Berry
Mar 4, 2015
Reaction score
Bethlehem, PA
Hey all! I've been playing in a band for a few years now but due to all of us being different locations, things have been stagnant lately. I've found myself practicing and writing less over the past few months and I absolutely hate it. I'd like to bring back some of the spark from starting something new without the hassle of trying to make a band work. I'm looking for anyone who is interested in exchanging riffs/ideas via the web in the hopes of writing something awesome! I think being involved in a very different writing process would be very cool.

Musically speaking, I have no specific direction in mind other than I'd like it to be within the realm of metal. I play mostly death/thrash (Revocation, Tenet, Exodus) but listen to/enjoy just about all forms of metal. I'd rather discuss the musical direction when there are more members involved than just myself since this is a collaborative effort after all.

If you're looking to start a full-time band, then this is not for you. I'm really just looking to take myself out of my comfort zone and write with new people. If you're interested, shoot me a PM with a few of your influences and we can go from there!

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