Hello From Colorful Colorado

  • Thread starter DeadPool2099
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Active Member
Jul 1, 2015
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Boulder, CO
My name is Kevin I'm a 29 year old art student from Colorado. I have been playing guitar since 1996. I used to play Viola from elementary school all through middle school. I kinda wish I kept playing Viola but it was a rental so I had to return it. That I got more into guitar anyway, i originally started playing guitar, by learning from my dad. I started to play by ear. In high school I was in a few bands. Mainly rock and metal bands. I took a few music classes in high school for blues guitar. I learned how to play with other people in a performance ensemble class. For my final project to graduate from high school I learned Music theory and how to compose on staff paper.

I was in a Jazz band for a semester in community college, and a 50's/80's rocker cover band. Eventually when I moved to the southwest to art school I learned how to construct and play Native American flute. Now I just play by myself and record music on Pro-Tools. Or play back up as a bassist. Or get the occasional Native American flute gig. I play Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, Native American Flute and a Synthesizer.

I dig all kinds of music Metal, Rock,Blues, Hip-Hop, Trip-Hop, Native American music, Native American flute music. Industrial Metal, Jazz , Bossa Nova. I mainly just play Metal or Jazz on my 7-string. And Native American flute.

Well thats all for now.

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