Hello! Yes, Hamsters can play guitar !

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Active Member
Dec 11, 2014
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Hi everybody !
I am Hamster, I live in France (Marseille) and i'm 22 years old.
I play guitar since I am 13 or 14 years old. I bought my first seven strings guitars in 2010. I discovered Sevenstrings.org while I was searching on the web THE 7-Strings guitar that would make me happy. I remember that a member posted a few pictures of his brand new RGD, and I fell in love with this guitar.
A few months later, i suddenly stopped playing guitar to focus on my advanced studies.
And finally, four years later, the flame which was hidden in me has revived and I bought a brand new RG3550ZDX a few days ago.
It was a brief summary of my musical life !
I hope we will soon have the opportunity to discuss this great forum!
Best regards ! :hbang:

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