Hellraiser stuff

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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hey guys, ok, 1 after an 8 month wait i finally got my C-7 hellraiser from sound control, and it FUCKING rocks :hbang: i love the feel of the neck and i love the sound of the emgs, ive got one little niggle though, the action towards the higher end of the neck is pretty high. from the shop, the action seemed to be really good at the lower and higher ends of the neck, but seemed a bit dodgy in the middle, so i figured, no biggie, its probs the truss rod, so i took it to a local guitar dude (not really a luthier, just someone who does setups and refrets and stuff) to get it set up. when i got it back, though, the actions great (not quite as low as i'd like, but the playability of the neck makes up for that) apart from at the high end of the neck. also, theres a dead spot where i get tons of fret buzz at the 2nd fret of the high e, but nowhere else, anyone got this?? tbh, im just being picky, its not really bad, just not really what i'd like.
am i expecting to much from this guitar, have i got a dud, or am i just being picky as hell?? thanks in advance
:shred: :shred: :shred: :shred:

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Aug 28, 2005
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Edinburgh, Scotland
Is the hellraiser set neck? I think it is. :s

Sight it from headstock to bridge down the neck and looks for kinks and curves. I can't really tell from your description, but it sounds like a shite setup more than anything. The chap should definitely checked some simple open chords at least as well as some chromatic runs all over the neck to check for dead spots. :scratch:

If the neck is essed then take it back to Sound Control and demand a refund/replacement as the guitar is defective. Unlikely - but that said I've seen two Schecters this year with essed set necks. They are such a bitch to fix. :shrug:

Where in the U.K are you? Are the chaps in SC arseholes around you too?


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2007
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Is the hellraiser set neck? I think it is. :s

Sight it from headstock to bridge down the neck and looks for kinks and curves. I can't really tell from your description, but it sounds like a shite setup more than anything. The chap should definitely checked some simple open chords at least as well as some chromatic runs all over the neck to check for dead spots. :scratch:

If the neck is essed then take it back to Sound Control and demand a refund/replacement as the guitar is defective. Unlikely - but that said I've seen two Schecters this year with essed set necks. They are such a bitch to fix. :shrug:

Where in the U.K are you? Are the chaps in SC arseholes around you too?

Yeah, its a set neck, and im down southish, bought it from SC milton keynes, and they were nice enough people, but the order took a biblically long time to come through, i kept being told it was because it takes ages from them to get to britain, and through customs and crap, but im not sure if it really was that or just laziness and incompetance. Anyway, the necks fine, although, it might just be my imagination, but i could swear the 3rd fret is ever so slightly higher than the rest:scratch: maybe its a bad fretjob? and the dude who did it actually said that i could bring down the action a touch more if i got the frets dressed.


I Raise Hell D:
Oct 18, 2007
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8 months? Holy crap. I want this guitar, i dont want to wait 8 months for sound control to get it D:


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2006
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New York
sounds like you need a fret level, maybe. if there is no buzz anywhere else, but only buzz there, then you need a level.

additionally, this is why I like floyd rose-d guitars, cause you can just shim the nut.

it would suck if your neck was kinked in one place though... thats a possibility

tie my rope

Resident Asshat
Sep 30, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Is the hellraiser set neck? I think it is. :s

Sight it from headstock to bridge down the neck and looks for kinks and curves. I can't really tell from your description, but it sounds like a shite setup more than anything. The chap should definitely checked some simple open chords at least as well as some chromatic runs all over the neck to check for dead spots. :scratch:

If the neck is essed then take it back to Sound Control and demand a refund/replacement as the guitar is defective. Unlikely - but that said I've seen two Schecters this year with essed set necks. They are such a bitch to fix. :shrug:

Where in the U.K are you? Are the chaps in SC arseholes around you too?

listen to stitchy.

OT: yeah SC are dicks here in bristol aswell.. its like the english GC i guess.


Dec 14, 2007
Reaction score
Derby, UK
I played one in my local soundcontrol 2 days ago. Its a nice axe, first time ive played a guitar with emgs they sounded alright but i was plugged into a valvestate... But yeah the staff are arseholes, why when you ask to try a guitar do they have to run through every scale they know demonstrating all their techniques before you can try it?

I have money for a seven right now but im waiting on ebay, screw them guys.