Help finding new pickups for my 7 string

  • Thread starter chaosmaker911
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Active Member
Jul 21, 2009
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new york
I posted this over at the pickup forum a few days ago, but haven't received much feedback, so i figured i would try here instead.

So i got a Rico jr 727 a bit over a year ago, and i love the guitar, but lately i have been coming to the conclusion that the pickups in my guitar aren't right.

I currently have a set of Bareknuckle Nailbombs in my guitar.

So i'm having trouble getting the right tone out of the guitar. I play a Mesa Mark V, usually on channel 3, Mark IIc+ mode (triode).

After trying a few other guitars through my amp I've decided that i need something with a bit higher output, ESPECIALLY in the midrange. I'm having a hard time getting the right rhythm tone with my current pickups, and an even harder time getting a good lead tone. For my lead tone i use channel 2 on mark I mode, and channel III on mark IIc+ with keely modded tube screamer out front as a clean boost. I play high gain prog rock (or metal sometimes...) The guitar is a maple neckthrough with mahogany wings and a maple top. Rosewood fretboard.

For my clean tone ive been using a combination of the neck pickup and piezo.

my other main guitar is an ibanez s series with an air norton in the neck and a D-sonic in the bridge.

I'd rather not have a D-sonic in both, though i do like it more than the Nailbombs in my 7 string. Im considering the air norton or liquifire for the neck position in my rico.

So, thoughts on what i should get (dont worry about price)? The main thing i want is high output and high midrange. I like a high gain sound, but not the "scooped" sound. I need clarity for big chords, and a smooth lead tone. I find that with the nailbombs i have now, theres a quiet but constant tssss in the top end of my lead tone.


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