Help me pick a guitar!


May 11, 2012
Reaction score
Sweden, Helsingborg
Hello fellow shredders!
I landed a job over the summer where I will be getting something around 3000$ each month, so that's a really nice thing for me so I can save some for my life in the university that I will begin in the fall this year. I will get as a total about 6000$ for two months of work, but some of the money is going to pay the bills and some debts, but whatever :rolleyes:
So I'm thinking to spend around 1200-1300$ for a new guitar.
My current gear is an Ibanez RG570 -99, Ibanez RG7321 and an acoustic guitar and a no-name strat.
I'm looking for a versatile guitar, but mostly leaning towards the metal-side of music :hbang:

There are three guitars I'm looking at right now; Fender Telecaster Jim Root Sig,
Gibson Firebird 70's tribute and a Gibson Les Paul Paul Landers sig. (Maybe an explorer kind of guitar)
I like very clean guitars, like no fret markers (maybe some at the 12th fret or whatever) very simple guitars.. but there are always exceptions! (as the firebird)
I am also a big Ibanez fan-boy, so any kind of Ibanez might work, but I kind of want to test some new brand :)

Oh, if it's a 6 or a 7-string, it doesn't really matter.

What guitar of those I mentioned would you call the most versatile?
Have I forgotten an awesome kind of guitar?

It all comes up to preferences.. What I like is something that you might not like :orly:

But some advices/tips/opinions would be awesome! :hmmm:

(oh, and if I posted in the wrong kind of place, sorry!) :imnew:

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User Name

Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
elizabeth colorado
the JR telecaster is a great guitar. definitely gets my vote. but definitely shop around. there are absolutely tons of fantastic guitars to be had. also check the for sale threads on here as well.