Help my heavy metal song and mix

  • Thread starter RedChord
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Active Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hey. I think this is my best mix yet but is still very far from perfect. I got that free trial of Ozone 4 and threw that onto it.

I also plan to put vocals to this soon, and will probably need help mixing those in to it. I've never recorded vox before.

I already hate the clean guitar tone at the end of this song, so that will need to be changed. Let me know anything else that would help out the mix or song please! Thanks guys.

complete song mix by sc1947 on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Atlanta, GA
lol ill critique yours if you critique mine :p

My first question is how much panning is on the guitars?
I think 80-90 either way gives the best sound.

I think the guitars need some compression or heavier compression.
The bass tone could be better but its not bad. i can hear it i just want a little more. i think making it brighter will bring it out nicely.

I think the drums sound really good. Sometimes they are not as clear as one generally hears but i dont think its the drums more or less the extra un-needed frequencies in the guitars that compression and eqing will fix.

The song is brutal. i dig it. I like the clean guitar thing in the outro but im not digging the tone so much. you already mentioned that but i felt like saying that the part is cool.

Thats all dude. Hope it helps


Active Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Guitars are 100% left and right. Clean is dead center. Definately gonna mess with that clean tone.

As for compression, I guess I don't have an ear for it yet. I'm using reaper, and have compression in Pod Farm, and also a small compression on the FX on my guitar track. Is this wrong? What general settings do you use for your compression on your guitars?

I will play with the bass a little bit more.

Glad you like the song man. Like I said in your thread, I will critique your stuff as soon as my ears stop ringing from the concert tonight!


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2010
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Atlanta, GA
For guitars here is what ive found to work-
First i roll off a part of the lower frequencies that are typically reserved for bass. Then i throw on my compression. ive found that the Antress bundle works really well so i would recommend getting that if you dont already have it. Its all free vst plugins. For compression ive found that setting the threshold and ratio to a pretty high setting and setting the attack and release to a generally fast setting sounds nice for guitars (it works pretty well for metal vocals too). After that eq it to taste and thats it. I could be doing it all wrong but thats what ive found to work lol.

For bass-
Im still trying to find a bass sound that i love but this is where im at so far. Ive found that TOO much bass tends to make it sound like hiphop. first i roll off a small part of the high end. After that i throw on blockfish (another free vst plug in) and compress it from there. When im done with that I eq it, mainly focusing on the mid - high mid area. Not to much though. just enough to make the attacks and notes speak on a level of their own.

So how was the concert. I saw BOO a few years back when Tosin was filling in or atleast i think it was him. I didnt know who he was so i didnt really pay that much attention.

Anyways, hope this helps :)