HELP! Pickups for the new guitar!


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Hey everyone! :hbang:

Sorry if this is in the wrong location (my first post), but I am desperate to figure out what pickups to put in my new PRS Custom 24 SE 7-string.

First off, my rig: I'm currently using a Line 6 Pod HD Pro X through some KRK speakers but intend on upgrading to the Axe FX 2 with a Mesa Cab (keep this in mind)

Second, my style: I play mostly progressive metal, and intend on creating a unique blend of styles. I enjoy Intervals, Periphery, Meshuggah, TesseracT, Animals As Leaders, Karnivool, and Tool. Those are my most direct influences right now (keep this in mind)

So, so far I have some Bareknuckle's in mind as well as Seymour Duncan, those being: Nazgul/Sentient Set, Pegasus/Sentient Set, Black Hawk Set, Aftermath Set, and Aftermath/Cold Sweat Set.

Anyones opinions? Trying to finalize the guitar!

Thanks everyone,

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