Hi, Im new here. :)

  • Thread starter thecrouss
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Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Hey guys, I just came across the site tonight and was very excited that this exists. I am from Fort Wayne, Indiana and I have been playing Guitar for around 12 years now.

I first got into 7 string guitars when I joined my first real band around 99-2000. I went to the guitar store looking to spend some cash and they had a reasonably priced DeArmond S67 7-string. The entire reason why I bought it was to impress the band and because I knew the bass player had a 5 string and I could match those low notes. I just though they would think its really cool to play seven string guitars.

We were what I like to call an Alt - metal band just banging around and seeing what comes out. Eventually I got rid of the DeArmond (personally I don't remember selling it to anyone, but obviously I did) and thats when I picked up the Scheter T-7. It was a small step up from the cheapo DeArmond. The T-7 provided me with a good low sound but the high end of the guitar never really never shined though with the Duncan Designer pickups. A year or two later I picked up a Schecter C-7 which became my new primary guitar. The C-7 didnt have the really edgy lows that I was used to but the overall tone of the highs were much brighter and better if I was using a clean channel. After a year or two my Marshall JCM 900 sl-x died on me and I had to quit the band becuase I really couldnt repair or replace the amp because of financial restrictions at the time.

Over the next few years I sold the C-7 and then just a few months ago the C-7 and now I'm wishing I hadn't. Here we are in 2009(5 years later) and the old band might get back together and maybe do a few shows or write a new song or two just for fun. I need that 7 string to play the material we used to do. Its absolutly crucial to the songs!!!!!! EEEK. I checked a local guitar shop today and found a very very good price on another *hehe* DeArmand S67. It's in pretty good shape and would really serve the purpose I need for now. I dont want invest a ton of cash if the whole thing falls through but I am pumped to play some seven again. And as always the pups can always be changed in the guitar if need be. Anyways. Thats my story.


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