How do you keep up with new music?

  • Thread starter troyguitar
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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
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Chattanooga, TN
The question is how on earth do you find time (and/or money) to actually keep up with so much?

Download whole albums and burn them to cd/put on an ipod and listen to them in the car, if you like them buy them
or listen to them while playing xbox or something

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Nov 26, 2008
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Boston, MA
I don't keep up with new music basically. Seems to be working pretty well.


Ikebana Noise Club
Nov 11, 2009
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Chicago, IL, largely - usually by noticing particular people's comments on several artists I like, and then seeing what else they're listening to.

I've actually been keeping a list of the new(ly released) albums I've heard in 2011. :lol: 37 albums at the moment, not including all of the older stuff that I've discovered.


Doom man of Doom.
Sep 5, 2008
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Melbourne, Aus
No offense guys, but a bit of actual reading of Troy's original post would go a long way.
Even after he posted a second time making it more clear for those of you who either entirely missed the point altogether or just barely touched on the topic what the thread was about, I'm still reading stuff that suggests many of you guys just read the thread title without bothering to read the original post topic and then just posting.

Again, for Troy's sake, just to make it VERY clear what the thread is ACTUALLY about :

I keep seeing people talk about things like "X is in my top 10 cd's of 2011" or whatever and it makes me wonder... I haven't even heard 10 cd's from 2011. Come to think of it I haven't even heard 1. I'm still picking stuff up from 20 and 30 years ago that I've never heard :lol:

Do you just only listen to an album once or twice then put it away and move on to new stuff? or just listen to a tiny tiny sub-subgenre and that's it? I don't understand how it's even possible to keep up with something even as narrow as "melodic metal" - thoughts?

sub-question: How the hell do you afford to buy dozens (or more) of CD's each year plus concert tickets and merch plus gear and other expenses related to your own bands? I make an OK salary and still hardly make it out to any shows or buy much of any merch.

Maybe I should have been a little more specific. I have no problems finding anything new to me. I can generally find something that I like and have never heard within 3 minutes on youtube.

The question is how on earth do you find time (and/or money) to actually keep up with so much?

It probably takes me roughly a week or so to properly listen to an entire album, meaning at most I might listen to 50 of them in a year. Even if I only listened to melodic metal and only started with like 2010 and newer, I'd never come close to keeping up. Right now I'm trying to go through some stuff from the USA power metal thread, most of which is 20 years old

Sorry if it seems like I might be coming across as a bit of a dick, but this whole not bothering to take a minute to read stuff properly and just posting gets old and annoying very quickly


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2011
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Ann Arbor, MI
Thanks for keeping us on task, Harry.

Money is not usually a huge problem for me in checking out music. I may buy brand-new material, but I've usually had a chance to listen to at least a couple of songs on YouTube or Bandcamp or elsewhere online to see what I'm getting into, so I'm not buying blind the way I might have done in college. (Yes, I'm *that* old.) For older material, it's easy to find YouTube versions of stuff for free, and you can also borrow discs from libraries; I'm privileged here because I work at a major research university, and our Music Library delivers to other locations on campus, so I can get my hands on a lot of stuff locally, and I can get a lot more via Interlibrary Loan. I do try to buy material that's going into long-term rotation, especially from independent artists.

In terms of making time, I suppose it depends on how your day is structured and what you consider to be a "proper" listen. I work in a private office, so I'm generally wearing headphones and listening to stuff while I work, but that in itself implies a split of attention. I have a 25-min commute, but I carpool with my wife, whose tastes in music are not as adventurous as mine, so that limits what I can play there. I listen to music with headphones in the evening, often while I'm reading; that theoretically takes away from my practice time, but I try not to practice while my wife's awake, whereas I can sit in the same room with her and listen to music while we're both reading and that's not an issue. I do less "focused" listening and more soaking up material through repetition, and generally trust that truly noteworthy material will jump up and demand my attention.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2009
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St Petersburg, FL
No offense guys, but a bit of actual reading of Troy's original post would go a long way.
Even after he posted a second time making it more clear for those of you who either entirely missed the point altogether or just barely touched on the topic what the thread was about, I'm still reading stuff that suggests many of you guys just read the thread title without bothering to read the original post topic and then just posting.

Again, for Troy's sake, just to make it VERY clear what the thread is ACTUALLY about :

Sorry if it seems like I might be coming across as a bit of a dick, but this whole not bothering to take a minute to read stuff properly and just posting gets old and annoying very quickly

Haha I'm glad someone else noticed that, cheers.

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