How I got GTA IV for my PS3...


Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Washington DC
I orginally posted this as a response to another thread, but thought it deserved it's own thread...enjoy!

A lil story for everyone:

So I'm stationed in the middle east and needed to get my GTA on. I made the mistake of preordering in-store in the states at EB games (this is before my orders changed) and then i get sent here with no way of getting my game (on top of screwing me out of multiple things...fiance, GTA, family, etc). I kept reading articles and getting pumped up for GTA, but I knew I wouldn't get it the day it came out. Our navy retail outlet is horrible about getting any games out the same day or in any sort of timely fashion (i would be waiting another two months for it to get here and ordering online means having to wait at least three weeks...i wanted it now). So on a completely ludicrous whim I went to the mall that they have here in Bahrain and went hunting for it...i mean it said "worldwide release" on the R* site.

Now I haven't been to this mall that much and this thing is fucking massive and really nice (Bahrain is a pretty nice it) and I start my search. After an hour of walking around, pissing myself in anticipation (no not really), i finally find a videogame store that has some American imports, european, japanese....I'm looking and looking and I find nothing so I left. I keep wandering around for another hour, saw a Sony store....nothing :noplease:...I was disgruntled...I started to leave, but went into the same store i mentioned first out of desperation and went straight to the counter in frustration.

"Excuse me, but do you have GTA IV?" I asked

:spock:The clerk looked at me funny, i thought he didn't speak english so a said it again slower ... and then his eyes twinkled and he cracked a smile. He looks around like he's looking out for the 5-0 during a drug deal and tells me to "come into the back room" (which this store was tiny so it was just a friggin partition that was 5 foot tall :lol:). He reached into a box and holds up a European version of GTA IV! Convenient considering PS3 games are non-region specific :hbang:

"This game has been banned from the Middle East, but we expected people like much you wanna pay?" he asked in a heavy accent with a shark-toothed grin.

"30 BD" I replied quickly, oggling the game the entire time.

"Okay boss! You got it!" he replied even quicker...the man didn't even barter with me which is almost customary here. He rang me up and handed me the game which he lovingly giftwrapped.

"Thank you!" I said excitedly.

He snatched the game from me :fawk: and put it into a black bag and wrapped it again. "Uuuuuuuuh...." :scratch: I was confused. He looks at me and points to a mall cop and goes back to quickly wrapping the game. So he double gift wraps it, puts it into a box, tapes the shit out of it, wraps once more, puts it into a game store bag, grabs a bag from another store, throws my triple-wrapped / bagged game in the store bag and randomly throws a fucking teddy bear into the other store bag then says, "Leave now" and points to the door and then says " :squint: be careful".

I fucking hauled ass out of the mall and into my car and sped off home looking out for cops. I felt like a damn criminal. I get home and my girlfriend looked at me with a worried look knowing something was wrong. I tossed her the teddy bear (which she gave a genuine "aaaw, thanks baby") and told her to unwrap the game while i was smoking two cigarettes...

She laughed while trying to open the mulit-giftwrapped bag of fun and asked why it was wrapped up so much, so tightly. I told her the story and all she did was laugh and call me a crimnal nerd and an idiot for paying 30 BD for a "nintendo game" (30 BD is about $'s so worth it though). I realize i hadn't eaten so we ordered in food and talked for a bit. the food arrived, we ate, and continued to talk about work, stuff, blah, blah, blah. The next thing I know I was waking up for work today. :wallbash: I FUCKING FELL ASLEEP AND DIDN'T EVEN GET TO PLAY THE GAME YESTERDAY!!!! I BROKE THE LAW HERE (they're hardcore about that), PAID WAY TOO MUCH FOR THE GAME, ATE MY SPICY CHICKEN SANDWHICH, AND FELL THE FUCK ASLEEP. NOW I HAVE 6.5 HOURS LEFT HERE AT WORK WHILE MY GAME JUST WAITS FOR ME. Massive fucking fail on my part :(

The End

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Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
:lol: "Banned in the middle east"! I expected as much. Not a surprise. Funny how strict they are about it.

What's BD, by the way? Bahrain Dollar?

Definitely massive fail on the not playing. I would be so owning that game... until late into the night. I still have to wait about a week for my copy to get here.


Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Washington DC
:lol: "Banned in the middle east"! I expected as much. Not a surprise. Funny how strict they are about it.

What's BD, by the way? Bahrain Dollar?

Definitely massive fail on the not playing. I would be so owning that game... until late into the night. I still have to wait about a week for my copy to get here.

BD=Bahraini Dinar It's roughly about $2.77 to the BD can hurt sometimes, but gas is sooooooo fucking cheap... to fill up my tank costs about 4BD...that's uber convenient.

WELL I WOULD be pwning all sorts of mofos on it, but when you work from 0200 in the morning to anywhere from 10am-4pm, you get a bit fatigued...especially working six days a week, having a fulltime girlfriend, having to play guitar, etc...pwning mofos on GTA shouldn't be an afterthought :lol: it need to be within my priority list...jeez. I'm getting off at 10 this morning...3.5 hours left...dear god i can't wait. apparently it's not banned in all middle east i think that guy may have i shit my pants for nothing. Unless it IS banned from here...then that man could have gotten serious charges and so could i...if i was found out then and there...weird policies here...i guess that's why i like it so much :lol:


Aug 21, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles
BD=Bahraini Dinar It's roughly about $2.77 to the BD can hurt sometimes, but gas is sooooooo fucking cheap... to fill up my tank costs about 4BD...that's uber convenient.

WELL I WOULD be pwning all sorts of mofos on it, but when you work from 0200 in the morning to anywhere from 10am-4pm, you get a bit fatigued...especially working six days a week, having a fulltime girlfriend, having to play guitar, etc...pwning mofos on GTA shouldn't be an afterthought :lol: it need to be within my priority list...jeez. I'm getting off at 10 this morning...3.5 hours left...dear god i can't wait. apparently it's not banned in all middle east i think that guy may have i shit my pants for nothing. Unless it IS banned from here...then that man could have gotten serious charges and so could i...if i was found out then and there...weird policies here...i guess that's why i like it so much :lol:

GTA needs to be on your priority list. You need to get your priorities straight... specifically pwning mofos on GTA. :lol:

I doubt that guy was lying. Think of the content in GTA and then think of the militaristic beliefs of most Middle Eastern countries.


Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Cool story. :agreed:

I still have my copy sitting there shrink-wrapped. I'm not in any hurry to play it.


In brightest day...
Mar 10, 2008
Reaction score
That's a hell of a story man. Those are the kind of stories that are so badass to pass around. Badass you got a copy of the game too. :)


Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Calgary AB
I been playing this game all night. It is so fucking sweet man. You NEED to call in sick tomorrow :D


Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Washington DC
I been playing this game all night. It is so fucking sweet man. You NEED to call in sick tomorrow :D

The funny thing about being in the military is you can't really call in need to PROVE you're sick and get an SIQ (sick in quarters) chit...:noplease: assholes


Jul 16, 2007
Reaction score
Washington DC
UPDATE: I played it yesterday from 1030 am to about 12 am...i had work at 2 am...i'm tired as fuck...but it was so worth it






Just the amount of stuff you can do is insane...already got drunk and drove (fucking god), went to the cabaret (i hit a guy for talking to my virtual gf and the entire place got up and started chasing me, so i dialed 911 ingame and called for police...gunfire ensued...amazing), i actually felt guilty for shooting a clerk at the czech clothing store...she begged me not to, so i had to then, but just the way she reacted to the bullet and died...i felt really bad :lol: it was almost tooooo realistic.

Now that I've stopped playing for the day, i don't feel the sudden urge to kill anybody or go on a crime spree. I commited violent and horrendous acts in the game (yes i went to the strip club and then shot old ladies for no reason), but does that make me a bad person...not really. I'm still the same guy I was before I played it...

...jack thompson needs to lay off the ganja


Triad Hitman
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I fucking hauled ass out of the mall and into my car and sped off home looking out for cops. I felt like a damn criminal.

Dude, you sounded like you feel ashame feeling that way :lol: You shouldn't. You are living the life of GTA, man, that's frigging cool! :yesway:

On the other hand, I ALMOST bought the Special Edition yesterday... ok, long story short, I was going to pre-order the game but only I waited too long before I did that; and they were sold out at Cd Universe (damn). CdU charges the least for shipping overseas. My only other choice is the evil Amazon, but they charge $36 for shipping alone!!! (thus making the game cost $126 after shipping) :noplease:

Ok, so I was shopping with my wife last night here in town, and found the game (SE) in stores here for around $126. But I thought, at least I can have it NOW! So I picked one up and was actually at the cashier about to pay for it until... I realized it was an Aussie version!!! As many of you know they censor the Aussie version, although what actually got cut out is not known... so I immediately told them I no longer wanted it and walked out... then as soon as I came home and I ordered it from Amazon... will need to wait til next week before I have the game, but at least it is a US version! :yesway:


russki 3Dartist dude
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn, NY
my story is not as exciting but still almost made me shit my pants...

preordred from newegg - $56, but then decided that 3 days of waiting is too much, and i'd only save 5-6 bucks... so I decided to cancel it later on.

in the morning I got up as early as I could (10.30 - worked late night before), grabbed my bike and raced to toyRus which opens at 10. No crowds, no lines - nothing like I expected, and the second I walk in one of the cashiers yells - GTA4 is not available untill 5 pm!!! - WTF? - you gota have preorder number in order to get it - but still have to wait till 5...if you don't have it - well pray that there will be some left for those that didn't make a preorder....
so I left the damn store with thoughts that I won't get the game for another week, but still decided to go to BestBuy right next - there were 2 cop cars waiting at the entrance and I almost cracked imagining some desperate 13 year old who's cutting the school to get gta, grabs it and runs for his life avoiding security and then being tackled by cops....
.... so I walk in , see about 30-40 ppl walking around the store with gta in their hands - almost shitted myself again because of relieve - grabbed one of hundgreds of boxes and marched to the cashier...where they almost made me shit myself again when they asked for ID and I thought that I probably forgot it at home...but luckily I found it and now almost for 2 days instead of living real life here in brooklyn, I live in gta :D

ps trains in the game loooook horrible - mega dirty and with lots of "street-art" on them... i mean they used to be like that 20-25 years ago
and where are the MTA busses? always wanted to blow up a few))

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