Ibanez RG2228 Thread


33rd degree
Dec 3, 2006
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Yes (real, not Korean) Conklins are superb instruments, I've worked on a couple. I'm sure the tone is much more substantial than your average Ibanez, but approx. $3-6K richer in tone? No fucking way. Yes, the materials and workmanship are outstanding, but along with high-end Gibsons and PRS', Conklins are the most insanely over-priced instruments I can think of. They appeal directly to cork-sniffing middle age brokers/collectors, shredders who mortgage their soul for one, or kids with self-status insecurity and a rich daddy (like the one I know who has one). Then comes the time when they try to resell said custom, hand made work of art - they will either take a severe beating on the price because it's not yet a big established name, or they will wait forever to sell it - only yet again to another rich buyer.
It's not that dissimilar to the vintage market, really.

And do you think anyone will be able to tell you the subtle differences in tone between your $1500 RG2228 and a $5-6000 Conklin 8 string while playing with your chugging metal band?
The answer is little to none.

I am with you there. I LOVE CONKLIN my biggest issue is the price is astronomical even for endorsed artists.

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.... Your Face!
Jun 28, 2005
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Florence, Ky
Santiago, you have a case of the opinions. Unfortunately, your case is so bad that you think that yours is the only one that matters. I say unfortunately, because well, guess what, it's not.

My Ibanez gets the best tone, it slays any other guitar I've played, but that's just MY opinion. For all you know, your tone could be crap to tons of people (I've never heard you, so I'm not one of them).

I mean, I'm sorry, but you can say it as much as you can, but the fact is EVERY company has guitars that are good and bad, and every company has people who swear up and down that they are the best and some who say the complete opposite. I've played a Conklin Groove Tools, and it was okay. Not really much compared to the feel and the build of my 7620. And you can't tell me otherwise. Your opinion isn't end all, be all. Deal with it.

And honestly, who cares what you play, just fucking play it.:shred:


33rd degree
Dec 3, 2006
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I don't know....but from your post, it seems that since you couldn't get a tone you liked from Ibanez, you are trying to convince everyone that they just plain suck. Tone is so subjective that it can't be a black and white issue. I have 3 Ibanez 7's and I am pretty happy with the tone I get from all 3. I also have 2 Carvins that have great tone. But, that's my own opinion and taste... I respect the fact that you don't like the tone you were getting from Ibanez, but not everyone feels that way.

"Unless your Ibanez was a high quality axe from early 90's chances are you are playing a hunk of junk."???? I'm sure there are people here who own newer RG1527s who are going to disagree with you. My 3 Ibanez's range from 1997 to 1999 and they are definitely NOT hunks of junk. Ya, my Carvins are higher quality (in my opinion), but that doesn't make the Ibanez's crap.

I am not trying t o convince anyone of anything I am just offering some advice and also my own experience. If Ibanez was truly the BombDiggity I would be playing it still. I bet you Vai still use them cause he gets Paid hefty for it. Cause stock model for stock model a Carvin is way better made and better all around in terms of woods, production, etc.

To an extent tone is subjective... but its common understanding that truly the best woods for guitars are

Bodies - Mahogany or Alder
Necks - Ebony , Rosewood, Maple
Back of Neck Maple

I agree that you might like a sound and you are used to a sound etc...But when in the studio push comes to shove and you are really listening to how a guitar sounds in relationship to a mix or to other instruments in your band you will find that Usually Mahogany or Alder will win the challenge. If you dont trust me Blind test it and have a skilled engineer listen and choose.
There is a difference between hearing your self and then hearing yourself in relationship to othe rest of your band. that is important to realize and takes years to develope.

Look does holdsworth use basswood? Does Vai use Basswood? Does Nuno Bettencourt use Basswood? Does George Lynch use Basswood? Does Yngwie use Basswood? Does John Petrucci Use BASSWOOD? Does Satriani use Basswood? Does EVH use basswood?

Answer is..........................NO

They all use either Alder, Mahogany, Ebony, Maple

Can you make a basswood guitar sound decent..sure! Change the pick ups but even then its not the same as a better quality wood. And unfortunately most Ibanez's are basswood. Some of the Mahogany stuff is very good I had an S series from the early 90s that was amazing in tone.

Sometimes you get lucky.



Santiago, you have a case of the opinions. Unfortunately, your case is so bad that you think that yours is the only one that matters. I say unfortunately, because well, guess what, it's not.

My Ibanez gets the best tone, it slays any other guitar I've played, but that's just MY opinion. For all you know, your tone could be crap to tons of people (I've never heard you, so I'm not one of them).

I mean, I'm sorry, but you can say it as much as you can, but the fact is EVERY company has guitars that are good and bad, and every company has people who swear up and down that they are the best and some who say the complete opposite. I've played a Conklin Groove Tools, and it was okay. Not really much compared to the feel and the build of my 7620. And you can't tell me otherwise. Your opinion isn't end all, be all. Deal with it.

And honestly, who cares what you play, just fucking play it.:shred:

Conklin Grooves Tools are horrible and can not nor should not be used to judge a real conklin guitar. What Bill makes in his shop is 1,000,000,000,000 times better than the crap they manufactured in korea on machines. I remember speaking to Bill about it and how he was worried they wouldn't get the guitars to be as good as what he makes. A real Conklin is like a JEDI tool.

I am glad your Ibanez Slays.

If it works for you great. :metal:


.... Your Face!
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Florence, Ky
My point exactly, every company has crap guitars.

John Petrucci does too use Basswood. He has one model with Basswood and one with Mahogany. Some of Vais guitars use basswood.

Why all of the basswood hatred? Seriously, it sounds fine. No, it's better than that. It's not worse or better than alder or mahogany, just a different tone.


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2006
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Chelmsford, MA
I am not trying t o convince anyone of anything I am just offering some advice and also my own experience. If Ibanez was truly the BombDiggity I would be playing it still. I bet you Vai still use them cause he gets Paid hefty for it. Cause stock model for stock model a Carvin is way better made and better all around in terms of woods, production, etc.

That's cool...and I have no problem with your opinion, as everyone has a right to their own. It just sounded like a blanket statement that everyone should accept. Honestly, basswood wouldn't be my first choice if I was making a custom guitar, but I personally like Ibanez and most are made of basswood. I don't dislike the tone at all, I just feel it's something different.

I completely agree that Carvins are made better with better quality materials. I feel you really can't go wrong with them. I've always wanted a Universe, but I'd still probably build my own Carvin instead since I can get what I want for less. I'm not knocking the Universe at all...the Carvin is just a better bang for MY buck.


Malleus Maleficarum
Sep 24, 2005
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IMO Tonailty of wood is a very subjective thing, but quality is not so much.


Forum MVP
Oct 20, 2005
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My point exactly, every company has crap guitars.

John Petrucci does too use Basswood. He has one model with Basswood and one with Mahogany. Some of Vais guitars use basswood.

Why all of the basswood hatred? Seriously, it sounds fine. No, it's better than that. It's not worse or better than alder or mahogany, just a different tone.

Yes, exactly.

Cause stock model for stock model a Carvin is way better made and better all around in terms of woods, production, etc.

That may or may not be, depending what models, but my original point remains concerning resale values of Carvins. You'll be lucky if you get even half of what you paid for it new.

To an extent tone is subjective... but its common understanding that truly the best woods for guitars are

Bodies - Mahogany or Alder
Necks - Ebony , Rosewood, Maple
Back of Neck Maple

There's really no 'to an extent' about it - 'tone' IS 100% subjective taste. Yes these are the doctrinated, stone tablet gospel for tonewoods as laid down decades ago by the almighty iconic guitar manufacturer Fenson Gibder, but there's many other great tonewoods out there used by many other makers - Warwick immediately comes to mind - as well as your beloved Conklin.

Look does holdsworth use basswood? Does Vai use Basswood? Does Nuno Bettencourt use Basswood? Does George Lynch use Basswood? Does Yngwie use Basswood? Does John Petrucci Use BASSWOOD? Does Satriani use Basswood? Does EVH use basswood?

Answer is..........................NO

They all use either Alder, Mahogany, Ebony, Maple

Well, speaking of subjective tonal tastes, I see that your favorite examples of tone are ALL shredders. I love some of the great players you mention here, but some of us could easily argue as to the tonality of each of these guys as being "good" or "ass".
And if you're going belt out statements as concrete, make sure you have you facts straight.
Vai - some Jems and all UV's = Basswood.
Nuno - N4 (worked on one last week) swamp ash (none of those examples).
Pet - some basswood EBMM's
Satch - ALL JS Ibanez's are basswood.

If you love your tone, that's great, and all the power to you bud. But as you even hear yourself, some of your faves make some exciting music with basswood. Whatever. :lol:


Aug 17, 2005
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USS Enterprise

Actually, i've only ever played ibanez, or strat guitars so I don't know anything really about any other brand. All I know is that they don't offer a trem on a lefty 7. Neither does ibanez right now, but I still managed to get my fair share of trem equipped ibanez guitars.

I will get a carvin soon enough, but i'd already have like, 6 if they offered a trem version of their lefty 7's. I could always get a kahler 7 and get Dendro to install it for me, but i'll be damned if i'll pay that much moola for a bridge. At least not anytime soon. I still need to get myself a 7 string bass.

One thing I particularly hate about Ibanez, is all these limited edition guitars that they are throwing out. Or new guitar models, or new colours or whatever. They are answering the demand of their fans with everything except left handed models. Back when Ibanez was a copy brand, a damn good chunk of their guitars were left handed. Why they can't acknowledge us even in the slightest bit is beyond me. I'm glad to get rid of my ibanez guitars and try something new, personally.


Arrogant asshole
Sep 27, 2005
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My house



The EBMM Axis is also basswood so I guess Van Halen has used basswood too.

Took the words out of my mouth--only recently has JP started experimenting with different woods. And I wouldn't say his tone has suddenly become drastically better--it has always kicked ass, basswood or no. Vai's Universe is Baswood, as is the JS sig.

You said it yourself Santiago--tone is a subjective thing, and everyone has a different idea for that the perfect tone is. If you don't like basswood, and you love your mahogany guitars, then that's fine because that's your choice and you're happy with it. But just because you think that's the case, doesn't mean that everyone else needs to conform their opinion to fit yours. While you're a very good and experienced guitarists, there are other really good, experienced guitarists who are just as happy with basswood. Tone is a personal thing, so it's really silly to say, "Wood A is a better tone wood than Wood B."

As NegativeXero said, it's all opinion. Let's not state opinions as facts :wavey:

Personally, I consider John Petrucci's "Suspended Animation" as the album with the most amazing tone. That album is 100% basswood guitars. I have a basswood guitar and I love the tone I'm getting. It may not be your thing, and that's fine, but that's just your opinion.

Has Ibanez decreased in quality over the years? I'm no expert, but I would say probably. But are they 'crap' guitars? I certainly wouldn't go that far. In fact, your comparison with Epiphone guitars is unfair, since Gibson has gone down the crapper the last couple of years waaaaay more than Ibanez. I've heard that Gibson Quality Control is horrible, and that if you want a good Gibson, you have to look for an older one made before the 1990s.

So tone is subjective, and I really wouldn't go as far as calling Ibanez crap. :lol:


Nick // Axe Palace
Forum MVP
Aug 3, 2005
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I love Ibanez and Carvin. You can't go wrong with either. Basswood is fine. It's obvious to anyone who knows about guitar craftmanship that Carvins are higher quality, but that doesnt mean they'll sound or play better to a given person. Personally I think the feel of a nice Ibanez 7 is the second to none, although Carvins are very close. I do believe Ibanez have taken a step back in recent years, but their older models will always be among my all-time favorites. Yes, the Carvin resale value is unfortunate, especially when you consider theyre on par with $2000-2500 guitars in terms of quality and features....but it's a fact of life so an Ibanez is always a better investment if you're not sure you're going to keep it.

Just get whatever you like. But yes theres nothing wrong with basswood or Ibanez at all.

Unknown Doodl3.2

look at each other..
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
My Jem is Alder... and sounds amazing
My J custom 7 is mahogany... and sounds awesome (not to mention the quality of this instrument)
My RG1527 was basswood... it sounded awesome too (with a pup change)

Santiago, have you ever played a j custom instrument?

Ibanez make great guitars, Their roster is living testament to that, and for those of us who cannot afford a conklin or a custom shop guitar, In my opinion Ibanez is the next best thing... basswood or not

someone said who cares what you play, just play it... Amen to that!!


33rd degree
Dec 3, 2006
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The EBMM Axis is also basswood so I guess Van Halen has used basswood too.

vai alder

satch mahogany
eddie alder

Most production models are basswood or ash for most companies. Nuno's personal guitars are mostly alder.

Anyhow Enjoy those Ibanezs. I will be at NAMM tomorrow seeing what the booth may have that might make me smile. Maybe I will be in for a surprise.

Yes Tone is subjective but there is no question as to what is good tone when you know good tone or when you hear good tone.

With that in mind enjoy your Ibanez axes if they work for you more power to you.



Metal Ken

Hates the Air
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Conklin Grooves Tools are horrible and can not nor should not be used to judge a real conklin guitar. What Bill makes in his shop is 1,000,000,000,000 times better than the crap they manufactured in korea on machines. I remember speaking to Bill about it and how he was worried they wouldn't get the guitars to be as good as what he makes. A real Conklin is like a JEDI tool.

Groove tools are amazing guitars for the price. i prefer it to a lot of other 7 strings i've played. its no UV, but its damn good for the price. Its not comparable to a real conklin, no.. but its not a shit guitar by any stretch of the imagination. i'd take it over any other 7 string thats available for under 600$.


Forum MVP
Oct 18, 2004
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Until the Jem 7VWH, all Jems and Universes were basswood. Only a handful of JS model extensions have been mahogany, and the ones Satriani regularly plays are all basswood. The Music Man EVH and Peavey Wolfgang were basswood with maple tops. Many solid-colour Wolfgangs were solid basswood.

I have a Dean EVO Special 7 which is maple and mahogany, and it has a great tone. I have a Music Man JP7 which is basswood, and it also has a great tone. My alder Strat VII and poplar-and-masonite Danelectro also have great tone. They're all different tones, and i like them all. If there's only one "tone" that's pleasing to you, you're missing out on a whole world of tonal options. It's like painting with a full palette versus painting in one colour.

Incidentally, the new JP7 model has an alder body with a mahogany "tone block" embedded in the body, a maple top and a mahogany neck. Very different from his basswood/maple/rosewood guitar, but not better or worse. Just different.


Arrogant asshole
Sep 27, 2005
Reaction score
My house
so the scale of the 8
does anyone difinitively know?

Dude, NAMM starts tomorrow, chances are we'll have specs then. 24 more hours can't hurt ;)

Right now, we think it's a 27" guitar on the basis of some photo analysis.