Ibanez RGD7421 vs LTD H-1007

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Red paperclip trader
Mar 19, 2010
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New Jersey
Get the Ibanez. Get bkp warpigs, they rape in basswood. Of that's to expensive, get the crunchlab and liquifire

^ What this guy said

What I like about the 1007 more though is you probably get better quality control and hardware. And the purple veneer looks tits.

But I love the RGD shape and scale. Quality should still be good, so it takes me vote.

Could never go wrong with crunchlab/liquifier combo

For the ATX 7, it's a solid guitar, and the features on it are really nice. It's a heavy guitar though. My good friend's main guitar is the 6 string version of it. They're made to last, but I just don't like actives, especially blackouts.

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Nov 13, 2012
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So it really comes down to either the Ibby 7421 or the Schecter C-7. The Schecter looks alot better than the Ibby, but the ibby is way cheaper(altough pick-up change will ofc happen).

I'd like to try something new, my current 6 string guitar is and Ibby and I really really like it, but it also looks better than the RGD7421.

They had 2 schecter 7-strings at my local musicshop, so I could try those and see what I think about the neck. Some say the neck on shecters is like a basball bat and others say they are quite comfy..


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2012
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blue was a tad annoying to read, but my recomendation for pickups would be D-Activators, they work really well in that guitar

these two guitars are two different beast, right from scale length to hardware, to woods and pickups, this one will come down to what you like already. personally i'd go with the 7421 cus it's an extremely comfortable to play guitar for extended periods of time.

also emg's still have emg routes, regardless of what pickups you put in there, cover or no

Yea man, I got an RGD7421 and threw D-Activators in it and they slay. :shred:

Like EMGs, but with a passive feel.


Red paperclip trader
Mar 19, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
So it really comes down to either the Ibby 7421 or the Schecter C-7. The Schecter looks alot better than the Ibby, but the ibby is way cheaper(altough pick-up change will ofc happen).

I'd like to try something new, my current 6 string guitar is and Ibby and I really really like it, but it also looks better than the RGD7421.

They had 2 schecter 7-strings at my local musicshop, so I could try those and see what I think about the neck. Some say the neck on shecters is like a basball bat and others say they are quite comfy..

compared to ibanez, yes. They are baseball bat necks. However you'll eventually get used to it.


Murder Machine
Sep 14, 2007
Reaction score
Oshawa, ON, Canada
just want to add that the warpigs are also a sexcellent choice, fantastic for those deeps chugs and dark tones, only thing is i never really like the highs or the fact that no matter what i couldn't get a pleasing pinch harmonic out of it. again awesome pickup, but for the 7421 i would still say d-activator, and this is coming froma guy whose last two guitars were loaded with ceramic warpigs


stuff and thangs
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Paso Robles Ca
Not saying which guitar is better as that is more opinion than anything, but just to give you my side of things... when I went for my first 7 string I wanted to make sure that I could play it well, so I went with an Ibanez with the slimmer neck. It was a good choice. I can play other 7 strings, but I think if I went for a standard sized neck on a 7 right away I would've been less inclined to actually keep on playing/buy one.

This but reverse, I went with ESP/LTD guitars. The necks for their 7 and 6 strings fit my hand perfectly. I would steer clear of a schecter though if your wanting a thinner profile neck


Nov 13, 2012
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I went to my local musicstore today and tried out the Hellraiser C-7 and some other 7 string, Damien or Diamond I believe. Yes the neck is a bit thicker than my current Ibanez, but I quite liked it. Not as thick as I had imagined. The only weird thing was that the guitar had 7 strings:rolleyes:, which will require some getting used to ofc.

I am still in doubt as to which guitar I should go with, the Ibanez is so much cheaper which makes me think it won't be as good as the schecter.. Just found the Jackson SLATTXMG3-7. Looks nice aswell with a pricerange between the Ibby and the Schecter. Even though I'm still unsure as to which guitar I should go for, I now now that I want a 26.5" scale guitar


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I tried them all some time ago because I had the same dilemma, hope I can give some advice:

RGD7421: needs a pickup change so you need to count that in your budget, also it has the infamous Gibraltar bridge which you may like or not, but most people don't :lol:
Other than those two things, it felt pretty good and I think Indonesian Ibbys are very well made in general.

Jackson: Ibanez style neck, slightly different feel but same thinness, a bit artificial sounding but perfect for the typical metalcore chugging if that's what you're into, I couldn't find anything wrong with it really.

Hellraiser: I'm biased because I hate the necks so much, but it feels really overpriced for its specs (which are very similar to the Jackson)

I feel like the Jackson is the safe pick because there's nothing you can hate too much about it, but try a RGD7421 if you can to see if you like the bridge and the general feel/materials/construction


Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
I tried them all some time ago because I had the same dilemma, hope I can give some advice:

RGD7421: needs a pickup change so you need to count that in your budget, also it has the infamous Gibraltar bridge which you may like or not, but most people don't :lol:
Other than those two things, it felt pretty good and I think Indonesian Ibbys are very well made in general.

Jackson: Ibanez style neck, slightly different feel but same thinness, a bit artificial sounding but perfect for the typical metalcore chugging if that's what you're into, I couldn't find anything wrong with it really.

Hellraiser: I'm biased because I hate the necks so much, but it feels really overpriced for its specs (which are very similar to the Jackson)

I feel like the Jackson is the safe pick because there's nothing you can hate too much about it, but try a RGD7421 if you can to see if you like the bridge and the general feel/materials/construction

I actually happen to like the Gibraltar Bridge, but then again I only play one guitar(with a Gibraltar bridge atm) so I don't really have anything to compare it with.

I find the jackson quite nice aswell, but what kind of body is it? Basswood or Mahogany? The official site says Mahogany, but some say Basswood..

Also I won't get the hellraiser, but the Blackjack ATX C-7. But maybe they've got the same neck type?