In what price is the best advice to buy a used Mesa Dual Rectifier?

  • Thread starter MrFighter
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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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Maryland, Stevensville
I can see in guitar center various dual rectifiers in 1000$, 1100$, 1200$, 1300$, but, I not know. A new dual rectifier is around 1950$, and a used 1000$? This is not very danger? Because, I think that this can be broken or bad.

In what range of price is the best advice to buy a mint used Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier? or a excellent dual rectifier?

Because, I can see in other stores, dual rectifier in 1800$ mint.

Help me to understand please.

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"TWAT" for short
Mar 18, 2012
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Austin, TX
For a mint condition 3 channel (not the multi-watt) Dual Rec, I'd pay no more than $1100. $1200 if there was verification of new tubes throughout. Guitar Center's 30-day return policy is good with their used gear, so find the best deal you can because you can return it and find another if there are any issues.

Rectifiers, like 5150s, Egnaters, and JVMs, are cheap on the used market simply because there are so many of them out there. For example, a brand new 6505+ is around $1200, but the same amp can be found used any day for $550-700.

Given To Fly

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Here is the skinny:
Guitar Center will sell broken amps. Over on The Boogie Board a guy bought a used Roadster from GC for $850. He was really excited (as he should have been) but when it arrived it was non-functional so he returned it. So again, moral of the story: Guitar Center will sell broken amps.

Used amps sold by retailers are priced from one source: Ebay. When a used amp comes into the shop (I'm counting GC as a shop) the store will go on eBay, search for the amp, and look at all of the "Sold" auctions from the last 90 days. The average selling price is the biggest factor in determining how much they can sell the amp for in their store; condition and age are almost afterthoughts barring any obvious problems.

So how much should you pay for a used Dual Rectifier? Nobody really knows. My gut tells me $1500 is a fair price for a used one in excellent condition that may have a year or two left on the warranty. A heavily used amp in good condition with no warranty would be closer to $1000 - $1200. I consider these to be fair prices. With that said, be on the look out for some "to good to be true deals" because they do come along every once in a while and are legitimate. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2011
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Around $800-$1200 seems to be the common range. It really just depends on if you want a Pre-500 2-channel, a 2-channel, a 3-channel, or a 3-channel multi-watt. There have been many revisions over the years.


Buys guitars, sometimes plays them
Mar 6, 2007
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Northern Virginia
I don't know if it's you or not, but damn it seems like someone with your style of grammar posts threads about buying a Recto on this board and TGP all the time under various user names. If it is you, just buy one already from Guitar Center and return it if you don't like it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2014
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Here is the skinny:
Guitar Center will sell broken amps. Over on The Boogie Board a guy bought a used Roadster from GC for $850. He was really excited (as he should have been) but when it arrived it was non-functional so he returned it. So again, moral of the story: Guitar Center will sell broken amps.

This is the truth. I bought a JSX from local guitar center and after a few hours it died. So I returned it and had another one shipped to me from another GC. This one worked initially, but I later realized it was making a buzzing noise from the power section that got progressively worse.

I took the amp to a tech who gave me the runaround (told me "they all do this"), wasted the bench fee, and then I ordered filter caps from Peavey and did a complete cap job ($60 in parts) which totally fixed the amp. Its now super quiet.

Because the JSX had a buzzing problem, I wouldn't sell it on ebay (unethical), the only option at that point would be to sell it back to GC, and they wouldn't give me the $600 it was worth, probably would give me half or less. So the only option was to learn how to fix it. Good as new now.

The point is that broken amps end up at GC for a reason. And problems don't always show up in the first day or even month. They offer extended warranties, which I would consider if buying a used amp from GC.

Also if you get one, play it cranked for a few hours each day for a week to really make sure its good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2012
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South Jersey
Here is the skinny:
Guitar Center will sell broken amps. Over on The Boogie Board a guy bought a used Roadster from GC for $850. He was really excited (as he should have been) but when it arrived it was non-functional so he returned it. So again, moral of the story: Guitar Center will sell broken amps.

I bought a new Roadster from that was broken lol. Took it to a tech for warranty work, so it didn't cost anything. They sell broken stuff regularly, as I've pointed out broken amps, guitars needed maintenance etc, many times in various stores... SamAsh as well, so it's not just a GC thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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PSA to anybody in winnipeg. There's a dual rec AND cab on kijiji for 1200$. Somebody please buy that.

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