IPhone 4 Leak

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Now available in HD
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Chelmsford, UK
Just been reading about some of this on Mac Rumors.

I'm currently trying to decide whether to renew my contract and upgrade to a 3Gs this weekend, or whether I should wait for this summer's iPhone model.

This thing looks like a Sony Ericsson, though..


Now with Less Hair!
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
my mate is getting this then selling me her old 3g for cheap so ill still have an old model xD

1/2 of me says it just looks like a sony/ samsung the other 1/2 says it looks pretty damn cool


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
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This is why I hate apple...my 3gs is barely 6 months old and it's already going to be obsolete....I guess thats just technology in general, but these things are so goddamn expensive I can't really see upgrading.


Likes trem wankery.
Super Moderator
Aug 7, 2008
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Racine, WI
So they squared it off to make it look like any other phone nowadays. Excellent. :rolleyes:

Perhaps in a couple years when I'm ready to upgrade my 3G I'll switch to a cheap one of these, though, it'll have to have an amazing feature set. Though, knowing Apple, it'll just look pretty.


cali-cornia bluffer
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
This is why I hate apple...my 3gs is barely 6 months old and it's already going to be obsolete....I guess thats just technology in general, but these things are so goddamn expensive I can't really see upgrading.

Apple has always released a new Iphone every June. That's the way it was since it first came out.

Also, any smart phone can be expensive.

I dropped my Blackberry 8310 a couple months ago from a flight of stairs smashed to the concrete. Since I didn't have insurance on it, I had to buy a new phone. And finding another 8310, which a slow processor, it would still cost me $150 USED.


Rainbow In The Dark
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Bought my phone for 50 bucks, smartphoners gonna hate :fawk:


Now with Less Hair!
Feb 16, 2010
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i got a 2nd hand samsung tocco for £20 hahaha, but time will tell if this is the real deal...


Now available in HD
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Chelmsford, UK
This is why I hate apple...my 3gs is barely 6 months old and it's already going to be obsolete....I guess thats just technology in general, but these things are so goddamn expensive I can't really see upgrading.

Man, you really gotta keep a closer eye on Apple trends. It wasn't hard to figure out that there'd be a new one this summer. For what it's worth, the 3Gs won't be 'obsolete' - you'll be able to enjoy the new iPhone OS when iPhone 4.0 is released.

As for this.. whole damn thing, I'm 99% sure this was a controlled leak. Why does this Gray Powell guy, a lowly Apple product engineer, get the honour of going out for a piss up with a brand new, unreleased Apple product? I can't even fathom how anything like that could ever occur..

Gray Powell - 'Steve, my 3Gs battery's gone flat - can I take the 4.0 concept out tonight so I can call a taxi to get my drunk ass home?'

Steve Jobs - 'Hey Gray, sure man, no problem! Just put it back in the vault when you get in tomorrow - have a good night! Oh, and Gray... try not to lose it!'

Yeah.. right.

I dunno how to call this other than it's a controlled leak. Will this be what iPhone 4.0 looks like? I don't know. The deal with the possible removable battery the Engadget guys commented on leads me to believe it may just be a test platform for new hardware they're trialling, such as the flash, front camera, and of course batteries... and seen as we all know about Apple's notorious secrecy, I doubt they'd give away the final look of arguably their most popular product in a controlled and intentional leak. It is quite a pretty looking test platform, though I still rule out that this was a completely whoopsie.

But, if it is a genuine leak in the sense that they left it there to see what happens, how likely is it that it'd end up in the hands of arguably one of the best tech blogs on the net after it was found in a bar by some random guy? Man, if the guy that found it on a bar stool hasn't got enough of a conscience to hand it in to management, the chances of a genuine random guy keeping the hardware for himself and destroying it when Apple bricked it via MobileMe, resulting in Apple getting zero publicity for this is WAY too much of a risk to take. And if he knew what it actually was, I'm sure the brownie points/free shit he'd get from Apple upon it's safe, unleaked return would outweigh the 5k he sold it so Gizmodo for, as the story goes. I say everyone who got their hands on this hardware knew exactly what the score was.

I smell bullshit. I think they're all in on it. Apple, Engadget, Gizmodo, the lot of them. Apple wanted this to happen, simply because Apple are WAY too good at this stuff for such a monumental screw up to go happen - this is the biggest viral marketing scheme in viral marketing's history. Think of the tens of millions of dollars they save in advertising. I was DEAD SET on buying an iPhone 3Gs this very weekend and not waiting for 4.0... they sure changed my mind. I may be a sucker, but I wanna be a part of this now, I wanna see what iPhone 4.0's all about, as I'm sure a lot of people gearing up the buy new Android devices will aswell.

With all that in mind, the opposing argument does have some strength to it.. I'm just in favour of this one.

I know what you're thinking.. TL; DR :lol:


Not so local lefty
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Orpington, SE London, UK
My 3GS contract expires in June 2011 so I'll be upgrading to the 5th gen iPhone (as opposed to this one, which is the 4th), however unlike many other manufacturers, the next version of the O.S will be available for all to download, although the 3G version doesn't have the full-range of new things. The 3GS gets everything though, so I can look forward to the software upgrade at least. I made a thread about OS 4.0 in this forum, although nobody replied. :(

Anyone due an upgrade soon should probably wait till the end of June for this!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
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Man, you really gotta keep a closer eye on Apple trends. It wasn't hard to figure out that there'd be a new one this summer. For what it's worth, the 3Gs won't be 'obsolete' - you'll be able to enjoy the new iPhone OS when iPhone 4.0 is released.

yeah man, I know, but my contract was up so it was shit or get off the pot, and Bell offered a really good deal on the 3gs


Not so local lefty
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Orpington, SE London, UK
In terms of the hardware it's not like you're missing out too much anyway, the 3GS's camera is absolutely fine for quick snaps (phone cameras will never be as good as proper ones) and LED flashes are useless unless you're up real close anyway, the screen is nice, it runs fast (I played with a friend's 3G at the weekend, and it felt like slo-mo mode) and how many people with forward facing cameras use them anyway? Battery life is the only biggie, but I've optimised my 3GS and can get a day out of it with frequent use so it's fine.

The main attraction will be the software, which we all get to use; multi-tasking, folders to manage and arrange apps in, the Xbox Live style games center, stuff like that. At the end of the day it's just a phone though, and the 3GS is a wonderful device to browse the net with and do some of the fun things iPhones are capable of doing.


Now available in HD
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Chelmsford, UK
yeah man, I know, but my contract was up so it was shit or get off the pot, and Bell offered a really good deal on the 3gs

I hear ya bro, I'm in the same position myself :yesway:

In terms of the hardware it's not like you're missing out too much anyway, the 3GS's camera is absolutely fine for quick snaps (phone cameras will never be as good as proper ones) and LED flashes are useless unless you're up real close anyway, the screen is nice, it runs fast (I played with a friend's 3G at the weekend, and it felt like slo-mo mode) and how many people with forward facing cameras use them anyway? Battery life is the only biggie, but I've optimised my 3GS and can get a day out of it with frequent use so it's fine.

The main attraction will be the software, which we all get to use; multi-tasking, folders to manage and arrange apps in, the Xbox Live style games center, stuff like that. At the end of the day it's just a phone though, and the 3GS is a wonderful device to browse the net with and do some of the fun things iPhones are capable of doing.

TBH, the main reasons I'm waiting is for hopefully improved battery life (battery is between 16% and 19% larger, apparently), and a faster, possibly dual core processor can't ever hurt, ya know - unless that cancels out the improved battery life, which along with probably a higher screen resolution I'm sure it will :lol: isn't it about time a massive breakthrough with batteries was made anyway? I think something else may be in the pipeline, too...


Not so local lefty
Jul 21, 2005
Reaction score
Orpington, SE London, UK
I hear ya bro, I'm in the same position myself :yesway:

TBH, the main reasons I'm waiting is for hopefully improved battery life (battery is between 16% and 19% larger, apparently), and a faster, possibly dual core processor can't ever hurt, ya know - unless that cancels out the improved battery life, which along with probably a higher screen resolution I'm sure it will :lol: isn't it about time a massive breakthrough with batteries was made anyway? I think something else may be in the pipeline, too...

Yeah they need to come up with something since all smartphones have fairly poor battery life... but then they're basically mini-computers. It's the nature of the beast at the moment.

I would imagine the phone will have the same processor as the iPad, since it's basically their equivalent to the top of the line Snapdragon processors you find in HTC models.


Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
I'm looking forward to the iPhone 4 but there's not much I'm really interested in apart from the better CPU and screen. I have the BETA OS4.0 and it's fantastic, definitly a worthy update! So I'm looking forward to the final release of that.


Now available in HD
Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Chelmsford, UK
Yeah they need to come up with something since all smartphones have fairly poor battery life... but then they're basically mini-computers. It's the nature of the beast at the moment.

I would imagine the phone will have the same processor as the iPad, since it's basically their equivalent to the top of the line Snapdragon processors you find in HTC models.

I was talking to a guy earlier that reckoned this mysterious ceramic/zirconia back casing was actually going to be a solar panel.. which is super unlikely, but thinking about how this iPhone 4 looks, that idea would be inspired, and would be a fantastic, breakthrough addition that would really make iPhone 4 stand out amongst all the other smart/camera/music/satnav/emailphones MUCH more than a forward facing camera and iChat will - but, at this point in time, a solar panel that big probably wouldn't generate much power in sensible time.

I'm not actually too sure about the processor upgrade - Did they upgrade between 2g and 3g? It may be a trending two-yearly upgrade to try and always have something to upgrade, but of course we're yet to see any trends other than yearly updates. What's the clock speed on the A4 anyway? I hear it's biggest plus point is efficiency, which again would bode will for battery :)

Zak, the Beta OS4 does look much ver cool! The folders and multitasking especially were well needed.


Gearus Pimptasticus
Super Moderator
Apr 15, 2006
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Out there, somewhere
As for this.. whole damn thing, I'm 99% sure this was a controlled leak. Why does this Gray Powell guy, a lowly Apple product engineer, get the honour of going out for a piss up with a brand new, unreleased Apple product? I can't even fathom how anything like that could ever occur..

It's common practice for pre-release software and hardware to be used by employees throughout the company for testing purposes and is even more likely if he was an engineer that worked on the iPhone OS or hardware.

As for the looks of the new iPhone, from what Gizmodo said it's squared off because there is literally no extra space in the phone at all once the electronics are packed in, so it was either make it larger to curve the edges or make it the shape it is. Also keep in mind that the unit they got is probably not the final phone.

lefty robb

Shred like a mofo
Sep 21, 2008
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I'm open to a phone upgrade I believe in August, and I can't wait for this phone. I actually like the flat back, I don't like how the iPhone wears on the back in just a few spots due to the curve.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2009
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my 3g feels so old now :(

oh well, I want a blackberry anyways.
Gotta wait till august till I can upgrade.