Is the genzbenz 600w shuttle6 too much for a peavey 18" black widow?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
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B.C. Canada
hi folks, i have a few more question for you all.
im getting a 118D peavey bass cab, has an 8ohm 18" black widow speaker. it doesnt say the wattage on the cab NOR does it say on the peavey website (crazy i know).
i use a genz benz shuttle 6 amp, its 375w in 8 ohms or 600 in 4ohms.
1 - how many watts is an 18" black widow speaker?
2 - can i safely use the 18" black widow cab?
3 - can i safely use the 2x10T (2x10 cab that comes with the shuttle) along with my new 18" black widow cab?
4 - im a guitarist and have never dealt with bass amps/cabs before, im guessing it works the same way, both cabs are 8 ohms so that means id run the amp at 4 ohms right?

i worry most about running the peavey cab along with another cab forcing me to use the amp in 4 ohm mode (600w) yikes.
thanks :scratch:

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Grinder of strings
Dec 12, 2011
Reaction score
Washington, the state
Black Widows are pretty tough. You can under strange circumstances blow almost any speaker though. You just have to listen for speaker stress sounds to avoid damage.

When using both cabs and presenting a 4 ohm load to the amp, each speaker cab will get roughly half the power, so it would probably get less power than run solo.