Jason Becker liked my video :')


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Okay, many of you know about Jason's "Not So Dead Festival" that took place a while ago on San Fransisco. Well, since I didnt have th emoney to buy a plane ticket and show my support there, i decided to make a video of me playing his old band Cacophony"s song "Desert Island". I posted it on his FB page, and to my surprise, I received a notification with a "like" from him. I know it could have been the person that manages the site, or he could really have seen it. I dont know but it did make my day, since i checked and no one else had received a like from him. Made me feel special :)

Here is a pic of it i took :)

Here is the vid :)

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Foolish Mortal
Dec 3, 2007
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Nimbus III
Jason Becker has definitely gotten the short of end of the stick in his life, and the fact that he continues to use his mind and hasn't given up is simply incredible.


Fuzz pedal hoarder
Feb 6, 2011
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Behind you
Wow, really happy for you man :)

Jason was such a wonderful guitarist way back when, and has coped amazingly with having such a hateful, catastrophic illness
for so many years. I think I read that he's the longest-surviving documented ALS sufferer. Hats off to him.

You wouldn't wish that kind of debilitating illness on anyone, no-one deserves that kind of shit. Thank fuck it's so rare, I just hope to anything that they make enough medical developments so that it might be eradicated at some point. It's pretty much the worst fate that can befall anyone, IMO. It's a horrible affliction. On purely selfish terms, I hope I never have to see anyone I know battling with it, or suffer it myself. That probably makes me sound like a
self-important arsehole, sorry.

Anyone who lives with ALS deserves a fucking medal. Mike Porcaro, the bassist for Toto, was recently diagnosed with it too,
which sucks big time - another amazing player.

But yeah, Jason was an amazing, amazing guitarist and is truly inspiring to this day. Congratulations on your like, I would be
overcome if I was in your position right now. Recognition from someone that great doesn't come every day.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Wow, really happy for you man :)

Jason was such a wonderful guitarist way back when, and has coped amazingly with having such a hateful, catastrophic illness
for so many years. I think I read that he's the longest-surviving documented ALS sufferer. Hats off to him.

You wouldn't wish that kind of debilitating illness on anyone, no-one deserves that kind of shit. Thank fuck it's so rare, I just hope to anything that they make enough medical developments so that it might be eradicated at some point. It's pretty much the worst fate that can befall anyone, IMO. It's a horrible affliction. On purely selfish terms, I hope I never have to see anyone I know battling with it, or suffer it myself. That probably makes me sound like a
self-important arsehole, sorry.

Anyone who lives with ALS deserves a fucking medal. Mike Porcaro, the bassist for Toto, was recently diagnosed with it too,
which sucks big time - another amazing player.

But yeah, Jason was an amazing, amazing guitarist and is truly inspiring to this day. Congratulations on your like, I would be
overcome if I was in your position right now. Recognition from someone that great doesn't come every day.

I totally agree with you, Jason has struggle with this disease for a long time now, and still he doesn't give up. Thats what serves me as inspiration, and i bet a lot of people too.

I like your "Go for it" attitude bro - and the tapping was once again the best part :)

Lol, i really should try practicing more techniques, i got tapping all burned up already jajaja

Btw. Thank you all for the nice comments :)
Im still celebrating the moment jajajja


Pretty Your Petunia
Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
thats awesome man, i felt the same way when jason richardson gave me a nice comment on my ASP cover when he was transitioning into all shall perish.

neat cover also!!

New Age Moron

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2009
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Congrats! Wow, I bet you're celebrating after having been complemented by Jason Becker! He will always be a legend, and him being robbed of his gift so young was a great injustice. I only hope that one day he can play again. ALS has to be eliminated eventually, hopefully sooner than later.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Puerto Rico
Congrats! Wow, I bet you're celebrating after having been complemented by Jason Becker! He will always be a legend, and him being robbed of his gift so young was a great injustice. I only hope that one day he can play again. ALS has to be eliminated eventually, hopefully sooner than later.

I hope Jason gets better soon. I heard there was some experimental drug he was taking, since ALS its not just a muscular disease its also neurological, its kind of dangerous to work with, but i bet sooner or later , he'll get up ,and rip apart a guitar. :hbang:


Fuzz pedal hoarder
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
Behind you
I hope Jason gets better soon. I heard there was some experimental drug he was taking, since ALS its not just a muscular disease its also neurological, its kind of dangerous to work with, but i bet sooner or later , he'll get up ,and rip apart a guitar. :hbang:

Can this happen? I thought there was no cure that would heal what he has.

If there is a proper cure that will let him walk, talk and play again, that's fucking AWESOME.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Can this happen? I thought there was no cure that would heal what he has.

If there is a proper cure that will let him walk, talk and play again, that's fucking AWESOME.

Well, In med school they taught me about riluzole, a drug that is used as a treatment for people with ALS, its slows the progression of it and helps relieve symptoms. As for recovering the ability to move thats up to therapists, both physical and opperational.