Job related advice

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Melbourne, Australia.
I started a new job a few weeks ago as a trainee salesman at a Ford dealership. First few days were the greatest, the dealership is one of the best selling in the state and everyone's really friendly and nice.
Fast forward, I get moved to a different dealership for more training. Was all excited, but then met the senior salesman I have to shadow. I've met some seriously shit people in my life, but this guy takes the cake. Easily the most condescending, patronising and abusive guy I've ever met. Had me change every light globe in our showroom, on a half-broken ladder with no supervision and was turning the light on and off while I was changing them. I know it's not all that dangerous, but still, an ordeal nonetheless.
Some of the things he said that day (called me a bitch in front of customers, said I belonged in a skatepark and not a dealership, just to name a few) were so unprofessional. I took it on the chin and never bit back, but I went home wanting to quit. Instead, I called my boss and told him what happened. He said he'd been done for something similar before and that he was in serious trouble and probably wouldn't have a job anymore.
Problem is, the guy sells a minimum of a car a day and they ended up giving him ANOTHER 'formal warning'. Seems to me like they didn't want to fire him purely because he sells so many cars. He's still being a complete dick, and I feel like if I open my mouth again nothing's going to happen.

Do I leave? I really love this job when I'm not around this scumbag. But, the fact that management doesn't have my back and gives him free reign to do what he wants. I've struggled to find something I actually enjoy doing since I finished school, and I don't want another failed attempt on my belt.

TLDR; awesome new job, except guy is a complete dick and management won't do anything about it. Stay or go?

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Grinder of strings
Dec 12, 2011
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Washington, the state
I've gotten by doing shitty jobs when I enjoy interacting with my coworkers. But a great job can be very challenging with difficult coworkers, so I really feel for you man.:wallbash:

My only suggestion would be to in a non-aggressive way stand up for yourself. This guy is probably a bully, that just needs to know that you can't be disrespected. If he gives you shit that is offensive just tell him that "you can't talk to me like that at work, we don't have to get along, but we should be professional."

On the other hand, maybe he's just joking around,(some people are hard to read) and you should figure out how to give him shit right back. But you might want to feel that out a little before you call him a dirty old prick:fawk:. But stay professional around customers no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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It's obvious this is your first car sales gig. These guys are commonplace in dealerships and you'll have to get over it honestly. Most dealerships care about the numbers more than thier personell because sales guys who can truly sell and stay put are hard to find. You will get more respect as you make a name for yourself with sales numbers. Let the haters hate and just do your thing. I know this may be tough to hear but working at a dealership is nothing like a typical job. You will likely experience things that will blow your mind and yet be looked over if the people involved are top producers. I spent time selling cars and doing quite well at it until the economy hit the crapper in '08. I loved it once I got used to the idiots I had to deal with. Get in your companies top 5 on the floor and you can do whatever you want including tell this guy where to shove it. I recommend keeping your feelings to yourself other than asking him to be professional or he'll likely stab you in the back before you get the chance to prove your worth to the desk manager.

Also- if you get asked for the ID-TEN-T paperwork, lot stretcher, or closing tools... have fun :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2012
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Atlanta, Ga
I did all kinds of sales gigs before I got into writing software. And really, it's all the same regardless of the field. You can get away with a lot more when you produce. My advice would be to focus on busting your ass and sell sell sell. Once you have a solid track record, you'll get picked on less, and be afforded the leeway of the occasional witty retort.


twerk twerk thall
May 6, 2011
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Does he have his own office or workspace?

If so:
Acquire a pound of shrimp.
When no one is looking, flip his chair over and stuff the shrimp up in the column.
Tape over the hole.
Poke holes in tape.
Wait a week.
Bug him about how his office stinks.

JP Universe

Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
You don't have to put up with that bullshit. I'd organise a meeting with him and someone higher up and talk to the guy about how he's making you feel.

If it continues and no-one does anything about it start looking for another job immediately. Lifes too short to be unhappy at work.... I went through 5 yrs of having cocksuckers as bosses and I would do nothing about it. Now i'm in a situation where I have all the support in the world from my 2 superiors. Nip it in the bud and don't let this continue.

As a supervisor myself I don't give a shit if someone is good at sales if they are bullying someone. No tolerance policy.....



Five Align
May 2, 2011
Reaction score
I worked sales for two years. The people who were constantly near the top in sales months after month were basically allowed to do whatever they wanted. Taking a 2 hour lunch then showing up smelling like pot, making blatent racist/sexually abusive remarks to other staff, making disrespectful nicknames for new people, etc. The management staff just went along with it, usually laughing about it.

I know it sucks, but that's my experience with sales. It's like you just have to go along with it to fit in so you're not the one who gets the brunt end of most of it.
Oct 10, 2010
Reaction score
Lake Oswego, OR
I worked 10 years at a Ford dealer in the body shop and had plenty of experience dealing with salesman lowlife. That said my advice would be to take it like a man and just sell more cars than him.


unicorn smile
May 7, 2009
Reaction score
Montreal, QC
There's a lot of ways you can go about this.

1) Leave

2) Stay, and become seriously uncomfortable. You may not care now, but feeling like a bitch will eventually get to you and cause damage.

3) Stay, tell him off and look like an idiot

4) Stay, tell him off in the most intelligent way possible and look SMART!

5) Organize a sort of meeting where superiors will listen to you. Bring facts - collect data before you speak. This could also make you look bad.

It's touchy. There's good people in that business. But in sales, in general, especially in Gen X & Y, there's some pretty serious egomaniac cokeheads.

I've dealt with being treated like shit for a long time and honestly, no matter how badass you walk in and how good you are, it eventually gets to you and seriously damages your future talents. Do NOT jeopardize your future talents. for some shit guy.


The Master of Joints
Oct 28, 2012
Reaction score
Vilnius, Lithuania
Use sarcasm on him.. Let's say, be EXTREMELY polite to him, talk uberly nice etc.
Sooner or later, you'll hit the sweet spot, and he'll probably think you're nutts or something, and get bored.


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2009
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Never Neverland
In most sales jobs, a salesman who is producing can damn near get away with murder, and one who isn't producing can't buy a job. Many of these guys are sharks, and if you want to swim with the sharks, you need to either become a shark yourself or at least grow big enough that you aren't below them on the food chain.