Just got back from...


Forum MVP
Aug 26, 2005
Reaction score
Geelong, Victoria, Australia


Stu Marshall masterclass and clinic. It was so fucking good. For those who don't know, he is the old guitarist for Aussie band Dungeon (now known as LORD) and is now in a band called Pain Division.

In the masterclass, Stu sat with about 10 of us and discussed technique, practicing, song writing, etc. Then there was about a 2 hour break between the masterclass and the clinic, so me and the guys I was with went back over to the store (the masterclass and clinic were held in the church hall next-door to the shop) and chilled and jammed.

After that was the clinic. There were about 50-70 people there. In the clinic, Stu pretty much talked about the same stuff as in the maserclass, but he also performed a song from his upcoming solo album and solo'd over one of his bands songs, which was insane. :metal:

While I was waiting outside the store to be picked up, Stu came out and chatted to me a bit and gave me a free Pain Division album. He was the nicest guy. So layed back and approachable. He also fitted me into the soldout masterclass without me even asking because he knew I was so keen on it before I found out it was soldout. I have so much respect for guys like him. :bowdown:

Anyway, I'd give the night 5/5 :yesway:'s

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