Just got my broke ass hands on an eleven rack


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Bangor, PA
So lets jump right in shall we. got my hands on an 11R. my first mistake was not getting the pro tools license but its a moot point since i dont need to download presets. if you intend to download presets you need pro tools. i wasnt smart enough to delve into it that much before it before i bought it.

it cost me 364 dollars with shipping brand new sans the license

I bought this to upgrade my Pod XT Pro and it is one hell of an upgrade. i havent even put it in my rack yet and i already love it. i was annoying the hell out of everybody at guitar center today. i had this thing rigged up with an ancient peavey road master which im thinking of getting as a poweramp :offtopic:

anyway i love this thing. i dont have many bits of information to spill but so far so good. the gate is very strong out of the box. the OD effect on this is really good as opposed to the Pods tube screamer sim that even when u boost like a normal OD it just adds saturation. this one actually reacts like a real OD. the whole thing really reacts like the real thing that its trying to emulate.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
Bangor, PA
Can you not load presets with elevenhack?

Please enlighten me. xP im getting the feeling that they told me i needed pro tools ten so that i would buy it from them :p

I love this thing. its so much more complicated than the Pod yet so much easier to use. i got my dream tone in 30 minutes :shred: il upload a clip soon if i can get to it :hbang: