Kid shreds at NAMM


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2010
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Killadelphia, PA
ok, lets see him write a song now. i was bored watching him. not that that it isnt cool for someone so young, but in all honosty, when i listen to music, i dont care what the person looks like or how old they are, but that they have insteresting music, and if thats all that kids learning, hes missing the mark

This right here, is spot fucking on. I could only watch about 30 seconds before i was bored to tears. I've never been impressed by wankery just for the sake of wankery.

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2008
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San Antonio, TX
I've been keeping up with this kid for a few years now since I saw him playing Racer X/PG stuff live when he was a little younger. I dont get the hate talk, its kinda like bashing BB king cause he doesnt shred and just bends notes.

Let him be a damn kid, its obvious he has somethin going for him musically since he was invited to NAMM to play for all those people.

This right here, is spot fucking on. I could only watch about 30 seconds before i was bored to tears. I've never been impressed by wankery just for the sake of wankery.

You just joined this month and some of the only posts I've seen by you are negative comments in different threads, which may explain why your first feedbacks on the forum are negative.
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On vacation
May 24, 2010
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Anton Oparin is really really good. He covers a lot of paganini with ease.

But don't get discouraged guys. There will always be bigger fish. There will always be some kid who sat in his bedroom longer than you and learned to play way harder shit than you etc. It's all about the music you produce. This kid has only done covers/improv solos from what I've seen. And yeah, he might write his own stuff one day, but it wont be like the stuff you make so don't sweat it.

I mean when you get to that point it, is pretty much exploiting music theory to make pseudo-classical shred compositions. Which are cool, I'm a huge fan of stuff like that. But those simple riffs from the less talented guys are what make me tingle the most. Like the riff from Crazy train. lol

Yea, I think that's what 7 Strings of Hate was saying earlier, also. I echo this sentiment.

I am highly impressed with his skill. I mean, wow... I can't play like that, and it's both encouraging, as well as discouraging, to see someone so young shame my ability like that.

However, great songs aren't five minutes of sweeping arpeggios and blazing through scales, despite what Malmsteen fans may claim.

I tend to follow what guys like Gene Simmons (I know, I know) and Marty Friedman say. They say, basically, it doesn't matter how many notes you play or how fast you play them. What matters is what notes you play and how you play them. You can have a guitar solo that's only five notes long, but those five notes are so amazing and count so much that you inspire millions of people worldwide.

As HeartCollector says above, it's like the riff in Crazy Train. Simple, yet it will send chills up your spine. How can you not bang your head to that, and what is it, like four notes or something? lol.

Nonetheless, all of this sort of misses the point of what Scar Symmetry is doing here. His point was to show how amazing such a young kid was in hopes of inspiring everyone to not give up and practice that much longer in hopes of reaching higher highs.

Well, this has inspired me in two complimentary ways. First, I feel the need to practice longer and harder than I had before. Second, I feel the need to spend much more time focusing on my phrasing and song writing that I had before.

I think a lot has been accomplished here, from my perspective!

Great video post. Thanks!

Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
Nonetheless, all of this sort of misses the point of what Scar Symmetry is doing here. His point was to show how amazing such a young kid was in hopes of inspiring everyone to not give up and practice that much longer in hopes of reaching higher highs.

Well, this has inspired me in two complimentary ways. First, I feel the need to practice longer and harder than I had before. Second, I feel the need to spend much more time focusing on my phrasing and song writing that I had before.

I think a lot has been accomplished here, for my perspective!

Great video post. Thanks!

Excellent, I'm glad that my attempt to help inspire has been picked up by someone, you're very welcome :yesway:


Metal Teddy Bear
Jun 29, 2007
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After 3 years of being on this forum, I get neg-repped for the first time ever in this thread? Wow. I guess whoever it was didn't bother to read my follow-up about how I actually had respect for the kid, I just wasn't impressed.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
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It's amazing how so many people here are getting so worked up over this and take the opportunity to degrade the guy. What an awesome player! He has a whole life ahead of him to write and play great and difficult music.
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Scar Symmetry

Ex Whiny Bitch
May 29, 2007
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Bristol, UK
*Sigh* If he was a member, this talk would be non existent, have respect for the kid.

Oh noes, he can shred, but that must mean.... He can't write music! :idea: No one good at guitar can write music can they? The kid's like 12, this should be a non-issue.



Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2009
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So why isn't anyone allowed to have negative criticism?
Anyone can give negative criticism any time, just people in this thread are watching a random video of a kid doing something he really enjoys and showing his playing prowess, then criticizing him for having excellent chops.


Active Member
May 5, 2010
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Winnipeg, MB
Fuck that blows me away. The kid must not have gone to school to be that good, especially at EIGHT fuckin years old.


Oct 23, 2009
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Louisville, KY
ok, lets see him write a song now. i was bored watching him. not that that it isnt cool for someone so young, but in all honosty, when i listen to music, i dont care what the person looks like or how old they are, but that they have insteresting music, and if thats all that kids learning, hes missing the mark

Anyone saying something bad about this kid is most likely riddled with jealousy. You can't deny how amazing it is to see such technical prowess at such a young age.


If he's so bad at "writing" or "riffing" or whatever you're assuming he's deficient in, with no way to actually know, please post videos of your own written material or yourself "riffing" better than you think he is. Otherwise STOP WHINING! You're just obviously jealous and can't deal with somebody being so much better than you that is so much younger than you.