Lemon oil on a guitar finish

  • Thread starter jvms
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2011
Reaction score
Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
Hello there. Two nights ago I decided to take my guitar out of storage, clean it up, change the strings and apply some lemon oil to the fretboard, as was recommended by my tech. It was the first time I did it. It worked out pretty well and the fretboard looks great, but I dropped a tiny bit of lemmon oil into the body of the guitar, wich has a satin finish over the natural rosewood top. I quickly cleaned it with a piece of cloth, but today I noticed two small blisters on the body of the guitar. Could it have been caused by the lemon oil? There were no tools near that part of the body and I don't recall hitting it against a surface. The whole work was done on a big couch to avoide scratching the finish? Did I fuck up? Could it have been something else? Any ideas on how to solve this?

Thanks for the attention!


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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2011
Reaction score
Rio Preto, SP, Brazil
Quick update: out of desperation, I put a tiny bit of water in the tip of my finger and gave it a rub. It looks like some white stuff came out of it, but there is still a round hole in it.


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