Limited time offer (11/30/06): KxK Superstrat 7-string for $999

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God Hand Apostle

Tin Foil Central
Dec 11, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL.
"Are you sure that you want a neck wound pickup in the bridge? Bridge pickups are a lot hotter for a reason: the strings vibrate less at the bridge than at the neck. I put a neck pickup in the bridge once, and it was completely anemic--underpowered to the point of being completely unusable. If you like the '59, they do make a bridge version."

First, I use the bridge pickup for everything:

The reason I'm going with a neck wound is because per your review, you said that the guitar being mostly maple was really bright accoustically, and the X2N made it worse. If it's that "steely", using a lower output pickup, and 250K pots should cut the "edge" off. As we all know, more treble is really easy to attain in the world of electric guitar so I'm trying to compensate.

The sound I like best these days comes from pickups in the 7.2 - 7.9K range. The 59' Neck is 7.43K if my memory serves...the bridge version is just too trebley. I use very little to mid gain at max currently, and boost the signal out of the guitar to the amp so individual note clarity should not be "slushy" at all, and should sustain pretty well.

If money were no object, I would get a custom made Duncan 59' with double screws to alter the frequency response of the pickup to become even softer.

...Either way, if I get bored with the sound, Its only 1 pickup and 2 pots to change to some Ceramic magnet thing, with 500K pots. :evil:

AND! Let us not forget that I also have the Oni 8 with Bareknuckles. haha :metal: :shred: :evil: :flame: :hbang:

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