Line 6 Helix Megathread - 2.80 update

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Lach Rae Dawn

Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2010
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Louisiana, US
They're demonstrating those tones because that's what people want to hear done well and they're not so saturated and overgained that other things are still audible.

Metal is great and all, but lets be honest - Once you've heard a few Ola demos, do you not get the impression that he makes every amp sound like every other amp? I certainly couldn't pick some of the tones apart from each other if I had to in an ABX. Maybe Line 6 have decided that it's not worth competing in the field of "Who can do the same thing the best"?

No, what I mean is that I want a wide range of showcasing the unit. Including some metal, not completely lacking it like most of these sweetwater, or line 6 showcases. I want to be able to hear what the unit can do in a wide range, not only with the same plexi uber-blues tones that is always showcased. I want to hear a lot of "different" tones...

As for Line 6 "maybe decided its not worth competing in the field of who can do the same thing the best" its funny as that is basically what happened in that posted video, most of these official videos kinda focus on the same exact sounds to showcase. (like the one in the video)

Im not knocking it, I like that tone in the video, but I want to hear more in these showcases... I don't see how anyone could have a problem with that.

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Jul 19, 2008
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[Deep Purple lick] Hi, it's Andy. And today we're looking at the new Line 6 Helix. I'm playing a 57 Telecaster into a 65 Amps Soho. Here's the clean signal...


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Cedar Rapids, IA
Same here. I would be really, REALLY impressed if this has a better feel than the KPA.

The feel on the Kemper can be perfect or worse depending on the profile. For instance, if the profiler bakes in a tube screamer type od the feel changes for the worse in many cases, not all. It's all in the profile!


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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The feel on the Kemper can be perfect or worse depending on the profile. For instance, if the profiler bakes in a tube screamer type od the feel changes for the worse in many cases, not all. It's all in the profile!

That is of course true, like you can get the best tube amp and still tweak it to sound terrible. But the idea is that the best I've heard from the KPA beats (IMO, as usual) by far the Axe, not to mention Line 6 and whichever other modeler I have tried. It just has (well, can have) that something tridimensional that I never felt with other digital products.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2014
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That is of course true, like you can get the best tube amp and still tweak it to sound terrible. But the idea is that the best I've heard from the KPA beats (IMO, as usual) by far the Axe, not to mention Line 6 and whichever other modeler I have tried. It just has (well, can have) that something tridimensional that I never felt with other digital products.

Up until recently I had a KPA and an Axe-Fx II side by side. With Fractals latest firmware the tone and feel is better than the KPA (IMO of course). The KPA is good but it sounds bandlimited or something to me like there are no high frequencies at all. I also got ear fatigue very rapidly using the KPA.

Whatever though I doubt the Helix will touch either of them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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With Fractals latest firmware the tone and feel is better than the KPA (IMO of course). The KPA is good but it sounds bandlimited or something to me like there are no high frequencies at all. I also got ear fatigue very rapidly using the KPA.

That's strange, I never have this impression. It always feels like it breathes wide open. (and I am nuts for the high frequencies, whenever I set the presence to a level I think it's good, I raise it more and think "oh, but this sounds so open <3 ")

Whatever though I doubt the Helix will touch either of them.

Yeah, think so too. I just would love so much if the KPA had that interface :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Cedar Rapids, IA
Many of the stock Kemper profiles are lacking in high end as they are made to either sit in a mix or be played loud.

That doesn't say the Kemper is band limited by any means.


Knob Fiddler
Oct 18, 2013
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Up until recently I had a KPA and an Axe-Fx II side by side. With Fractals latest firmware the tone and feel is better than the KPA (IMO of course). The KPA is good but it sounds bandlimited or something to me like there are no high frequencies at all. I also got ear fatigue very rapidly using the KPA.

Whatever though I doubt the Helix will touch either of them.

Have you tried changing your KPA to 48khz and using the pure cab setting? These tremendously improve the feel and sound of the KPA in my opinion.

Anyone interested in doing these send me a PM. It's not supported by official KPA yet, but the settings are there, and myself and several other users have reported absolutely no trouble at all using these settings.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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The thing I can't quite wrap my head around is that much like the HD500, out of 38 amps (not including the bass ones), 16 of them are Fender & Marshall. Is there really that much tonal difference between a Bluesbreaker & a Deluxe that they need 2 models each ? Even the Rectifier only has one model.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there should be 20 different "high gain" amps but at least 30% would seem fair. I will say though that the selection of od pedals does look promising compared to what they have in the Pod line.


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
The thing I can't quite wrap my head around is that much like the HD500, out of 38 amps (not including the bass ones), 16 of them are Fender & Marshall. Is there really that much tonal difference between a Bluesbreaker & a Deluxe that they need 2 models each ? Even the Rectifier only has one model.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that there should be 20 different "high gain" amps but at least 30% would seem fair. I will say though that the selection of od pedals does look promising compared to what they have in the Pod line.

Short answer: Yes. Granted, I will freely admit this works both ways. Lo-gain guys can tell the difference because their ears are tuned to notice the nuances, but the inverse is also true. Higain guys tell the difference in gain structure and those subtle nuances as well.

Of course, some of us can tell the difference regardless and I agree with your premise that for equal representation, there should be separate channel models for everything that is included.

Side note, there is a HUGE difference between a Bluesbreaker and a Fender Deluxe, totally different tonestack, power section, speakers. Hell, there is a noticeable difference just between the two channels on a Deluxe (particularly when using pedals)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Short answer: Yes. Granted, I will freely admit this works both ways. Lo-gain guys can tell the difference because their ears are tuned to notice the nuances, but the inverse is also true. Higain guys tell the difference in gain structure and those subtle nuances as well.

Of course, some of us can tell the difference regardless and I agree with your premise that for equal representation, there should be separate channel models for everything that is included.

Side note, there is a HUGE difference between a Bluesbreaker and a Fender Deluxe, totally different tonestack, power section, speakers. Hell, there is a noticeable difference just between the two channels on a Deluxe (particularly when using pedals)

I get you that there are differences between them (particularly the actual amps) but I was thinking more in terms of the digital versions. Once modelled, is there really a need to have that many from the same company when 2 or 3 would seem to be enough and that would free up space for a bit of a wider selection.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2014
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Have you tried changing your KPA to 48khz and using the pure cab setting? These tremendously improve the feel and sound of the KPA in my opinion.

Anyone interested in doing these send me a PM. It's not supported by official KPA yet, but the settings are there, and myself and several other users have reported absolutely no trouble at all using these settings.

I sold the KPA. I hate words like organic and 3d but the new Axe-Fx firmware just has that stuff in spades. The KPA just didn't have the same mojo IMO. No point in keeping both so I sold it. Whatever though this thread is about the Helix and I don't want to derail it.


Knob Fiddler
Oct 18, 2013
Reaction score
I sold the KPA. I hate words like organic and 3d but the new Axe-Fx firmware just has that stuff in spades. The KPA just didn't have the same mojo IMO. No point in keeping both so I sold it. Whatever though this thread is about the Helix and I don't want to derail it.

Eh, this threads been derailed already a number of times. I don't imagine a few more times would hurt it any lol.

On a side note, I still want to try the helix when it comes out.


Formerly 1-watt brigadier
Jul 25, 2010
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St. Louis, MO
I get you that there are differences between them (particularly the actual amps) but I was thinking more in terms of the digital versions. Once modelled, is there really a need to have that many from the same company when 2 or 3 would seem to be enough and that would free up space for a bit of a wider selection.

Well, on the Fender models at least some of the features are tied to the channels, like vibrato. Granted you could argue you just make a composite channel with all the features.

I don't think they really need to free up space necessarily. The algorithms are tiny, it's just the man hours to model them. Granted some of those different channels on the older amps probably don't require much time because they are essentially the same channel with some extras in the circuit path; at that point I'd say they're freebies there to entice the old-timers that just love that particular channel.

I also just had a thought...perhaps they don't really bother modelling some of the higain amp channels because they have other models that do that feature better, like the clean channel on most higain amps is kinda meh and you have Deluxe and Twin Reverb models, so you would just use those instead. IE: most clean channels try to emulate a Fender, most crunch channels try to emulate a Marshall, etc.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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North Vancouver
I'm pretty sure I will be getting one at some point. The demos I've heard sound great, certainly good enough for me and the feature list is crazy. The lack of more metal amps doesn't bother as i'm sure with the ability to layer 4 different Amp signal paths I will be able to come up with more than enough brutal stuff to keep me happy (not to mention eq/boosting options, impulses,etc).

I do hope if there is no polyphonic octave/pitch shifter yet they figure one out and add it in an update. I know I can run something in one of the 4 FX loops but I would love to just have this as a stand alone and not need to use anything alse.

I wish the Canadian $$ was stronger, these will probably be around $1850 here (and over $2000 with tax) but I guess I do pretty much have 3 grand sitting on my pedal board so its not like I wont spend silly money on stuff to step on :lol:...and I am getting REALLY tired of hauling around my pedealtrain pro...with the hardcase (75 pounds or so)

I will probably wait for at least a half a year and buy used to save on tax an take advantage of price depreciation (since I still don't want to sell any of my pedals :nono:)
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Business Secrets of the Pharoahs
Mar 14, 2013
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New Windsor
It should be: turn on, put knobs at 12 o'clock and then fine tune already great sound.

You, my friend, just described life with a Kemper :) I've owned mine for several months and have yet to adjust a single EQ knob. Even with my own Mark V profiles - everything set to noon is where the magic is! I suppose this is to be expected, as this is the profile at its most "natural" setting (the one you'd profile in the first place). Anyway...

I've been considering biting the bullet and buying one from Sweetwater just to be an early adopter, but I just can't justify the cost, especially since I have a Kemper and already plan on getting an Axe later this year. I do think this is one of the sexiest mfx/pedals/modelers to come along in a while. It rivals the classic mad scientist mojo of the Kemper!

Can't wait to hear more, though.


Is Post-Thrash?
Nov 14, 2012
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When used ones come out I might sell all my pedal except for my Aguilar pre and just take this around for gigs.